94.1-------12:22----------Disney-----------TERESA GUZMAN
94.9-----AI–>>>>ALBERT CANADO–ESC—HE’s the guy that gave me the CAL–JAM tickets!–I called him–He Didn’t Know—Now he’s Going to win!–Good thing I saved his Ph.Number
KY…uh, X…uh…Y …KYXY ------MARIA DORADO Forgot the most important part>>>C V
Closed everything//Restarted Computer–see what that does …sometimes I want to break out my Favorite Computer Repair Kit-------------a 20lb. Sledgehammer!!
KSON>>> #33 Lady A # 11 —Lady A WINNER…OOPS! My # were 3s there is no 333 LOL …OH! 2pm …The “Other” Busy Hour!
100.7 No toys or gimmicks…THE NAME PLEASE! >>>DANIEL WAGNER ESC txt word BUNNY
Where’s the KYXY???>>>GENEVA PATTERSON S D …I didn’t mean not being posted-----I TYPED IT, but it was Not Included!! <<<THAT is what BUGS ME!!
She Called & WON!!
KSON#43 G Straight #19 Ca Adventure <<<C A are good at Both Disney OR Ca. Adventure But only One Park.
I Just hit a 4 pack of S D Auto show Tickets PLUS a 4 Pk of KIDZ BOP tickets From KYXY and Sherry Night!! Caller #9 .(#1, #2, #5, #7 then #9)…All week these were Separate—But , I Guess the Double Up on Friday!
OMG!! I Walk them ONto the Stage, Do Yaeger & Red Bull Shots with them, Signed Drum Head, Play Foosball witg 3Days, Signed Playlist, Meet & Greet and Hangout Backstage With Disturbed AND 3Days Grace --I think I even Introduce them and things they have yet to tell me about, when Promotuons calls to give me all that is involved!!
105 Promotions called–I get to RAID THE MERC SHOP for ANYTHING//EVERYTHING I WANT PLus all the Other sfuff I Posted—and So Much Stuff, even She Couldn’t tell me everything because MORE will be Added by Tomorrow when we Meet @ 4:30>>It’s Freaking Out Time Again–HaHaHa!!
@littlemissfelina I’m not offended by your post, 7 waves since friday, after a week of, Doh, Almost!! …But I Love Hearing about other’s Wins!! I’m Still More “Giddy” about Amber’s KAABOO Win, than my Own!! Do us all a Favor and Hit that Darn 91-----I want that to be one of your next 5 posts!!
@dstall63 No Tricks…All by the Rules! The 91X Ballast Point BeerFest, was a “Remote//In the Field” meaning, No 30-day restriction–No Record kept., can still go for Caller #91>>The 30-Day win restriction with all I-Heart Stations, is one win on a Call-In and One Win in an Online Entry Per Station. 2 Wins per Station. With “Talk Radio//Fox” 600am, “Sports” 1360, 93.3, 94,1, 95.7, 101.5 & Rock 105.3, gives a total possible 14 wins per month…add in Entercom Stations, and then 91-X, 92.5, Z-90 and you could Win something Every Day of the Month Or Better–last weekend I-Heart//Entercom was 5 wins in 3 days<<IF you can keep that up–That is how there can be More than 30 in 30 days–Throw in 4-6 Remote Booth Drawing//Giveaways @ events (No Record//30 Day restriction) can mean Even More!!
98.1 -----T a D New Location–Waikiki//Oahu Hawaii -------Time->3:00pm
KGB–12:20pm —TED NANCE–update>>-only 1 minute left, Ted!!
949-------PEDRO CARREO Tierra Santa
91-X------HIT IT!! it’s PLAYING 7, 25, this cake is Baked!! —I know many of you are on your Commute—SO I’m hitting what I can!! (highlighted–not Yelling)
101.5 --7:24 Disney—ARMANDO …? just missed the last name—he only repeated the first name (after submitting–I see it covered now)
CHRISTIAN FRANCO --100.7 called in & Took $500
101.5 KGB–12:20ish Disney Name>>>>CARRIE//KARY ANDERSON–Campo
949-------------JORDAN MARTIN
BTW–Back @ 110% …thanks for all the Support–You guys are 100% Correct will do EVEN More than EVER to make sure I can be the Best I can FOR all of you!!
Kson-------------3:15------------MAKELA THORMAN-
94.9--------------3:12------------EVELYN GARCIA encinitas<<CALLED IN & WON!!!
KSON--------------------SAMANTHA REGIR//RIEGER
97.3 Las Vegas code word------PUTTER
100.7-------MARCOS MELOM
94.9----------------------------------------LIZ CHAVEZ downtown (another person WON by seeing my FB post!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeww!!! <<I LOVE THAT
91-X------------------BAND–THE SPECIALS…zoom zoom!! LOL>>This message is hidden because its author is in your ignored list😀😀
949------------------------------ANNA ROGERS//RODGERS–bonita
91-X—the SPECIALS are PLAYING—GO!! GOOD LUCK–This is the Ultra Quick One–2 minutes—DONE!!-----Rang-out–OVER!!
100.7—$600-------DIANNA HERNANDEZ–lemon grove
95.7–Knott’s Berry Farm 4-Pak for “Rumble on the Radio”–Be #9 answer the Question & WIN!
97.3–Las Vegas word---------KENO as in the Las Vegas number game-----all words are Las Vegas//Golf Themed
@littlemissfelina Exactly–Like I said ALL Trips are Good…hinting at just what you said—Anything that they fly me to and Set Me Up—I AM SO IN!!–Heck, I wouldn’t care if it was Justin Beiber----I’d even take “Magic Mike” and just make a deal with some Local Ladies!!–FLY ME SOMEWHERE!! HaHaHa!!–I enter the I-Heart Latino Music Fest all the Time & I don’t know Half the Artists–But I’;m sure they would perform well and They Really Hook You UP!!
@yabbersgoo11 – I can’t Say—D____…But D_____!! those are some Insane Wins, Fantastic–Austin City Limits is GREAT-Full Week of Top Notch-- Star treatment----I bow to your Winning Prowess!!
949----------------SARA//SARAH CAMPBELL–s’ ranch
949-------------------------------------TOM SCARLET
101.5 KGB>TICKET-200200