San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 500 Club

    @bryanwr we gunna hav guud weeknd /mow jigga wow wow diss gurlll won concert 2day alzo - good vibz hun

    @bryanwr we gunna hav guud weeknd /mow jigga wow wow diss gurlll won concert 2day alzo - good vibz hun

  • 10K Club Banned

    KYXY STUNT 949 1p

    KYXY STUNT 949 1p

  • 500 Club

    setin upx fur jumpost 🙂

    setin upx fur jumpost 🙂

  • 10K Club Banned

    I-HEART LUCKY 1P 20200

    I-HEART LUCKY 1P 20200

  • 10K Club Banned

    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    setin upx fur jumpost 🙂


    @happywife said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    setin upx fur jumpost 🙂


  • 500 Club

    carlos lopez 1007 1 👀

    stunt 72881 1

    lucky 200-200 1

    carlos lopez 1007 1 👀

    stunt 72881 1

    lucky 200-200 1

  • 10K Club Banned

    100.7 CARLOS LOPEZ

    100.7 CARLOS LOPEZ

  • 500 Club

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON Disney ANAHEIM 1:09

    KSON Disney ANAHEIM 1:09

  • 500 Club

    north 72881 2

    north 72881 2

  • 10K Club Banned

    monkeydoug 500 CLUB —>>Some suggested guidlines this forum Used to use…and they worked well and kept it Peacefful and Free of Unnecessary & Off topic “Waste of Space” postings that did Not contribute to the purpose of the forum and posting Good Usable Contest information
    HELLO EVERYONE … Thanks to everyone who posts on here. We’ve all helped each other and it’s fun to see people win. Although I’ve only been back with this group on PhatWallet for a short time, I was part of this group years ago on FatWallet, so I think I’ve earned the right to post a few reminders for all of us:

    We get this stuff for free!
    We are here because winning is fun.
    No one is forcing you to be here.
    PhatWallet is free and none us pay to maintain this website. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to help each other win.
    It’s not a contest to see who can post first. We need everyone’s input to post contest info. Multiple posts are better than none.
    We in this group, as well as the radio personalities, are people.
    People make mistakes… If a code is missed, said incorrectly, or the wrong info gets posted, and can’t be corrected, it’s not the end of the world.
    Remember… We get this stuff for free!
    So let’s just have fun and keep things happy in here… after all, we are just here to help each other win free stuff!!
    And if you read this all, thanks for being here! If you aren’t a registered member, please consider joining so you can help post info. Thanks!

    others made some amedments >>I would like to offer other >suggestions< to add to @monkeydoug list:

    •Be nice, no bullying or personal attacks.
    •Be respectful, no cussing (f’ing, ass, F, WTF, etc. all included).
    •Make sure that your post will benefit everyone, if not, message the individual in the PhatWallet messaging system. If you have to include “@name” in a post, instead, maybe that can be sent via messaging to that person directly.
    •Please don’t post near misses like “I was caller 8 of 9” or your “almost won” gripes, etc. do that on PhatWallet messaging.
    •If someone asks “did someone get a code”, only respond if you “have it”, don’t respond to let us know you didn’t get the code because you were on the phone or on another radio station, etc. (it just wastes space).
    •This is a local San Diego Contest forum, there is another forum on PhatWallet for other stuff.
    •This forum is for contests, please don’t post about PhatWallet technical support items (loss of connection, etc.) etc. there are other forums on PhatWallet for that.
    •Yes, we want to hear about your wins but this forum is not a brag page or a way to tell others you are better at contest play
    •Please post your contest winnings that you want to trade but talk specifics directly in PhatWallet messaging.
    •When posting difficult winners names, try your best or post the name with a “?” and when possible post the city as it might help the winner determine if it is them.
    •Don’t use other peoples real names on the forum, even if you know them or they gave it to you. Everyone should be able to stay anonymous on the forum.

    monkeydoug 500 CLUB —>>Some suggested guidlines this forum Used to use…and they worked well and kept it Peacefful and Free of Unnecessary & Off topic “Waste of Space” postings that did Not contribute to the purpose of the forum and posting Good Usable Contest information
    HELLO EVERYONE … Thanks to everyone who posts on here. We’ve all helped each other and it’s fun to see people win. Although I’ve only been back with this group on PhatWallet for a short time, I was part of this group years ago on FatWallet, so I think I’ve earned the right to post a few reminders for all of us:

    We get this stuff for free!
    We are here because winning is fun.
    No one is forcing you to be here.
    PhatWallet is free and none us pay to maintain this website. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to help each other win.
    It’s not a contest to see who can post first. We need everyone’s input to post contest info. Multiple posts are better than none.
    We in this group, as well as the radio personalities, are people.
    People make mistakes… If a code is missed, said incorrectly, or the wrong info gets posted, and can’t be corrected, it’s not the end of the world.
    Remember… We get this stuff for free!
    So let’s just have fun and keep things happy in here… after all, we are just here to help each other win free stuff!!
    And if you read this all, thanks for being here! If you aren’t a registered member, please consider joining so you can help post info. Thanks!

    others made some amedments >>I would like to offer other >suggestions< to add to @monkeydoug list:

