2nd Chance Lottery Monthly Sweepstakes - Win $50000 Cash! - Expired On 05/31/2023 - US Only

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    Enter losing lottery tickets to win $1,000 weekly through a random drawing with four possible chances to win the weekly sweepstakes and one chance to instantly win the monthly MegaSweepstakes worth $50,000. Don’t have lottery tickets? That’s ok! If you do not have a lottery ticket you can still enter by uploading the image of a white sheet of paper with the words “I do not have a losing lottery ticket”, and the upload date written on each sheet of paper in black ink.
    How to enter:
    During the Sweepstakes Entry Period go to www.2ndchancelottery.com (“Website”) and register by providing your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password, Gender, State, Zip Code and Year of Birth. Registering is free and every registrant receives one (1) ticket upload credit. You will receive one (1) entry in the Sweepstakes for each unique lottery ticket you submit and upload.
    Start Date: 2023-05-01
    End Date: 2023-05-31
    Age Requirement: 18+
    Region Detail: United States
    Entry Type: Multiple
    One Monthly Prize winner will win $50000 cash.
    Four weekly prize winners will each receive $1000 cash!
    Entry url: [https://www.2ndchancelottery.com/2CL/contest/details/36393?utm_source=sweeps&utm_medium=site&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=10]([link url]

    Rules url:


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