Hello, all. I am new to this forum (I have been members of others for a year or so-specific to trading) and I wanted to ask a question. I am stuck in a bind relating to finding employment. After meeting with a Goldman Sachs Wealth Fund Manager, he said to break into Portfolio Analysis/Management. He told me that he hasn’t spoken to anyone not encumbered in the industry with as much knowledge and understanding of market/equity/research analysis, but he couldn’t train me for however long it took to be efficient.
Seeing that I haven’t taken a finance class in my life, I went home and looked up exactly what a Portfolio Analysis (Entry-Level) does. I spent some long nights and days reading, watching videos, and going over examples of what they do for work.
After these 2 weeks were up, I wanted to test myself and put together a very small and easy portfolio analysis measuring equities and REIT ETFs.
If anyone on here wouldn’t mind looking it over and offering constructive criticism or advice… I would really appreciate it.
I plan on using this example in the job search since I don’t have a ton of experience here. I’m only going this route because I’ve been told many times that my investment analysis and research would be good for this.
If you’re in the industry and want to check it out- please, be my guest! Thank you, all!
You can access the report via: https://mab437.wixsite.com/portfolio-analysis