05/10/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/what-is-de-inking

Posts made by Connman
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Watch for an email titled: "Your Members Update: Mystery Bonus Inside"
In it is a link to collect “Mystery Points” - 6 points!I don’t see an expiration date on getting the freebie points this time, so act now!
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/08/18 - Email/VGN Bonus #1 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=Mzg1MDBfMGFkN2Y2NGRmOTc3NGE3NThkNTQyMzdiNTI3ZDRlNDc=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180508_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
05/08/18 - Email/VGN Bonus #2 - 10 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earnpoints?link=Mzg0OTlfMzY4OTYyNmFkZWExOGFkMDkzNDg0NDVhMjQzOGM1NGE=&utm_source=recyclebank&utm_medium=email&utm_term=20180508_VGN&utm_content=recyclebank&utm_campaign=vgn
05/09/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/what-greenhouse-gas-is-created-when-food-scraps-decompose-in-a-landfill
05/0918 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/match-the-plastic-product-with-its-recycling-number
RE: Official Kellogg's Family Rewards Program Codes Master Thread (program to end 12/31/2022)
It’s supposed to be 50 pts…per the email I received.
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/07/18 - 5 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/when-it-comes-to-trash-and-recycling-what-does-msw-stand-for
05/07/18 - 30 pts - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/enjoy-and-care-for-the-outdoors-this-spring
RE: Official Recyclebank Master Thread (NOW DEFUNCT)
05/4/18 Email/Re-Earn - UP TO 35 pts: 5 pts PLUS 5 pts per correct answer - 6 EASY questions - https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/earn-points/crystal-clear-glass-facts-test-your-knowledge
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Take $1.25 off the first night of any disc rental.
Use code RZ6R5EG3 by 05/06/2018 @ 11:59 PM