0000-564-939 4’x220’ Scotts Landscape fabric pro was $49.98 Now $25.04
Link for refrence: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Scotts-4-ft-x-220-ft-Landscape-Fabric-204133/203074617
0000-564-939 4’x220’ Scotts Landscape fabric pro was $49.98 Now $25.04
Link for refrence: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Scotts-4-ft-x-220-ft-Landscape-Fabric-204133/203074617
0000-596-049 Fiskars 1-1/2 in. Cut Capacity Bypass Lopper and 1/2 in. Cut Capacity Bypass Pruner Combo Set (2-Piece) Was$19.88 Now $4.97
Same price online: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Fiskars-1-1-2-in-Cut-Capacity-Bypass-Lopper-and-1-2-in-Cut-Capacity-Bypass-Pruner-Combo-Set-2-Piece-395600-1002/302843889
The 2-Piece Bypass Lopper and Bypass Pruner Combo Set features is perfect to have for your outdoor gardening jobs. This traditional hand pruner is an economical choice for basic pruning needs. Choose our lopper for smooth, easy cuts on tree branches, comfortable use and lasting value.
A fully hardened, precision-ground steel blade stays sharp longer
Low-friction blade coating makes cutting smooth, reduces gumming and enhances rust resistance
Both tools feature bypass-cutting blades
Cutting capacity is 1/2 in. on the pruner and the 1-1/2 in. on the lopper
Both tools offer lifetime warranty
Home Depot has some amazing clearance deals.
Clearance Schedule:
Every HD store runs clearance but the markdown schedule vary between stores, and vary between regions. The markdowns follow this general pattern:
First markdown: xx.00 or xx.06 or sometimes xx.04
Percentage discout varies from a few dollars to ~50%
The 06 or 04 may indicate the the item will drop in pricing in about 6 weeks or 4 weeks.
Second level markdown: xx.03 or xx.02
This clearance level is usually 75% off the regular retail price. The last diget in the price roughly indicates the amount of time it will stay at that price (3 weeks or 2 weeks respectively).
This clearance level is the final clearance price. If the item does not sell the store is to remove it from the shelves and either donate it to charity, return it to the vendor, trash/destroy it.
Penny deal status: 00.01 (DO NOT POST PENNY FINDS HERE)
Posting penny items is just bragging, and provides no value to others. Post items that you find on clearance beforte they get to .01
Once an item remains unsold for a certain number of days/weeks at the last markdown stage, the price of that item drops to $00.01. It is not intended to be sold at that price. If you (RARE) find a penny item chances are they will take it from you and say it cant be sold, or just let it go for a penny.
How to find clearance items
Use the in-store computers (Not all stores have these)
The computers have a section for public access. Within that section there is a “price check” app. You can use the app to find clearance items/inventory at your store. Simply enter a key word or item # in the search box . All the results matching that key word will appear. Simply click on the filter icon on the upper left hand side, then click on the “clearance” button. The results will further filter down to all the clearance items for that keyword.
322569 Holmes 20 in Box Fan was 20 now $8.00.
1234953 metal bicycle table clock, was $25 now $11.40
1234952 table clock with tripod metal stand was $35 now $27.40
Habitat 8’ bradid extention cords now on clearance was 15 now 7
SKU 2417123, 2417120, 2417121, 2417122, 2417124
Thanks for setting this up. I have been out of the country,
Leggo storage containers now in store clearance
2717060 was 15 now 6
2706886 was 15 now 7
2707967 was 20 now 8
236209 Epson AIO inkjet was 200 now 89.50
Help, I need a color laser printer