Regarding MyPoints.Com, I have been a member with that site for a number of years earning over 55,000 points which I used to purchase with my points gift cards such as Lowe’s, Kohl’s, Home Depot, JC Penny, Starbucks, Amazon, etc. To earn these points took a lot of time. Unfortunately, they reduced the number of retailer gift cards. If you have the time, go to that site.

Best posts made by NorCal2013
RE: Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Does anyone know the Birthday Bonus Code in the KCAL and KOLA sites?
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
What good it will do for this weekend, I sent e-mails this morning to 2 FM stations (Go County 105 and KOLA 99.9) letting them know of the problems with the TRITON videos. I still need to let KCAL 96.7 and KLOS 95.5 of this system issue.
I just found the website and contact info for TRITON. I sent them a support ticket to make them aware of this issue. Here is that contact site address which also has a phone number and e-mail address.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Anyone having logging in problems with KCAL 96.7 and KOLA 99.9? And were your point total showing zero? Also, when you click on Trivia, Game Center or Featured Links, you are immediately logged out. This started last night. I use Firefox for my trivia. I tried Google Chrome and the same problems as Firefox. I cleared my Firefox cache and rebooted a couple of times with no luck.
KLOS 95.5 keeps logging me out but that has been a issue since I joined that site months ago.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@smokey-cat said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
@norcal2013 On Foxfire, under tools, privacy and security, have you made sure you have checked, “accept third party cookies and site data” on the “always” mode? Just asking, I dumped the cookies and reset to one of the other settings, and could not log on to many sites.
Haven’t changed any of the Privacy settings in Firefox. My other sites Go Country 105 FM, 95.5 KLOS and 101.5 KHITS work fine earning points.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@vickib said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
Just a quick question… has anyone on this site won anything from all of these contests, and if so, how many times and how long ago? Just checking as I have never won anything in over 5 years.
In Jan 2017, I won a Samsung laptop. A few months later, I won $175 in cash. Earlier this month, I won a $50 gift card.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@vickib said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
B95.5 Holiday Stocking Stuffer Trivia - Montgomery Ward
Does anyone have the 4:25 answer? I may be slow, but I noticed that More Than Trivia is now defunct. Wow!
Yea, the owner of More Than Trivia had posted on his website for about a month that he was going to shut down that site because he didn’t have enough paying users to justify keeping the site open.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Any having problems trying to log into FM 95.9 The River in Chicago? The last time I logged into that site was last night and it was fine. Today, no luck logging in to do the trivias.
Just heard back from The River. Their trivia program ended at the end of 2018. I never saw their announcements so I lost over a million points.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@duckmin said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
still no points for Shapeshift!!
I received a reply from KCAL 96.7 that they didn’t know about this problem until I told them about it. They were going to notify Triton.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Get Your Game On: Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
I can’t log into FM stations KIZN in Idaho and KOLA in LA . I get this error message:
“There was some problems processing your request. An e-mail with details about this error has already been sent to the administrator.”These sites were working fine last night. Anyone else having problems with these sites?
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Clearing cache did the trick. Thanks, ctgolfer.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Does anyone have the answer to today’s KOLA Summer Ticket Window?
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
It appears that good news are in order. In a couple of websites, points are finally being earned for playing ShapeShift.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Is anyone having problems trying to open the Game Center in the trivia sites to earn points with Shapeshift, Cognition, Word Hoard, Pic Slide, etc?
Since yesterday, some of my trivia sites (KOLA, KCAL, KLOS & KIZN) are stuck with nothing happening. Two other trivia sites (KHITS & KKGO) are not having any issues.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@duckmin said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
Hey! My “Games” page JUSt came back!!
Have you tried lately to see if you can still pull up Game Center? I have not been since early this week. It keeps “Loading…”
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@mvl99 said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
Do you the Friday At Work Freebie code for today 1/30/20I used ‘Bright’
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
KOLA New Survey: Classic Hits - Artist Survey
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Is anyone having problems with the login screen not displaying for KIZN 92.3 and KABC? The login screen is completely blank.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Just found this website that uses the familiar trivia format that we like.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Betty White - Passed away on Dec 31, 2021. Just short of her 100th birthday.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Go Country Weekly Email Bonus Code: Keyboard
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@smokey-cat said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
Could someone get the Go Country 105 Secret Password?
