Expired Amazon Prime Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues, 8 for $12.82 / Save $10 on 3 select item(s) S&S 24 boxs for $28.46
Good deal. Here’s the plus lotion link which is the exact same price - https://www.amazon.com/Puffs-Lotion-Facial-Tissue-Tissues/dp/B09YKRZR22?tag=phtwllt-20
Am I the only one that always has 5+ S&S items to save the extra money? In this case is 10% extra so the total is $24.40 before tax:
Items (3): $40.47
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Subscribe & Save: -$6.07
Multibuy Discount: -$10.00
Total before tax: $24.40