    •Be nice, no bullying or personal attacks.
    •Be respectful, no cussing (f’ing, ass, F, WTF, etc. all included).
    •Make sure that your post will benefit everyone, if not, message the individual in the PhatWallet messaging system. If you have to include “@name” in a post, instead, maybe that can be sent via messaging to that person directly.
    •Please don’t post near misses like “I was caller 8 of 9” or your “almost won” gripes, etc. do that on PhatWallet messaging.
    •If someone asks “did someone get a code”, only respond if you “have it”, don’t respond to let us know you didn’t get the code because you were on the phone or on another radio station, etc. (it just wastes space).
    •This is a local San Diego Contest forum, there is another forum on PhatWallet for other stuff.
    •This forum is for contests, please don’t post about PhatWallet technical support items (loss of connection, etc.) etc. there are other forums on PhatWallet for that.
    •Yes, we want to hear about your wins but this forum is not a brag page or a way to tell others you are better at contest play
    •Please post your contest winnings that you want to trade but talk specifics directly in PhatWallet messaging.
    •When posting difficult winners names, try your best or post the name with a “?” and when possible post the city as it might help the winner determine if it is them.
    •Don’t use other peoples real names on the forum, even if you know them or they gave it to you. Everyone should be able to stay anonymous on the forum.

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    91-X -----STAR TOURS 2P

    91-X -----STAR TOURS 2P

  • 500 Club

    stehanie leyton 1007 2 👀

    stehanie leyton 1007 2 👀

  • 10K Club Banned

    100.7–Stepanie Leighton//Leyton Tied With 91-X …Darn–another “jump post” for 2nd! Postion LOL

    100.7–Stepanie Leighton//Leyton Tied With 91-X …Darn–another “jump post” for 2nd! Postion LOL

  • 10K Club Banned

    Delana 94.1 …doing Maroon 5 in about 5-10 Minutes----866-570-1941

    Delana 94.1 …doing Maroon 5 in about 5-10 Minutes----866-570-1941

  • 500 Club

  • 10K Club Banned

    I-HEART FESTIVAL 2:10P 200200 or >

    I-HEART FESTIVAL 2:10P 200200 or >

  • 500 Club

    wowwwzza manyz bak 2 bak contest calls my fingaz hav blistaz. did me win? 🙂

    Hey it’s PANDAR on Z90, LAST CHANCE to win tickets to DISNEYLAND! Be caller 90 when I play “Talk” by Khalid between 3-6pm today. GL!

    wowwwzza manyz bak 2 bak contest calls my fingaz hav blistaz. did me win? 🙂

    Hey it’s PANDAR on Z90, LAST CHANCE to win tickets to DISNEYLAND! Be caller 90 when I play “Talk” by Khalid between 3-6pm today. GL!

  • 10K Club Banned

    KYXY–ROCK 949 3P

    KYXY–ROCK 949 3P

  • 10K Club Banned

    monkeydoug 500 CLUB —>>Some suggested guidlines this forum Used to use…and they worked well and kept it Peacefful and Free of Unnecessary & Off topic “Waste of Space” postings that did Not contribute to the purpose of the forum and posting Good Usable Contest information
    HELLO EVERYONE … Thanks to everyone who posts on here. We’ve all helped each other and it’s fun to see people win. Although I’ve only been back with this group on PhatWallet for a short time, I was part of this group years ago on FatWallet, so I think I’ve earned the right to post a few reminders for all of us:

    We get this stuff for free!
    We are here because winning is fun.
    No one is forcing you to be here.
    PhatWallet is free and none us pay to maintain this website. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to help each other win.
    It’s not a contest to see who can post first. We need everyone’s input to post contest info. Multiple posts are better than none.
    We in this group, as well as the radio personalities, are people.
    People make mistakes… If a code is missed, said incorrectly, or the wrong info gets posted, and can’t be corrected, it’s not the end of the world.
    Remember… We get this stuff for free!
    So let’s just have fun and keep things happy in here… after all, we are just here to help each other win free stuff!!
    And if you read this all, thanks for being here! If you aren’t a registered member, please consider joining so you can help post info. Thanks!

    others made some amedments >>I would like to offer other >suggestions< to add to @monkeydoug list:

    •Be nice, no bullying or personal attacks.
    •Be respectful, no cussing (f’ing, ass, F, WTF, etc. all included).
    Make sure that your post will benefit everyone, if not, message the individual in the PhatWallet messaging system. If you have to include “@name” in a post, instead, maybe that can be sent via messaging to that person directly.
    •Please don’t post near misses like “I was caller 8 of 9” or your “almost won” gripes, etc. do that on PhatWallet messaging.
    •If someone asks “did someone get a code”, only respond if you “have it”, don’t respond to let us know you didn’t get the code because you were on the phone or on another radio station, etc. (it just wastes space).
    This is a local San Diego >RADIO and TV< Contest forum, there is another forum on PhatWallet for other stuff
    •This forum is for contests, please don’t post about PhatWallet technical support items (loss of connection, etc.) etc. there are other forums on PhatWallet for that.
    •Yes, we want to hear about your wins but this forum is not a brag page or a way to tell others you are better at contest play
    •Please post your contest winnings that you want to trade but talk specifics directly in PhatWallet messaging.
    •When posting difficult winners names, try your best or post the name with a “?” and when possible post the city as it might help the winner determine if it is them.
    •Don’t use other peoples real names on the forum, even if you know them or they gave it to you. Everyone should be able to stay anonymous on the forum

