San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
105.3 Lintlit Morales
@bb-8 I missed hearing one of those Rod Stewarts!! --YES, it is a Match!!
91-X—??? I don’t have time to get it------Going to print my Comic con Pre-Pass verification
@ronzilla i’m on my way there to see hillary in the lexus parking lot
Z90 pen
Z-90----Bear & Pen
Missed GLOW–Hit every Red light coming home!!
100.7----#11----#31-------MATCHED ROD STEWART
91-X-------??? WHEN IS HILLARY doing these–she announced songs–OOOOOPS!! 91-X is probably DONE with their Comic Con game
@bb-8 Isn’t she in the “action zone” in the gaslamp, Behind Petco?? I’ve been there before! she’ll be there the entire 4 days of Comicon–I’ll see her tomorrow & sat–I know her From years ago
KSON–F B ----HEATHER MARQUEZ<< lot of “Heathers” latley
?? tuned in 11:37–11:44 --LOL Amber was dowstairs having a cigarette!! been in the elevator when she’s Racing back to the studio–Because she only has 1 automated “New song” as her “Buffer”
Z-90–#2-------OIL and Friday (thanks GOTNO)
Z90 friday and oil
949—SPACE (thanks cshell!!)
94.1---- did they just do it AS I tuned in @ 17 After??? OR just it was coming Up?? 91-X must not be giving away–friday or saturday tickets—OVER–NO WORDS–LAST 2 TIMES!!
@ronzilla space
@cshell1 THANKS!! like i said—Listening 50//50 and Nothing from 91-X (OVER)==Messed all of it up!! --NOW 94.1 May have gone early----Ryan Picked Up–winner!!
@ronzilla can’t remember name, but it was a Spanish name, girl name
94.1-----Person called in & WON!! —He did it 3 minutes EARLY!!
Z90 robot and corn
KyXy------SYLVIA MORGAN–S D ( recently Called somewhere)
KyXy Alexa - Silvia Morgan
1007 Match Game
1 = 4 Pack Birch Aquarium
2 = Ring Video Doorbell GONE
3 = JC Penny Portrait Pkg matches 14
4 = $500 Southwest Air Gift Card
5 = Boomers GONE
6 = Ray Ban Aviators GONE
8 = Smashing Pumpkins matches 10
10 = Smashing Pumpkins matches 8
11 = Rod Stewart Vegas Pkg GONE
12 = $500 GONE
13 = Regal Cinemas matches 29
14 = JC Penny Portrait Pkg matches 3
16 = Ray Ban Aviators GONE
17 = Universal Studios
18 = Van Morrison tix GONE
20 = Van Morrison tix GONE
21 = Maglite Prize Pkg
22 = Boomers GONE
23 = Dell Laptop GONE
24 = $1,000
26 = $100
27 = Amazon Echo GONE
28 = $500 GONE
29 = Regal Cinemas matches 13
30 = Dell Laptop GONE
31 = Rod Stewart Vegas Pkg GONE
33 = Ring Doorbell Video GONE
36 = Magic Mike Vegas
37 = iPad mini matches 39
38 = Nintendo Switch
39 = iPad mini matches 37
40 = Amazon Echo GONE
94.1-----2:15 gotta get here Early!! 12:16-17 last time!!-------MARISOL MAGANA
(2:18) Ronzilla 10K CLUB a day ago
94.1—MARISOL MENDEZ–National City…Lucky for ppl named Marisol & Heather
I missed 100.7—They would’ve blocked 2 others!! Missed ONE to get five!!
Rock 105.3 Disney - Ariana Silio? of Spring Valley
Z-90---------PRINCE NOT IT—no spelling or anything else jusy says it!! SOUNDS LIKE PRINCE!! same guy Same BS as yesterday!!
missed #2 trying to figure out THIS MESS! PRINT tried Prints, then PRINT–IT’S PRINT
Z90 print and rip
kYxY----------MARK ROBERTS–N C
KyXy Alexa - Mark Roberts of National City
949-------ROAD<<<tied W/KyXy
98.1–T a D -----3:20??? ------EDDIE LOPEZ----POWAY
(3:24)—EDDIE called in & WON THE TRIP!!
GLOW--------BIG<<< finished!!!