Gold Country 105 Secret Password: Slide
RE: Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
@auntlinda said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka BeeBuzzPoints):
Is anyone else having a problem with Read & Win - Names & Faces (“People in the News” in Taurus742’s master list)? The answer is not accepted for me. I’ve tried every headline in that section of the newspaper and nothing works.
UPDATE: Finally accepted the answer. I must have Halloween spirits at work in my computer today :).
Do you recall what the answer was?
RE: Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
@keespal said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka BeeBuzzPoints):
NorCal2013 - I typed in O’Rei The O and R are capitalized
And it accepted the answerThanks. That helped.
RE: Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
@kateivan said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints):
@karinjel said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints):
@kateivan I missed the note regarding Twitter. Thanks for that and the Facebook link. I will check my activities section to be sure I received my Friday points. Also the videos are still only working for a few of them. Is anyone having better luck with them?
I’ve been accurately credited for the “watching videos” task on SacBee Rewards fairly consistently.
The videos on the Triton / ClearChannel sites (e.g. Club B95 B-Mail Bucks) haven’t been working correctly for the past several days, taking more effort to earn the max points each day (because sometimes the videos scroll by really quickly by themselves without awarding any points, so the “refresh” button has been getting an extra workout).
This morning, I discovered by repeating 3 times the same Awesome Women Videos I earned points each time on the 4 videos that played. I tried this on the other videos and that worked too, except for VH1, Top Entertainment, Video Entertainment Gallery and 2 of the Extra Credit - Women’s Lifestyles. The problem with repeating these videos that earn points is time.
RE: Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints)
@karinjel said in Sacramento Bee Loyalty Club (aka SacBee Rewards fka BeeBuzzPoints):
SacBee Daily Bonus: Stretch
For some reason I do not get KCAL’s weekly email so do not get the bonus word. If someone out there does get it, would they please post it? Thank you.
The weekly e-mail bonus code is KEYBOARD.
Here’s a link that has KCAL and Go Country trivia answers.
Ed: Link to competing deal site removed.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@smokey-cat said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
For anyone watching the videos for points on radio trivia, here are some of the key numbers for other videos that may not be listed on you station. These are the numbers as of Sunday 2/18/18.
Country:…424646…424707…424768…and… 424829
Top Entertainment:…425073
Video Entertainment :…425317
Women:…424890Forgot another Comedy which had 424585.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@bloodyarmpits said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
KCAL 96.7
Saturday Daily Bonus: GETAWAYI think you meant to say “Sunday Daily Bonus” because your answer worked today.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Today’s videos are a big headache. Not earning any points. Pretty frustrating.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@smokey-cat said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
@norcal2013 I sent a notice to the e-mail address and it returned unable to send.
Oh, no! This is messed up.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@vickib said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
@norcal2013 You saw videos??? We have not seen them in a very long time!
Oh, Vicki! Videos were available in the mobile site. Some Facebook posts had the numbers for the videos.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
This is the response from GO COUNTRY 105 FM in Los Angeles sent me on April 12th when I brought this problem to their attention with Shapeshift not earning points:
‘OK, we will let the developers know about this.’
Just sent Go Country a 2nd Facebook message that this problem still exists.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
A few minutes ago, I played Shape Shift on KOLA 99.9 FM and scored 57,620 points. But their website didn’t register that score in their GAME CENTER Leaderboard.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@karinjel said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
@norcal2013 I am not having issues with Trivia, but cannot enter the Halloween Sweepstakes on KCAL or B95. Is anyone else having this trouble? Thanks.
Trivia worked fine for me. I also had the same problem with my Halloween Sweepstakes entry. Even though my entry appeared to be stuck so I tried entering again. I got this response indicating that my first entry was accepted: “You have reached your daily limit of entries. Come back tomorrow for more chances to win.”
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
@ctgolfer said in Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel:
@norcal2013 I’ve had no issues with KOLA or KCAL
Does this mean you are having no issues with any of the items listed in Game Center in the EARN POINTS heading and are able to earn points playing Shapeshift, Cognition, Word Hoard and Pic Slide?
Trivia, Bonus Codes, Listen & Win and Featured Links are working fine. It’s just Game Center and some of the items under Up For Grabs are freezing with the word “Loading…” displayed.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
The Go Country 105 FM website in LA crashed. Unable to login.
RE: Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel
Has anyone seen the KCAL Wednesday Bonus Code?