San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
I think that as My friend, Justin, that just won on 91-X-, Sure sounded like Him!!-I’m going sunday, as well---- well Done!! (I Hope)
98.1–T a D —KRISTY HARLING 10 Minutes to Call!
Today at 11:03 AM
T a D -----------Kristy//Christie Harling
91x — Friday — Silversun
91-xSILVRSUN? for friday
949, 91-X, 100.7 ALL Within 20 seconds----A Collision OF Misses!! I heard 949 (easy one) But Forgot it trying to Hear Hillary!!—It was Hillary, “enter Silver…,” with Allysa, “just enter the word…” and The 100.7 guy making his 3rd guess—at the Same Time!! impossible… When Hillary repeated Silversun…949 went right out the window!!
100.7 was IN the Low TO Mid $500s–I heard him guess $527–Higher–then $540 something & Alyssa & Hillary Started saying their Codes!! Sounds like one of the Next 2 should Nail it!!
Kristin Pasquel 98.1 FB
98.1-F B --KRISTEN PASTALL//PASCALL?–Tied With KSON I think PASQUEL is CORRECT.…KSON’s “Lucy” at the same Time–Distracted me from getting it 100%
(11:42) even if I saw Runzibo …I"d give it a try
94.9 lineup
@puggle THANKS!! I knew it was an Easy One-----Band LINEUP!!
91x — dmb
91-X------SAT------DMB LOL .My “M” went crazy--------DMMMMMMMMMMMMMB is what it Would’ve beeeeeeeeeen!!
GLOW- right
anyone get close to KYXY?? I told a former active member the secret, and She Won on Monday! good to hear Her WIN!!
I’m ready for 1 o’clock - Steaming 91x and listening to 949
GLOW—FUN ---------OOPS! I never hit “Submit” on Glow from a few Hours ago!! Oh well! All in the FUN
91x —toots 949 - moon
91-X—TUNE–Not Sure --TIDE AGAIN!! She’S getting GOOD! I Would NOT use TUNE—IT’s TOOTS!! on the stream!! Geez! YES–TOOTS + MOON …I see how it sounded like TUNE!! USE TOOTS!!
@jodib858 a new and upcoming star , thanks
@bb-8 just doing my part 😊😊😊
@ronzilla with the 91x words I try and enter them to verify them before posting. 😊
@jodib858 YES!! a great idea, No textability Here, just my Lame brain malfunctions!!–why I liked Z-90’s Form, it rejected all wrong entries, But i could usually get it by entering “Sound Alikes” until it Took It—But when Toots & Moon …Tie, one can influence the other Toots + Moon gave me Tune…why I said it wasn’t good while waiting for the stream to go. I see you had it covered…and I was the support post----so a Miss would have never happened, the Main goal!! Alyssa is getting Much better…not doing the “one word sentence” by talking so fast + Spelling them sure helps, with the “Fs”, “S” , “P”, “T” “D”, “M” , “N” and other sound alike//similar letters–another great reason for Double Posting-----VERYFICATION—Sometimes I see it & Think–Yes!! that was It!! I was a Letter//Couple Off—“F” instead of “S”!
What number do we text the code word to for 91x? Why can’t I find it???
@bb-8 BB!! hope all is well!! I know you had a lot of Trollying for a Bit—hope BB-88 is back in Force!! “the more the merrier”!! Great to see you rejoining the Merriment!!
@trixie3x7 Found it!! 😂
94.1----SUN 200200
@trixie3x7 33619
94.9 — PACIFIC
Looks like another 100.7, 91-X. 949 Tie
91X ---- KINGS
YES!! ALL three TIED Again!! --NO WINNER ON 100.7 All I could hear CLEARLY!! she got the 2 buffets!! KINGS ON 91-X Fits the “Ings” that I Heard-- Part–Not enough to Post–STREAM VERIFIED–KINGS…and 100% on Pacific
@ronzilla last i know was 721 high and 628 was low
OMG!! I’ve had this"What am I forgetting?" Feeling All Day----umm, DUH, You Mean, THIS?? (What a Freaking IDIOT!!)>>WINNING WEDNESDAY: Listen to STAR 94.1 every hour between 8am and 5pm on Wednesday, September 11th for the cue to call 866-570-1941 and you could win a family four-pack of tickets to SeaWorld San Diego. well, there’s Still 3 more, BUT Missed SIX TIMES!!
@bb-8 Last I got was the 3way tie, with the $527 Lo, a $540 SOMETHING…and Nothing after, except the Consolation Prize being Mentioned!
91-X-----SUBLIME…no Day Mentioned
91X ---- SUBLIME
glow–IS LATE----------CRUISE//Not Missed!! …must have got an end to a Promo!!
Will Re-Use for 949 coming in 1 or 2 minutes!!—took Jeremy 4++ minutes to get to it–POSTED TWICE BELOW…Don’t want this to appear as a “Jump Post” jodi858 Has it, Just Below, and I followed it, as well!–Not Missed!
@ronzilla My theory would be Saturday because Sublime with Rome is Saturday and Friday was last hour.
94.9 - WHITE
@jodib858 agreed…Bands match which Day!! Hillary says it all the time, “BAND” is playing on Sunday, so text “BAND” for Sunday tickets—I Just didn’t know which day they played…Was going to My FB page to check, but you answered before I left here
949--------WHITE…should have posted THIS Before replying—Keep it inline!!----WHITE for 949!! WHITE
94.1-----DANCE 200200
91X SUNDAY — MUMFORD ------ (and no actual 5pm for 91X
91-X-----MUMFORD–SUNDAY, Might be OUT for a minute, broke something Huge Mess! plus 100.7 just started another song, 5 seconds after Jeremy did…going for the 949 Block!!