Onn USB Numeric Keypad, $1.00 @ Walmart B&M (YMMV)
It’s on in-store clearance @ some Walmart B&M’s for $1.00.
Here’s the product link to Walmart.com (for reference purposes only) @ $7.63:
Onn by Walmart Usb Numeric 10-key PadYou can try searching BrickSeek for it (SKU #: 465165161)
1 WM in my area had it in-stock @ $1.00. It appears to be in-stock for $7.63 at several other WM’s, OOS for $1.00 at various others. If you have at least two local WM’s, where one has it in-stock for $7.63 and the other offers it for $1.00 (whether it’s in-stock or not), if the WM selling it for $7.63 won’t honor the other WM’s $1.00 price, buy it for $7.63 at the first WM, then bring it to the 2nd WM for a price adjustment (or a return/repurchase). YMMV on whether they’ll permit this (I’ve had success using this method in the past).