Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
Daily quiz: ? / The Beatles ( you will still get the points with one right)
Reader Quest = Zsa Zsa
/ Road Warrior
Sacbee daily bonus word = Amusement park
Facebook = Russia
Daily quiz: Madonna Louise Ciccone / Michael Jackson
Facebook: Portugal
Buzz: baseball
Reader Quest = Party City / James Harden
Weekly e-mail code 5177
Daily quiz: 8 / 5
Facebook: France
Buzz: Stargaze
Reader Quest = DEVICE / Rojo magic!
Daily: 80 / 5
Facebook = Argentina
Reader Quest = Sacramento / Adios, champs!
Sacbee daily bonus word = Road trip
Daily: 6 / 47
Buzz word: wet suit
Ticket: surfboard
Reader Quest = SUPREME COURT / Germany
Facebook = Brazil
Daily: 1997 / Lion
Sacbee daily bonus word = Fishing
Daily : Mongol empire / Cerebrum
Sacbee daily bonus word = Russia
Daily: Don Quixote / Ottoman Empire
Buzz: Moscow
Reader Quest = Tesla / Hollywood beginning!
Facebook = Parades
Daily: triangle / Battle of the Somme
Sacbee daily bonus word = Sweden
Facebook = FireworksReader Quest not yet posted as of 9:18 a.m. I wonât be available to follow up until this afternoon. Hope you all have a fab day!
Reader Quest: this is not a normal time / Whoa!
weekly E-mail Code - 3353
Daily: Patrick Henry / 4
Buzz: Morocco
Reader Quest = Belgium / Mexico
Facebook = Independence
Happy 4th of July!
Holiday E-mail - Independence Day
Daily: 5,500,000 / Murcury
Facebook: Flag
Reader Quest = PETS / Fireworks, family and food
Sacbee daily bonus word = Switzerland
Daily: Marco Polo / Julius Saesar
Buzz: senegal
Facebook: Ice cream
Ticket: France
Reader Quest = A HAPPY HOLIDAY / 74
Daily: True / Thespis
Sacbee daily bonus word = St. Petersburg
Daily: A radioactive decay process / Troy
Sacbee daily bonus word = Denmark
Daily: 2 / Menlo Part
Facebook: Russia
Reader Quest = 4 / STAR GAZING
Sacbee daily bonus word = Australia
Daily : Addition of interest to the principal sum / False
Facebook: Sochi
Buzz: Costa Rica