For several days now on both my pc and my smartphone have been resolving to a default web server page like the web server was installed but there was no content - when I go to I thought the webpage must be down. But I find that gets me to the forums just fine. Is only the HTTPS page working?

Best posts made by soundtechie
[Resolved] I see default "nginx fedora" page when trying to go to
Testing tables
USER soundtechie ganda Discretion Frugal freak Julia louis dreyfus GHW Bush Michele Bachmann alex jones Carl reiner Jimmy Carter Steve Bannon Roy moore Regis Philbin Prince Philip Alan Dershowitz Willie Nelson Val kilmer Pope Benedict XVI Franklin Graham Mo Brooks Valerie harper Larry King Mike Huckabee George Herbert Walker Bush bernie madoff Bob Barker Alex Jones Valerie Harper george h w bush Henry Kissinger Gordon Klingenschmitt Betty White barbara bush Terry Jones Roy Moore AL Franken Bob dole Stan Lee Pat Robertson Richard Shelby Jimmy carter John McCain Rick Santorum Jim Carrey POINTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0