    monkeydoug 500 CLUB —>>Some suggested guidlines this forum Used to use…and they worked well and kept it Peacefful and Free of Unnecessary & Off topic “Waste of Space” postings that did Not contribute to the purpose of the forum and posting Good Usable Contest information
    HELLO EVERYONE … Thanks to everyone who posts on here. We’ve all helped each other and it’s fun to see people win. Although I’ve only been back with this group on PhatWallet for a short time, I was part of this group years ago on FatWallet, so I think I’ve earned the right to post a few reminders for all of us:

    We get this stuff for free!
    We are here because winning is fun.
    No one is forcing you to be here.
    PhatWallet is free and none us pay to maintain this website. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to help each other win.
    It’s not a contest to see who can post first. We need everyone’s input to post contest info. Multiple posts are better than none.
    We in this group, as well as the radio personalities, are people.
    People make mistakes… If a code is missed, said incorrectly, or the wrong info gets posted, and can’t be corrected, it’s not the end of the world.
    Remember… We get this stuff for free!
    So let’s just have fun and keep things happy in here… after all, we are just here to help each other win free stuff!!
    And if you read this all, thanks for being here! If you aren’t a registered member, please consider joining so you can help post info. Thanks!

    others made some amedments >>I would like to offer other >suggestions< to add to @monkeydoug list:

    •Be nice, no bullying or personal attacks.
    •Be respectful, no cussing (f’ing, ass, F, WTF, etc. all included).
    Make sure that your post will benefit everyone, if not, message the individual in the PhatWallet messaging system. If you have to include “@name” in a post, instead, maybe that can be sent via messaging to that person directly.
    •Please don’t post near misses like “I was caller 8 of 9” or your “almost won” gripes, etc. do that on PhatWallet messaging.
    •If someone asks “did someone get a code”, only respond if you “have it”, don’t respond to let us know you didn’t get the code because you were on the phone or on another radio station, etc. (it just wastes space).
    This is a local San Diego >RADIO and TV< Contest forum, there is another forum on PhatWallet for other stuff
    •This forum is for contests, please don’t post about PhatWallet technical support items (loss of connection, etc.) etc. there are other forums on PhatWallet for that.
    •Yes, we want to hear about your wins but this forum is not a brag page or a way to tell others you are better at contest play
    •Please post your contest winnings that you want to trade but talk specifics directly in PhatWallet messaging.
    •When posting difficult winners names, try your best or post the name with a “?” and when possible post the city as it might help the winner determine if it is them.
    •Don’t use other peoples real names on the forum, even if you know them or they gave it to you. Everyone should be able to stay anonymous on the forum

  • 500 Club

    Cruise Giveaway - Join us on this 5-day cruise as you dance back to everyone’s favorite era of music. Enter 1 x daily per person through December 3rd, 2021.

    Cruise Giveaway - Join us on this 5-day cruise as you dance back to everyone’s favorite era of music. Enter 1 x daily per person through December 3rd, 2021.

  • 10K Club Banned

    KYXY–ROCK 949 3P

    KYXY–ROCK 949 3P

  • 500 Club

    timothy clark 1007 3 👀

    rock 72881 3

    timothy clark 1007 3 👀

    rock 72881 3

  • 10K Club Banned

    Ronzilla Virtual storyteller 1min·
    100.7 3p TIMOTHY CLARK

    “It’s not a contest to see who can post first. We need everyone’s input to post contest info. Multiple posts are better than none.”

    Ronzilla Virtual storyteller 1min·
    100.7 3p TIMOTHY CLARK

    “It’s not a contest to see who can post first. We need everyone’s input to post contest info. Multiple posts are better than none.”

  • 500 Club

    🎸 ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN: Sweepstakes ends June 21st 4pm CT.
    One (1) guitar signed by Blake Shelton
    One (1) Body Language Merch Pack
    One (1) Blake Shelton Opry Poster

    🎸 ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN: Sweepstakes ends June 21st 4pm CT.
    One (1) guitar signed by Blake Shelton
    One (1) Body Language Merch Pack
    One (1) Blake Shelton Opry Poster

  • 500 Club

  • 500 Club

    kylie keltner 1007 4

    brand grand 72881 4

    kylie keltner 1007 4

    brand grand 72881 4

  • 500 Club

    emillia nelson 1007 5

    paper 72881 5

    emillia nelson 1007 5

    paper 72881 5

  • 500 Club

    mr toad 91x 5

    mr toad 91x 5

  • 500 Club

    festival 200-200 5

    festival 200-200 5

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 500 Club

    california 103.7 6

    california 103.7 6

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 1000 Club

    KFROG - MINNIE 10a-7p listen for Weekend Code Words: Disneyland Resort Family 4-Packs

    KFROG - MINNIE 10a-7p listen for Weekend Code Words: Disneyland Resort Family 4-Packs

