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Posts made by MommyOfHAndK
Free 3mo Panera Sip Club for new and old members Exp 5/31
RE: Burger King 70th Anniversary - Free w/.70 purchase Daily App Deals 5/28-6/3 (see post) PLUS NEW GAME to win crowns
You can get 3 sauces 🤷🏼‍♀️ At my BK 25c each -
RE: Pennzoil Synthetic Oil $25 on 10 quarts rebate exp 9/30/24
Got mine, just over 3 weeks after purchase 👍🏼
RE: Target Circle savings free 1 yr TripAdvisor Plus membership
TripAdvisor Plus program is discontinued:
“Thank you for being a valued member—it’s travelers like you that make our community great. We’re writing to let you know that we’ve made the difficult decision to bring the Tripadvisor Plus program to an end. We’ve been working hard on some new programs and perks for our members that we’re excited to share later this year.If you have a paid annual subscription that is set to expire after April 15, 2024, you will receive an email in the coming days with details on your prorated refund. You’ll still be able to use your Tripadvisor Plus benefits until April 15, 2024, and any bookings you make with your membership that occur after that date will be valid. Auto-renewal has been shut off, so if your subscription expires between now and April 15, 2024, you will no longer be able to access your benefits after your original end date.
After your subscription ends, you will not be able to access TripText or book hotels or experiences using your Tripadvisor Plus benefits. As of March 1, 2024, you will not be able to sign up for Hertz and Dollar Flight Club through Tripadvisor Plus. If you’ve already signed up, you will be able to use your Hertz and Dollar Flight Club benefits through the end of their subscription periods.
We’re still deeply committed to our member experience and we’re confident you’re going to like what’s to come. To thank you for your support, we’d like to offer you $100 off Tripadvisor’s premium trip planning service, Reco. You’ll get access to travel experts who can help you plan and book your next trip, plus provide in-destination support. Redeem with code: SUNSET at checkout. This offer is invite-only and valid until May 31, 2024; additional terms may apply.
Stay tuned for more announcements!”
RE: Pennzoil Synthetic Oil $25 on 10 quarts rebate exp 9/30/24
FYI, after submitting the info you get email from and in my case it went to spam folder. It says I should expect my $25 gift card info in about 6 weeks.