HD HOUSEKEEPING: Black Friday 2023, forum clean up and master thread to be created for ad scans

  • Global Moderator

    To the PhatPhamily:

    1. as you know, Black Friday ads and great sales start hitting around Halloween.
      PLEASE, go through your current threads in HD or Drug/Grocery and mark expired ones “EXPIRED” in the title (not as a reply) so we can move them to expired to clean up the boards of old deals

    2. Prior to 10/31, we will add a MASTER thread for BLACK FRIDAY (inc 3 day ads) AD SCANS for all types of merchants (department stores, pet, drug, hardware, beauty, supermarkets (gift card promos) etc.

    Please post JUST AD SCANS in this thread, not specific deals. Rather than have 25 threads with nothing but ad scans, this will serve as a one stop resources for people to find BF ads

    Ie: Staples Black Friday Ad Scan, Kohls Black Friday Ad Scan, Walgreens BF, and the link to the ad. Nothing else.

    Black friday DEALS focusing on one or multiple deals should go in HD or Drug as appropriate. ie, Best Buy 50" 4K TV $199, Rite Aid Black Friday Deals (3 days), $15bc on $50, Free a/BC candy,

    You can include the ad scan with a specific deal in a specific deal thread but no deals in the master AD SCAN thread. I think everyone gets the idea.

    Also, please be sure to check CB rates to make deal threads hotter, we often see 10-20% back at popular merchants like OD, Groupon, Macy’s, Rite Aid, etc.

  • Reply w/ Expired as well to make it easier on the Admins


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