  • 500 Club

    Alt 949 - splash

    Alt 949 - splash

  • @chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @ronzilla said in
    IF you Can, PLEASE go to PhatWallet San Diego Contests & Sweeps…and Reply to Chumlies 2 challenges to have me removed. click on the "CONTESTS & SWEEPS Below–you will first see a Page with a Blue “New topic” Go down 5 people on that list --Click on the “San Diego Contest & Sweeps”–with a yellow icon of a guy & guitar----THEN–Just click REPLY–to the right of chumlies comments --And let him know–“I support Ronzilla (My User Name) as a good poster and would wrather YOU leave & he remains to contribute as he Has For Years”–or anything close to that =–Please these are the HappyWife TROLLS>>Remember reply to BOTH! --ALSO The Plus minus boxes on the right–Click oN The >LEFT ONE<< and Turn it RED–NOT GREEN–THE ONE on the Left --Turn it RED->>THANK YOU VERY MUCH—THIS MUST END!!

    Facebook banned him for 6 months perhaps for his post above and all the same shenanigans he does here. Read the FB post below and the comments.

    @chumle said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @ronzilla said in
    IF you Can, PLEASE go to PhatWallet San Diego Contests & Sweeps…and Reply to Chumlies 2 challenges to have me removed. click on the "CONTESTS & SWEEPS Below–you will first see a Page with a Blue “New topic” Go down 5 people on that list --Click on the “San Diego Contest & Sweeps”–with a yellow icon of a guy & guitar----THEN–Just click REPLY–to the right of chumlies comments --And let him know–“I support Ronzilla (My User Name) as a good poster and would wrather YOU leave & he remains to contribute as he Has For Years”–or anything close to that =–Please these are the HappyWife TROLLS>>Remember reply to BOTH! --ALSO The Plus minus boxes on the right–Click oN The >LEFT ONE<< and Turn it RED–NOT GREEN–THE ONE on the Left --Turn it RED->>THANK YOU VERY MUCH—THIS MUST END!!

    Facebook banned him for 6 months perhaps for his post above and all the same shenanigans he does here. Read the FB post below and the comments.

  • 500 Club

    @chumle it is unfortunate that you cannot focus your energy on helping this group. All you continue to do is harass & try to stir up problems. I really appreciate the posters here that just want to work as a team without the extra drama.
    Please move on and post useful contest info or just leave us alone.

    @chumle it is unfortunate that you cannot focus your energy on helping this group. All you continue to do is harass & try to stir up problems. I really appreciate the posters here that just want to work as a team without the extra drama.
    Please move on and post useful contest info or just leave us alone.

  • @casas Hello and much respect to you. My positive challenge states my concerns and is to encourage people like you to post. Ronzilla wants to spin it into something negative because I shed light on the fact that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and change to get along with others. Take a moment and review some of his words that I reposted, he hurts many people. I fear the people that support him are just interested in getting information at any cost irregardless of who gets hurt. The frequency is increasing and has spread to Facebook but I am here for as long as it takes for things to change or he moves on. I hope this helps and this is my last response to anyone. Best of luck to you and you really should read the comments on Facebook while they are there!

    @casas Hello and much respect to you. My positive challenge states my concerns and is to encourage people like you to post. Ronzilla wants to spin it into something negative because I shed light on the fact that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and change to get along with others. Take a moment and review some of his words that I reposted, he hurts many people. I fear the people that support him are just interested in getting information at any cost irregardless of who gets hurt. The frequency is increasing and has spread to Facebook but I am here for as long as it takes for things to change or he moves on. I hope this helps and this is my last response to anyone. Best of luck to you and you really should read the comments on Facebook while they are there!

  • 500 Club

  • 10K Club Banned

    Face Book did Not respond through it’s Regular Channels , due to the SECURITY ISSUE — Last I Saw, was the Red Banner informing me–I Could Not Participate in “Group Forums” --in Reality (GOOGLE IT–Chumlie…R E A L I T Y ) for the Security of everyone in the Group—>>from the HACKER<< Hmmm? could it have been an Overly Zelous//Jeolous Aggressive “PhatWallet” Member?? Vladimir Putin?? CHINA!! D B freaking Cooper!! I was Not Baned -It Was a Safety ISSUE—I Was Being>>hacked<< at The Time I was Posting—They Couldn’t respond Until I Prooved >I< was the Owner of My FB Account–I get So Many emails, did not See the EMAIL, Until a Short While Ago
    Facebook Sat, Jun 19, 12:01 PM
    Hi Ronzilla , It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you’ll need to answer a few questions and change your password. Facebook Your Facebook Security Code, Your security code is: xxxxxxx To help us confirm your identity on Facebook, we need to verify your email address
    I didn’t Connect the Two-----I thought this was Yet another separate Issue—It was>The ONE & ONLY Issue<< Once I Did IT—Within An Hour—I Had Full Access As Before—Not Banned at All. …another email. explains The issue & That there was Never a BAN. MYself & the Hacker WERE >>Both Neutralized–Until One of us could Prove Their Identity

