FREE GSQ by Glamsquad Hair Accessories at CVS + Earn A Profit w/Account & App

  • 5K Club

    Visit the company’s website to get the app from the Apple or Google Stores.
    Check your app for a CVS Coupon for $3.00/1 GSQ by Glamsquad Hair Care and Styling product OR an offer for 30% Off GSQ by Glamsquad Beauty Tools and Accessories.
    Buy 1 GSQ by Glamsquad XL Sectioning Clips for $8.29.
    Redeem your coupon to pay only $5.29.
    Buy 1 and receive $10.00 ExtraBucks making your clips free and $4.71 profit.
    Don’t worry if you don’t have the coupon! You can still get the GSQ by Glamsquad XL Sectioning Clips for $8.29, get your $10 ExtraBucks and receive your clips free plus $1.71 profit.
    OR buy one GSQ by Glamsquad Mega Hold Clips for $8.59, get your $10.00 ExtraBucks and score your clips for free plus $1.41 profit!

  • There are some hair brushes, etc., that qualify as well. You can search the CVS website for GSQ to see…


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