Thanks, MrVietnam. Yes, something isn’t adding up at Rakuten for me either.
Rakuten cutoff Cash Back (CB) for my purchases towards my Big Fat Check (BFC) for 5/15/24, which would normally cover purchases from 2/1/24 - 4/30/24, on 3/2/24. Only 1 month into the current quarter. Not only will the check only cover a third of the quarter, but I’ll also have to wait until September 15th’s BFC for the rest of my CB for this quarter. I contacted Member Services to ask why this had been done and this is, in part, the response I received:
"Starting in November 2023, you will find that some Cash Back can be paid out sooner.
However, in doing this we also found that due to store return policies and the way that
they report returns to us, some Cash Back will be held until the next payment date from
Your next payment will include all orders and bonuses that are confirmed eligible for
The time it takes for Cash Back to be confirmed depends on several factors, including
the store, store policy, reporting schedule, exclusions and returns."
1st, this sounds more like an answer to the question: "Why aren’t all of my purchases for [a certain quarter] included in my BFC. If CB shows up in the Cash Back Balance (CBB) list then, it has been confirmed eligible. Otherwise, it wouldn’t appear. Only the shopping trip would appear in the Shopping Trips list and then you’d have to Find My Cash Back through Help. Which I have had to do far too many times and well after the date Rakuten tells you it should be applied to your CBB.
2nd, it feels too convenient that they, just since November of last year, after years of having a clearly stated, unchanged, and strictly adhered to schedule for BFCs decided to throw all of that out. Incidentally, they cut me off at $63.65 worth of confirmed eligible CB. This is just a guess but apparently, it scared them to imagine the possibility of having to cut a check for, or otherwise pay out, potentially, $180, or so all at once. And that’s assuming I would continue spending at the same rate for the following two months. They also went as far as to NOT include $10.00 in CB from a purchase on 3/5/24, only 3 days before the “new” cutoff date. So, $63.65 ok, but $73.65 too scary. On the other hand, I should, and do, feel lucky that they are paying me at all.