    *There was Never a >BAN< —Nothing to do with Any "ill Perceived “Antics”, since there Are None And am 100% clear to go about my business on F B as before–Just as in Here…we are all equal, just “Some” can’t Grasp That!–The entire “Issue” >>All For SECURITY & Preventing Others in that Group, From the Hacker–Not ME! (Since F B had Not Yet descerned Who Was Who.& Who was a Threat) Obviously >>NOT ME< to be back within 18 hours.–Not 6 Months–Just Where DID you get this “6 Month Ban” info, since I couldn’t Post it?? I Only PM’d a few People–One was You? or Squad, using the old “Fake Friend” Trick, again? —Fixed!! No More PM’s–Shuts that Down—I only Posted “I Can Post–The Ban is Over” Before Realizing There Was Never Any>>BAN< Sorry that, I am assuming, All that jumping up & Down, “Yippee” and the Like , If happened—Was all for Not! There Was No Ban, Nor Reason For One–WAAAH!
    The Group was just as Mystified as I was as to “WHY”…a few of Many Comments : . #1 “Why? That’s bullshit” Sat 10:39 AM Steven XXXXX Steven sent Yesterday at 10:39 AM “Did you appeal the ban? They should have to give you some specifics”. #2 Angelica MXXXXX “What! Why? You are so good at this! Thank you for all your help. I hope you come back soon to the page, Thank you much!”…#3 Elvia L.XXXX “Wow, I Saw that you posted tonight, Okay, cool. Hope all is well! Keep winning” #4 Rose GXXXX.“What?? I can’t believe it. Don’t see anything wrong about your posts. I’m completely shocked. You and Ruth ROCK! And the restriction is way too much for no reason. Will you still be posting in phatwallet? I look their and see your many good posts. If you miss any passwords please let me know and I got you–”—Some >Trust Me//Lke Me so Much–they pass on their Personal Info>> #5 “If you hear my name … XXXXXX XXXXX And my phone is XXXX XXX XXXX don’t know if you have time to call people but you do a lot already thanks for posting appreciate it immensely” --and over a Dozen More–No reason Fill with More-- The POINT has been made
    Have you Noticed the Down Vote “someone” had activated has been Removed…more than Likely from the “ANTICS” of a Certain Few–ABUSING IT & Weaponizing it! “Who could That Be?”–WAIT! Did you just Use “IRREGARDLESS” —As Well as Insult many in here As “Desparate” and “Heartless” As well? And You claim I say Hurtful things—So Natural to You–You don’t even Notice>>“the people that support him are just interested in getting information at any cost irregardless of who gets hurt.” OH! That’s Charming! I Doubt You got that "Talent From >> "How to Win Friends and Influence People --Though I Do recommend Reading it—Perhaps “See the Light” ""
    BTW From a Google Search, not me (Don’t Twist it as usual—This is Merely Stating >The Fact< (Are you Allergic to these?) --Though I already knew > "Why do idiots say irregardless? “6 Words Made Up by Stupid People” But “irregardless” can’t take the place of “regardless”! “Ir-” is already a negating prefix, as in “irrespective” or “irrelevant.” And because “-less” is also a negative suffix, “irregardless” is a paradox. Using it would technically mean that you actually have regard for something – in which case you can just say you fxxxxn’ regard that shXt!
    THE URL for you to “Fact Check” You do understand the Concept of “Facts”?
    Have A Look…as you recommend Others to do, all the Time–So Try your own Suggestion>>Have a LOOK!
    I Have Wasted Way Too much Time than you are Worth–But IF you’d Really Like to see “Trolling” & Poor Behavior—just look back non the Many bad colored, Rude and ones that have ZERO to do Wit Contest Info----Scan thru HappyWifes --and See why People (Indentities Witheld to prevent attacks–and against the Rules) Say> #1 “I don’t understand why she does this weird stuff I wish she would go away… I skip her stuff mostly because I feel her posts are confusing and don’t make sense but she post so much stuff” 🙁 …#2 “Correction:I don’t enter her posted contests anymore is what I meant to say. I agree totally she posts things that don’t have anything to do with contests or this forum” #3 “Yes I am who I said I was not sure what your referring too, yes I was just accepted on San Diego fb page my Facebook is under XXXXXXXXXXXX I don’t XXXXXXXX happy wife I find her posts XXXXXXX overwhelming and skip her stuff” (“Referring To” was about the Ban that wasn’t) #4 “Yes I saw that, What is she like 12 years old” #5> Even One from a “Lurker” >> “Thank you. I really appreciate all the posts you do and I get excited when you guys win stuff I try to listen when I can but these threads help. 👍🏼–I Have No Idea who that is—But Appreciate the content!–#6–And Facebook ban would’ve been crazy as I never saw anything that would warrant that. Just more garbage from the squad”. #7 RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes @Ronzilla How do I get my contact info on the excel spreadsheet of yours?? You are practically a super hero btw!- There’ Over 20 More—OR Look at The Many I posted In these “Best of Chumlie’s >RANTS” already

