San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
94.9 1:10 name: Sophia Flores from RanchoPenasquitos
@nola Thank You, sometimes I’m “Ricocheting” all over here & FB I’m not on one station long enough to catch them
@cmariyaa ALL 9 code words set up in a Row, Mighty fine posting, “That’s the Way to Go!”
@seenya619 thanks for posting it
@amberlynn congrats
2p 100.7 name - $200 Ricky Hiatt of Santee (call 858-571-8888 front desk because studio phone having trouble)
-text STEREO
100.7----RICKY HIATT–santee-------888 570-1007 is down---------(858) 571-8888
ricky hiatt santee
100.7 stereo
Magic 92.5 // Win DISNEYLAND passes! Listen from 2-3PM for “Where Is The Love” by Black Eyed Peas, THEN BE caller 9 to (619) 570-1925!
94.9--------MONICA RYAN bay park
KSON John Ward
96.5 Luz Rodriguez of Chula Vista
94.9 Monica Ryan of Baypark
2:10 names: 103.7: John Ward, 94.9: Monica Ryan from Bay Park
KYXY Luz Rodriquez CV
Alt 94/9 Monica Ryan Bay Park
91–X lag is more than 1 minute 10 sec>…Watch here IF Needed!!
91-X—BLACK KEYS!----go–hit it
2:24 91x artist playing
Oh man, 92.5 and 91X went at the same time!😒😥
plus 94.1 crammed in there, contesting is fun!
@dstall63 did 94.1 also give the cue to call at the same time? I was trying to catch that one too, but must’ve missed it.😪
@dstall63 @AmberLynn DAGNABBIT I was trying to catch the next SUNNY Vin Diego - did anybody happen to notice it go ?
The timing on these is a conspiracy lmao
@littlemissfelina as far as I know, it was just the one at 12:40. They may have another chance around 3:20
@amberlynn 92.5, 91-x & 94.1 (early) were separated by 2 minutes for all 3 ----probably why 94.1 was about 3 minutes early
@amberlynn thank you! I’m hoping to join the winners’ circle and see you there
@littlemissfelina good luck! I hope so too!
3:10 names: 94.9: Mateo Rojillio, 103.7: Ashley Shields
949------MIGUEL//McHALE RAJILLIO//REGILIO—let’s go with MATEO!! lol!! lol --KSON was right on it’s Tails
@littlemissfelina --Your # 8s & “We Just got our Winner” will soon become 9s & 10s, hopefully, in a mnin-streak of 2-4 in a week!! Good Luck!!
@littlemissfelina hopefully I didn’t lead you astray with 98.1. Last week they gave away tickets around 3:20 everyday. If not at that time, try in the 4 o’clock hour! Anyone else have any clues when to listen?
@amberlynn To make it even easier, we’ll tell you at what time we’ll be announcing each day’s winning name. Simply tune in at 7:40am or 8:40am to hear that day’s winning time! Good luck and happy travels!!
The New Sunny 98.1’s Trip-A-Day Giveaway sends you to Hawaii! You and a guest will receive airfare, and enjoy 4 nights at the iconic resort in Waikiki on the island of O‘ahu,
@amberlynn I Think the 3:20 ----may be at 4:20–4:35pm one is For VinDiego—it was Last Week (Prize–not time) I didn’t think of it until, 3:25—Hope it wasn’t 3:15–3:25 Again!!–Listening for a Bit–Nothing about it coming up==so far!
@bigd thanks, but I was referring to their other prize giveaways, specifically VinDiego 😊
@ronzilla I sure hope so!
100.7------------------BEN HICKS–L G---------------------------RICKY HIATT got $200 @ the 2pm call
100.7 ben hicks lemon grove
949--------ARTHUR BANK–P L <<<Triple Repeat
Sara vs SD
103.7 4:10 name: Molly Roberts
TAD - Enrique Gutierrez- Chula Vista
SUNNY 98.1–T a D --------4:20--------------ENRIQUE GUTIEREZ <<That should be closer!! hard to spell when 2 other Radios are going Call Right Now!!
97.3 Vegas Getaway Codeword: Driver
Tammy’s Cheat Sheet for tomorrow - VinDiego
- Rush Hour
- Football (thanks @Puggle)
@amberlynn yes but, oops, I don’t remember the specifics now … done a bunch since then.
@littlemissfelina and 4:20-4:35, sorry for sending after the fact.
5p 200200 Happy