Tracfancier…stumbled onto this page and consider myself lucky. I see you often on Hofo and always get a straight answer from you. Some of those guys are head and shoulders above the rest of us, not that you’re not as smart as them, but they tend to condescend to us older folk. Never find that from you, and its appreciated. As I said, glad to find you and I’ll definitely be back, regularly.
Best posts made by gmannix
RE: Current Tracfone Deals / Discussion thread
RE: Tried to purchase using amazon gift card , no place to apply gift card as payment
Yes, I did … on the Bai order I could not get by the payment page. I later ordered from another amazon and when I got to the place order page…voila ! Bai the way…(see what I did there?) has anyone tried theCoco Fusion in the big bottle??Plain and w/lime are great, Pineapple can be helped with a spot of rum.
RE: Current Tracfone Deals / Discussion thread
@fivetalents I am to be taken with a grain of salt. I fancy myself quite humorous, but sometimes I’m the only one to laugh at my jokes. Please disregard if I offend.
RE: Current Tracfone Deals / Discussion thread
ArthurPeale: The phone(s) you are contemplating are certainly an upgrade to the Fuel, and will do the same job as the fuel, plus additional things that will be illustrated in the brochure if you choose to go that way.Minutes can be transferred from the old to the new to “activate” the new phones. Next you will add the minutes that come WITH the phone, and in the process you’ll be adding the one year plus data and text buckets. I highly suggest you use Tracfone’s Chat CSR for the procedure and ask for the completed chat to be emailed to you upon completion. I also recommend you open a Tracfone account (you can put both/all phones in the same account). There is no and check them either from your PC or from the phones , themselves. charge. Some of the benefits are you can keep tabs on all the balances for each phone(min/text/data) and check them either from your PC or from the phones , themselves. This may all seem quite complicated but it is not. This will be the least expensive way to go and the best part is after the initial year you can just buy new phones and do it all over again. Good Luck. Comee back and ask for help if you need it.
RE: Current Tracfone Deals / Discussion thread
When you transfer/activate the bundle phone, the bundle automatically gets added - been this way for many months now.
Important to select to transfer existing TracFone number/service before the bundle phone activation process.
We suggest having TracFone CSR via chat document the current phone’s balance before starting the transfer/activation process - and optionally letting them then do the transfer/activation of the new phone. Be sure to request an email of the chat transcript and copy it off the screen before closing the window if the email doesn’t arrive.
RE: Current Tracfone Deals / Discussion thread
Verify by chat CSR what the balance of the original/donor is. Have them do the transfer and during this process the m/t/d that came with the phone bundle are added in as well. Then you can open an account or add to a current account. At that point you want to ask for email of chat transaction and/or copy and paste the conversation into a document on your pc. Make sure the phone has transferred and totals are correct before you close chat.
RE: McDonald’s to Give Away ‘Mythical’ McGold Card, Granting One Lucky Person Free Food for Life
Pretty safe bet on Ronald’s part…anyone eating that crap wont live very long, anyways !!