    Before Posting, This Caught My Eye>>-Some >Trust Me//Like Me so Much-<< IS That What Drives You—Some Twisted Disdain for People that you see as Popular and Liked—Is that something Lacking in your life—that it makes you Lash Out??-----Merely a Question// Observation–Just Trying to make Some Sense for This Garbage & Why You Devote so Much of Your Time & Waste so Much of Ours --You Obviously Have Little to no “REGARD” (real word) of Doing–Now >THAT< is a Narcissistic trait —That You Reverse—another Narcissistic trait Again --As Well as Insult many in here As “DESPARATE” and “Heartless” As well…Without any Concern or Remorse----More Narcissistic Behavior?Their Reqest & Comments on your actions > "casas 500 CLUB about 22 hours ago @chumle it is unfortunate that you cannot focus your energy on helping this group. All you continue to do is harass & try to stir up problems. I really appreciate the posters here that just want to work as a team without the extra drama.Please move on and post useful contest info or just leave us alone.------<<.Even completely discounting//ignoring this person’s legitimate request You Cease & Desist, from disrupting, harrassing, posting useles junk, and off topic commenting–even requesting you Try and post something that actually Contributes—Instead, More Narcissistic “That request means Nothing” to you, and you yet, Pound the Tables again-Responding -repeating your tired "My message is more impoertant–I’m not evengoing to consider any of that rquest, attitude"
    Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, rogant thinking and behavior, .Symptoms include an excessive disregard for others’ feelings, an inability to handle any criticism,(Lashing Out) and a sense of entitlement. (As in Entitled to RANT at everyone else’s expense–without regard for other’s feeling or Time) Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative,(Manipulating the Truth and Facts) selfish, and demanding.(Demanding Others Step up for >Your Cause<) The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors. OOPS! EXPOSED!!

    “and this is my last response to anyone”<<<<<<<<<<<<<–OH! MY!–Time Will Tell

    Facebook banned him for 6 months perhaps for his post above and all the same shenanigans he does here. Read the FB post below and the comments.----NO Ban—Spreading Usubstantiated RUMORS—But then Agian–Thruth & Facts were Never one of Your Strong Points!–anything–True or Not, Just to Get “Zilla”-----as many of H W’s comments Contain
    BTW–The Adition to the Suggested “Modus operandi” Are ALL HappyWife’s Additions----Go Over them–and See how Many She Breaks or Does Not Follow------MORE Narcissistic personality disorder Behavior–“Rules Do Not Apply—Above It ALL”–Does Whattever It Wants Without Regard for Others!—Are You Sure You are TWO Separate People?? —Not One appearing As Two??–A Narcissistic//schizophrenic ??
    Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.---------WOW --Bulleye Anyone?>> out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior>>wowwwzza manyz bak 2 bak contest calls my fingaz hav blistaz. did me win? 🙂 …>>> 2 get out. lotzza winz for diss gurlll an no-illa zonez squad still killin itz. good vibz <<< 4 “Yes I saw that, What is she like 12 years old”

    It Appears from the Majority making nothing But Positive Comments About me, Thanking me for my many good & useful Posts—Many Wishing You’d Just Go AWAY so to Improve//Bring Back OUR FORUM–Not Some BS >Squad//Thugs<<overloading the Forum Space With Useless Off Topic postings & MAGAZINE SWEEPSTAKES That Just Cause Multiple Emails, Private Information Sharing//Selling–and many unwanted Phone Calls—There was Just THAT Same Request Made in the ForumYesterday—But the Narcissism ONLY Allowed Her to Rmove One----because of the Lack Of Regard for Other peoples Wishes—Does Whatever She pleases–No Matter what–as in a >Fantasy< of Running This Forum–Again, a Reminder>>WE Are All Equal & Volunteer our Time—Everyone’s Posts Matter!__ Hows About just Swallowing your own Self- Importance And Simply Comply with the Many Requests!! -Post Good Useful stuff OR Don’t Post at ALL-----You 2//1—Push the Narcissism agenda against me-----When it is Blatantly Displayed in Many of the things You Do Chumle, such as, Spreading Rumors & False In formation Again! There Was No Ban…but since Face Book Was Merely being SAFE & keepping things >ON HOLD< until Identites Could be Established

    Face Book did Not respond through it’s Regular Channels , due to the SECURITY ISSUE — Last I Saw, was the Red Banner informing me–I Could Not Participate in “Group Forums” --in Reality (GOOGLE IT–Chumlie…R E A L I T Y ) for the Security of everyone in the Group—>>from the HACKER<< Hmmm? could it have been an Overly Zelous//Jeolous Aggressive “PhatWallet” Member?? Vladimir Putin?? CHINA!! D B freaking Cooper!! I was Not Baned -It Was a Safety ISSUE—I Was Being>>hacked<< at The Time I was Posting—They Couldn’t respond Until I Prooved >I< was the Owner of My FB Account–I get So Many emails, did not See the EMAIL, Until a Short While Ago
    Facebook Sat, Jun 19, 12:01 PM
    Hi Ronzilla , It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you’ll need to answer a few questions and change your password. Facebook Your Facebook Security Code, Your security code is: xxxxxxx To help us confirm your identity on Facebook, we need to verify your email address
    I didn’t Connect the Two-----I thought this was Yet another separate Issue—It was>The ONE & ONLY Issue<< Once I Did IT—Within An Hour—I Had Full Access As Before—Not Banned at All. …another email. explains The issue & That there was Never a BAN. MYself & the Hacker WERE >>Both Neutralized–Until One of us could Prove Their Identity

