San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
@aztec4life Congrats!!! I’m glad one of us won! This contest slipped my mind today ahhhhhhh
95.7 200200 FAST
97.3 - BORDER to 72881
*** Good evening everyone
DAD-200200 DIG 200200 BILLS
cory shultz// COREY SCHULTZ E C
Border text to 72881
bills circle dad fast dig dollars cash text to 200200
For the Winner Weekend Sea World on-air contest, listen to the station each day starting at 8:00 a.m. (PT) and ending at 11:00 p.m. (PT) starting on January 12, 2019 and ending on January 13, 2019 listen for the cue to call. Caller 10 to 833-287-1037 after the cue to call airs will,
FOX 5 enter on their web page
FOX 5 wants to Pay Your Rent, and that’s not all! Win $2,000 plus a free trip to Hollywood to watch RENT LIVE
8:10–949—RAUL GARCIA
7:10 949…was Aaron//Erin Winter
kyxy—“Winner’s Weekend”—RARE<<<*>>>> $100 Fleming’s Steakhouse
9:10—949-----FRANK GOULD no towns are being said…but the Name is the Most Important, anyway.
949—Nominee----KATHY//CATHY MONROE
KYXY-------“Win your Steak”------sirloin
94.9 2nd chance: christine castillo
DOROTHY TRAN=-STALLED IT & Covered Up the 949 Name!! …Missed on the Stream—Only Caught, “Girl you Nailed It”–and ASHLEE Isn’t Picking UP!–Now ALL Busy Signals!! ! Second Chance LOSERS, Anyway
@seenya619 Where did This come From?? You were Completely INVISIBLE…until I logged Back IN----Second Chance Losers, Anyway—I DID Hear it was a Girl’s Name …just Missed it Because it SEEMED like Dorothy was PURPOSELY STALLING!!..Missed my Call-in trying to get a name I KNEW WAS NOT MINE!
Don’t STALL----KYXY-----“Make yer Steak”----plate
JANUARY 11-13: Listen to STAR 94.1 this weekend for the cue to call 866-570-1941 and you could win a gift card to a participating restaurant for San Diego Restaurant Week when it returns January 20 –27!
OK, NOW!! Much better----4-Pack of SEAWORLD TICKETS—Caller #10!!
@ronzilla heard you, congrats! I was caller 5 then my other line got thru after i hung up with ring out.
@ronzilla congrats
@ronzilla wow!! Nice weekend prize… how cool…
i COULDN’T Listen–too close to these next ones! But it was very nice talking to Gary
@yabbersgoo11 DID they Play the "How do you spell Country??—“KSON or you’re Spelling it Wrong” ??
@seenya619 YEP, had all 3 phones ringing…almost a 1 in 3 chance that way—#7, #10 and a ringout!
@ronzilla yeah they did 😂
KYXY-----“Where’s the Beef?” Weekend-------EAT
@yabbersgoo11 I was hoping so…Gary liked it and got a good chuckle out of it…LOL
94.9 alisa or alisha dudley
This post is deleted!
@seenya619 -It was someone in PB …I can check my weekday postings on 949’s FB pg OH! I remember that one, just the Other Day…all the variations I posted–Alicia, Aleesha, Alisha, Alyssa//Alisa
949—2ND Chance-------ROBERTO PERELLA??…sounded More like Berella//Barella on the Stream–RAMONA
94.9 roberto barilla or varilla of ramona
949----2nd shot weekend----PAIGE GOLD C’BAD
YEEEEEEW! –WIN #2 *For another SEAWORLD 4-Pack
JANUARY 11-13: Listen to JAM’N 95.7 this weekend to win a family 4 pack of tickets to Supercross when it comes to Petco Park on Saturday, February 2nd…Yesterday, they just said Supercross weekend for Supercross Tickets!! I Thought they meant a PAIR!!
Contest line: 888-570-1957
94.9 corey schultz of santee
949–Sunday 7:10am ANDRE CORONA
949 Sunday 8:10am CHARLES MADSEN//MADSON
Bridal Bazar
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
111 Harbor Drive
S.D., Can 92101
Free ticket code: 2free (put this in after you enter your information and cost will change to 0)
I have no use for my two tickets so if you can not get tickets with this code you can have my two tickets.
KYXY --First Stab at Steak —DESSERT >>>>>and the 949-------2nd chance----SANDRA McCLANE