Today’s drops:
Northpointe Savings and Money Market accounts were 1.65% now 1.05%
Bank5Connect Savings was 1.5% now 1.4%
Today’s drops:
Northpointe Savings and Money Market accounts were 1.65% now 1.05%
Bank5Connect Savings was 1.5% now 1.4%
Today’s drops:
Patriot Bank was 2.00% guaranteed through 7/31/20 now 1.75% guaranteed through 4/30/20
HSBC was 1.85% now 1.70%
Virtual Bank was 1.40% now 1.25%
Zion Bank was 0.85% now 0.50%
Today’s drops:
Vio was 1.85 now 1.75
Brio was 1.85 now 1.65
Popular was 1.80 now 1.70
Credit Karma was 1.3 now 0.56
More drops today:
Synchrony was 1.7 now 1.5
Mutual One was 1.51 now 1.26
FNBO was 1.5 now 1.0
Customer’s Bank was 1.25 now 0.25
Memory Bank was 1.25 now 0.5
Lots of drops today:
NASB was 1.97 now 0.75
Dollar Savings was 1.8 now 1.5
Smarty Pig was 1.75 now 1.6
Sallie Mae was 1.7 now 1.5
Bank5Connect was 1.65 now 1.5
Rising Bank was 1.62 now 1.02
My Savings Direct was 1.6 now 1.00
Betterment was 1.37 now 0.78
iGoBanking was 1.35 now 0.75
Wealthfront was 1.27 now 0.26
SalemFive was 1.25 now 1.00
Radius Bank was 1.15 now 0.25
Personal Capital was 1.05 now 0.05
My Banking Direct was 1.01 now 0.25
EBSB was 0.85 now 0.62
Both Northpointe account offerings down to 1.65% from 1.85%.
Bank 7 down to 1.40% from 1.76%.
igobanking down to 1.45 from 1.75% money market and to 1.4% from 1.7% savings.
@goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:
Redneck and All America
Notice - Effective March 21, 2020 the rate is changing, 1.50% APY*
Ouch! I’m sure there’s more decreases coming.
Had some significant decreases today. Some of the top ones that dropped:
CFG - was 2.05% now 1.90%
Brio - was 2% now 1.85%
Customer’s - was 1.95% now 1.25%
Comenity - was 1.90% now 1.55%
Popular - was 1.90% now 1.80%
Virtual - was 1.80% now 1.4%
MySavingsDirect - was 1.80% now 1.70%
Wealthfront - was 1.78% now 1.27%
Investor’s - was 1.75% now 1.50%
Barclay’s - was 1.70% now 1.60%
State Farm - was 1.65% now 1.25%
@goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:
CFG <25K 2.05% (was 2.10%) >25K 2.15% (was 2.25%)
Brio Direct 2.05% (was 2.10%)
HSBC 2.00% (was 2.05%)
Both UFB accounts down to 1.90% (were 2.00%)
Vio Bank 1.95% (was 2.02%)
TAB Bank 1.90% (was 2.10%)
Comenity Direct 1.90% (was 2.00%)
WebBank 1.86% (was 1.95%)
Northpointe both accounts 1.85% (was 1.95%)
Bank 7 1.76% (was 1.91%)
MySavingsDirect 1.80% (was 1.90%)
CIT Bank Savings Builder 1.80% (was 1.85%)
Wealthfront Cash 1.78% (was 1.82%)
State Farm Bank 1.75% (was 1.85%)
Synchrony Bank 1.70% (was 1.80%)
Northfield Bank Platinum Savings 1.65% (was 1.90%)
Thanks @goldsheet!!! Table is updated.
@l_tiger said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:
Just received an email from LiveOakBank. The rate for savings account is lowered to 1.85% (from 2.00%).
Thanks! Their website doesn’t even reflect this yet.