    *There was Never a >BAN< —Nothing to do with Any "ill Perceived “Antics”, since there Are None And am 100% clear to go about my business on F B as before–Just as in Here…we are all equal, just “Some” can’t Grasp That!–The entire “Issue” >>All For SECURITY & Preventing Others in that Group, From the Hacker–Not ME! (Since F B had Not Yet descerned Who Was Who.& Who was a Threat) Obviously >>NOT ME< to be back within 18 hours.–Not 6 Months–Just Where DID you get this “6 Month Ban” info, since I couldn’t Post it?? I Only PM’d a few People–One was You? or Squad, using the old “Fake Friend” Trick, again? —Fixed!! No More PM’s–Shuts that Down—I only Posted “I Can Post–The Ban is Over” Before Realizing There Was Never Any>>BAN< Sorry that, I am assuming, All that jumping up & Down, “Yippee” and the Like , If happened—Was all for Not! There Was No Ban, Nor Reason For One–WAAAH!
    The Group was just as Mystified as I was as to “WHY”…a few of Many Comments : . #1 “Why? That’s bullshit” Sat 10:39 AM Steven XXXXX Steven sent Yesterday at 10:39 AM “Did you appeal the ban? They should have to give you some specifics”. #2 Angelica MXXXXX “What! Why? You are so good at this! Thank you for all your help. I hope you come back soon to the page, Thank you much!”…#3 Elvia L.XXXX “Wow, I Saw that you posted tonight, Okay, cool. Hope all is well! Keep winning” #4 Rose GXXXX.“What?? I can’t believe it. Don’t see anything wrong about your posts. I’m completely shocked. You and Ruth ROCK! And the restriction is way too much for no reason. Will you still be posting in phatwallet? I look their and see your many good posts. If you miss any passwords please let me know and I got you–”—Some >Trust Me//Lke Me so Much–they pass on their Personal Info>> #5 “If you hear my name … XXXXXX XXXXX And my phone is XXXX XXX XXXX don’t know if you have time to call people but you do a lot already thanks for posting appreciate it immensely” --and over a Dozen More–No reason Fill with More-- The POINT has been made
    Have you Noticed the Down Vote “someone” had activated has been Removed…more than Likely from the “ANTICS” of a Certain Few–ABUSING IT & Weaponizing it! “Who could That Be?”–WAIT! Did you just Use “IRREGARDLESS” —As Well as Insult many in here As “Desparate” and “Heartless” As well? And You claim I say Hurtful things—So Natural to You–You don’t even Notice>>“the people that support him are just interested in getting information at any cost irregardless of who gets hurt.” OH! That’s Charming! I Doubt You got that "Talent From >> "How to Win Friends and Influence People --Though I Do recommend Reading it—Perhaps “See the Light” ""
    BTW From a Google Search, not me (Don’t Twist it as usual—This is Merely Stating >The Fact< (Are you Allergic to these?) --Though I already knew > "Why do idiots say irregardless? “6 Words Made Up by Stupid People” But “irregardless” can’t take the place of “regardless”! “Ir-” is already a negating prefix, as in “irrespective” or “irrelevant.” And because “-less” is also a negative suffix, “irregardless” is a paradox. Using it would technically mean that you actually have regard for something – in which case you can just say you fxxxxn’ regard that shXt!
    THE URL for you to “Fact Check” You do understand the Concept of “Facts”?
    Have A Look…as you recommend Others to do, all the Time–So Try your own Suggestion>>Have a LOOK!
    I Have Wasted Way Too much Time than you are Worth–But IF you’d Really Like to see “Trolling” & Poor Behavior—just look back non the Many bad colored, Rude and ones that have ZERO to do Wit Contest Info----Scan thru HappyWifes --and See why People (Indentities Witheld to prevent attacks–and against the Rules) Say> #1 “I don’t understand why she does this weird stuff I wish she would go away… I skip her stuff mostly because I feel her posts are confusing and don’t make sense but she post so much stuff” 🙁 …#2 “Correction:I don’t enter her posted contests anymore is what I meant to say. I agree totally she posts things that don’t have anything to do with contests or this forum” #3 “Yes I am who I said I was not sure what your referring too, yes I was just accepted on San Diego fb page my Facebook is under XXXXXXXXXXXX I don’t XXXXXXXX happy wife I find her posts XXXXXXX overwhelming and skip her stuff” (“Referring To” was about the Ban that wasn’t) #4 “Yes I saw that, What is she like 12 years old” #5> Even One from a “Lurker” >> “Thank you. I really appreciate all the posts you do and I get excited when you guys win stuff I try to listen when I can but these threads help. 👍🏼–I Have No Idea who that is—But Appreciate the content!–#6–And Facebook ban would’ve been crazy as I never saw anything that would warrant that. Just more garbage from the squad”. #7 RE: San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes @Ronzilla How do I get my contact info on the excel spreadsheet of yours?? You are practically a super hero btw!- There’ Over 20 More—OR Look at The Many I posted In these “Best of Chumlie’s >RANTS” already

