Expired Amazon Prime SEMIER Portable AM FM Shortwave Radio W/ Bluetooth Speaker Plug in Wall, 3X D Cell (AC Power) Transistor Radio 2 Tone Mode,(2 - 6 Watts) Ld Spr, AUX/USB/TF Card 20% Online Cpn, 30% promo code: KX7DO4ZG U $34.99=$17.49 ExpUnk
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQVP3GY4?tag=phtwllt-20 1
I ordered one, it promises big things! Can’t wait to try it, there are no reviews yet!
It came yesterday. The box says 2-2 watts, not 2-6 watts, on Amazon! I called Amazon today, and received a full refund of the price, and they let me keep the radio!