Hy-Vee prescription transfer bonus with flyer coupon

  • The current Hy-Vee flyer has coupons for the following when you transfer and fill a prescription .

    On the first fill with a transfer, you get $2.00 per gallon off on a gasoline purchase, sign up for a free gas perks card to get the offer. Exp 10-31-2017

    On the second refill of the same prescription, Hy-Vee gives a $25 grocery card. Exp 11-31-2017

    On the third refill of the same prescription, Hy-Vee gives a $50 grocery card. Exp 12-31-2017

    The flyer was in inserts, and also at the front door of my local Hy-Vee in Madison WI.


    Picked up 3 scripts today, and got $2 for transfering the first one, and $1 each for the other 2 transfers, for a total of $4 off of gas, gas will be whatever the pump price is, taken off the $4, and the next fill up will be whats left of the original $4

    Example, $4 gas savings, at $2.23, would leave a balance off of $1.77 toward the next fill up. The lowest the gas can cost is 1.9 cents.

    The second refill of one of these, will get a $25 Hyvee card
    The third of refill of one of these will get a $50 Hyvee card


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