    Before Posting, This Caught My Eye>>-Some >Trust Me//Like Me so Much-<< IS That What Drives You—Some Twisted Disdain for People that you see as Popular and Liked—Is that something Lacking in your life—that it makes you Lash Out??-----Merely a Question// Observation–Just Trying to make Some Sense for This Garbage & Why You Devote so Much of Your Time & Waste so Much of Ours --You Obviously Have Little to no “REGARD” (real word) of Doing–Now >THAT< is a Narcissistic trait —That You Reverse—another Narcissistic trait Again --As Well as Insult many in here As “DESPARATE” and “Heartless” As well…Without any Concern or Remorse----More Narcissistic Behavior?Their Reqest & Comments on your actions > "casas 500 CLUB about 22 hours ago @chumle it is unfortunate that you cannot focus your energy on helping this group. All you continue to do is harass & try to stir up problems. I really appreciate the posters here that just want to work as a team without the extra drama.Please move on and post useful contest info or just leave us alone.------<<.Even completely discounting//ignoring this person’s legitimate request You Cease & Desist, from disrupting, harrassing, posting useles junk, and off topic commenting–even requesting you Try and post something that actually Contributes—Instead, More Narcissistic “That request means Nothing” to you, and you yet, Pound the Tables again-Responding -repeating your tired "My message is more impoertant–I’m not evengoing to consider any of that rquest, attitude"
    Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, rogant thinking and behavior, .Symptoms include an excessive disregard for others’ feelings, an inability to handle any criticism,(Lashing Out) and a sense of entitlement. (As in Entitled to RANT at everyone else’s expense–without regard for other’s feeling or Time) Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative,(Manipulating the Truth and Facts) selfish, and demanding.(Demanding Others Step up for >Your Cause<) The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors. OOPS! EXPOSED!!

    “and this is my last response to anyone”<<<<<<<<<<<<<–OH! MY!–Time Will Tell

    Facebook banned him for 6 months perhaps for his post above and all the same shenanigans he does here. Read the FB post below and the comments.----NO Ban—Spreading Usubstantiated RUMORS—But then Agian–Thruth & Facts were Never one of Your Strong Points!–anything–True or Not, Just to Get “Zilla”-----as many of H W’s comments Contain
    BTW–The Adition to the Suggested “Modus operandi” Are ALL HappyWife’s Additions----Go Over them–and See how Many She Breaks or Does Not Follow------MORE Narcissistic personality disorder Behavior–“Rules Do Not Apply—Above It ALL”–Does Whattever It Wants Without Regard for Others!—Are You Sure You are TWO Separate People?? —Not One appearing As Two??–A Narcissistic//schizophrenic ??
    Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.---------WOW --Bulleye Anyone?>> out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior>>wowwwzza manyz bak 2 bak contest calls my fingaz hav blistaz. did me win? 🙂 …>>> 2 get out. lotzza winz for diss gurlll an no-illa zonez squad still killin itz. good vibz <<< 4 “Yes I saw that, What is she like 12 years old”

    It Appears from the Majority making nothing But Positive Comments About me, Thanking me for my many good & useful Posts—Many Wishing You’d Just Go AWAY so to Improve//Bring Back OUR FORUM–Not Some BS >Squad//Thugs<<overloading the Forum Space With Useless Off Topic postings & MAGAZINE SWEEPSTAKES That Just Cause Multiple Emails, Private Information Sharing//Selling–and many unwanted Phone Calls—There was Just THAT Same Request Made in the ForumYesterday—But the Narcissism ONLY Allowed Her to Rmove One----because of the Lack Of Regard for Other peoples Wishes—Does Whatever She pleases–No Matter what–as in a >Fantasy< of Running This Forum–Again, a Reminder>>WE Are All Equal & Volunteer our Time—Everyone’s Posts Matter!__ Hows About just Swallowing your own Self- Importance And Simply Comply with the Many Requests!! -Post Good Useful stuff OR Don’t Post at ALL-----You 2//1—Push the Narcissism agenda against me-----When it is Blatantly Displayed in Many of the things You Do Chumle, such as, Spreading Rumors & False In formation Again! There Was No Ban…but since Face Book Was Merely being SAFE & keepping things >ON HOLD< until Identites Could be Established

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 500 Club

    Kfrog same list

    Kfrog same list

  • 10K Club Banned

    KFRG>LAND 11:06AM

    KFRG>LAND 11:06AM

  • 10K Club Banned

    OOOPS! I Didn’t SEE the list POSTED–It just now appeared

    OOOPS! I Didn’t SEE the list POSTED–It just now appeared

  • 500 Club

  • 500 Club

  • 500 Club

    94.9 toon

    94.9 toon

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON 1:30 >BOOTS< can be entered in the hour between words – OR after 6pm–One word per hour rule up until 11:5pm

    KSON 1:30 >BOOTS< can be entered in the hour between words – OR after 6pm–One word per hour rule up until 11:5pm

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON >PERRY< 3:30P

    KSON >PERRY< 3:30P


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