Disney+ Subscription 25% back from iBotta exp. 5/17/21
I thought this was a good deal for me (if it works) so thought I’d share.
There’s currently a $5 iBotta bonus if you make 2 online purchases through their app. I was scrolling through the merchants debating ordering a can of cat food on Petco.com when I saw 25% back on Disney+ exp. 5/17. I only wanted Disney+, not Hulu & ESPN. The link showed monthly fee for Disney+ or annual subscription for the Premium package. At the bottom was an option to give a gift to a new subscriber. I ordered a gift for myself for $79.99/yr vs.$7.95/mo. I paid with Discover since they have 5% back on streaming services this quarter. My order should count towards the $5 iBotta bonus.
$79.95 get back 25% from iBotta ($19.98), 5% from Discover ($4) and 1/2 of the iBotta bonus ($2.50). $53.96 for the year. I might pay the Discover charge with accumulated Discover Cash Back.