Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
Daily Quiz = 1889 / Gene Autry
Reader Quest = ESL Holdings / All of the above
Daily Quiz: 1889 / Gene Autry
This post is deleted!
Facebook: The Polar Express
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Solstice
Reader Quest = Your Holiday Sweet Spot / Christmas goodies
Daily Quiz = Under the mistletoe / Black
Daily Quiz: The bible doesn’t say / Egypt
Buzz: manger
Daily Quiz: Pacific Ocean / Montana
@milty said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints):
Daily Quiz: Pacific Ocean / Montana
Correct answers are Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean.
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Nativity
Facebook: Merry Christmas
Daily Quiz = Jacqueline Kennedy / Poinsettia
Reader Quest = Malaria / Birds of prey!SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Feliz Navidad
Facebook = Santa (“Merry Christmas” is the theme this week)
@kateivan Thank you for the correction. It must have been too early for me!
A Merry and Blessed Christmas to all! (sans the stock market)
Daily Quiz: 336 / Alabama
Buzz word: Christmas
Facebook: Christmas
@vickib And to you as well!
Holiday Code Word = Joyful
Reader Quest = Aromatic Chicken and Chickpea Stew / Guardians of truthMerry Christmas
to all who are celebrating today.
Facebook: Nativity
Daily quiz: Boxing Day / Capricorn
Buzz word: Boxing Day
Reader Quest = Brexit / Delta
Newsletter code: 1792
Daily Quiz: Alert / Frosty, Alaska
Facebook: Noel
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Kwanzaa
Reader Quest = Store intercom / That’s a Winner
Daily Quiz: Hanukkah / 1966
Facebook: Wreath
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Poinsettia
Reader Quest = Spirit / All of the above
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Immanuel
Daily Quiz = Bring prosperity for the next year / Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Daily Quiz: New Zealand / Scotland
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Mistletoe
Facebook: Auld Lang Syne
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Noel
Daily Quiz = “times gone by” / 1904
Reader Quest = 7000 / Farout
Facebook: New Year
Daily 1Quiz: Italy / News
Reader Quest = Affordable housing / Sandra Bullock
Anyone find the buzz word in today’s paper? I looked twice through the e-edition but couldn’t locate it.
Happy new year!
Holiday code word: toast
Daily bonus code word: Killington (per SacBee Rewards Facebook post)
Facebook: Toast
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = ALTA (per Facebook post … code was not published in today’s paper)
Daily Quiz = FALSE / Wednesday
Reader Quest = 0.62% / FALSE
Newsletter Bonus Code - 8215
Facebook: Champagne
Daily Quiz: Red/ False
Readers: Apollo 8/Matt Nagy
SacBee Daily Bonus Word = Deer Valley
SacBee daily bonus word = Heavenly
Facebook = Resolutions
Reader Quest = John C. Reilly & Will Ferrell / Of Blood and Bone
Daily Quiz = Vitamin A / B3
SacBee daily bonus word = Squaw Valley
Daily Quiz = Grazing / Three to Five
Daily Quiz: Your stomach / Right before you exercise
Word:: Dodge Ridge
SacBee daily bonus word = Dodge Ridge