I have been searching for a forum that discusses individual stocks and have not found one that I’m completely satisfied with. The closest I have found was the forums on Yahoo a few years ago but they where only OK with a lot of trash talk that has increased. Any good forums?
Posts made by redmed
Good Forums With Info On Stocks
RE: Withdrawing From Roth
I have been recommending opening a Roth, if only $100, to many young folks to eliminate that 5 year rule early and wondered if that early Roth would apply to helping withdrawing any funds from later Roth’s that are not 5 years old.
RE: Withdrawing From Roth
I have been dribbling (converting) funds from my IRA’s into Roth’s for 8 years and wondered about the specifics of withdrawing. I have no plans to withdraw anytime soon. In fact I plan to keep dribbling my IRA funds into Roth’s for many more years. Roth’s are one of the best ways to shelter your funds from taxes and I plan to take full advantage.
Withdrawing From Roth
I understand that you need to have a Roth account for 5 years before you can withdraw interest from the account tax free. What I wonder is if you have two or more Roth accounts and only one account is 5 years old can you withdraw from the other Roth accounts that are younger than five years tax free? Does the one Roth being 5 years old qualify you to withdraw from ANY of your Roth accounts tax free?
RE: Free Equifax Credit Freeze, ID Theft Protection & Monitoring Through 01-31-2018: NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE
@fivetalents Good! I feel a cold wave coming across my account.
Use A TracFone On PagePlus?
I have a PagePlus Pay-As-You-Go account that has worked great as a backup phone for only $80 a year. The phone a original Motorola Droid is getting pretty slow and beat up. I would like to keep the same account, I have over $200 credit built up on the account, but change the phone to a newer faster phone. I have a TracFone LGL16C that I never activated with TracFone. I think the LGL16C works with the Verizon network just like PagePlus does. Can I transfer the LGL16C to the PagePlus account? Will I need to jailbreak or Root the phone?
RE: Free Equifax Credit Freeze, ID Theft Protection & Monitoring Through 01-31-2018: NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE
So if I froze all the services can I just unfreeze only Transunion to get a loan then refreeze?