Free Invention Kit

  • 5K Club

    Have an invention idea? Answer a few quick questions to Request your Free Invention Kit! It only takes a minute

  • Thank you for the post

    I have found these offers are from companies that will “handle” your idea for a small fee

  • 5K Club

    @tuskers What have you invented? Have you tried this company?

  • I have a few items patented. They were for the company I worked for, but lets keep the conversation about the post and leave personal things out.
    Are you aware of what the “kit” contains?

    This is what the site says:
    Request the Free Invention Kit from our Featured
    Invention Help Companies

    You will get some slick paperwork from a company that, for a fee, will handle your idea.

  • 5K Club

    @tuskers The site does NOT say “You will get some slick paperwork from a company that, for a fee, will handle your idea.” This is your personal opinion.
    Nevertheless, The only thing this post offered was a free kit. Nothing more.

  • Personal experience
    What then exactly do you think they are going to send?

  • This same link has been sent out in several DailyGoodieBox emails, and is probably where the original source got it from. I’ve seen it multiple times in DGB emails I receive. There are several companies that are similar, they too offer ‘free’ guides/kits. See BING search for several.

    With all, information is free, interested companies will contact you. If you choose to work with a particular company, to bring your idea to market, obviously that company is going to assess a fee. I’ve done some research regarding obtaining patents, copyrights, manufacturing your idea, marketing your product, etc It can be daunting, and not something the average person can do. The companies affiliated with these websites know the required steps & process.

    I would suggest that someone serious about bringing an idea to fruition, search Google/BING and try several sources. Until/unless you choose to work with a company, there is no upfront cost. The ‘free kits’ just help you do what needs to be done; to get the company you choose to work with, the information needed to get your idea to product development, then advertising and marketing it.

    The kits, according to the various websites offering this, are provided by the companies that are interested in your idea - but they need information, sketches, schematics, descriptions, details, etc. in a format that is suitable for obtaining things like a patent and/or a copyright. A patent is issued for your original invention, a copyright for your original product name. Any fees, and how they are paid, probably are stated in the kit.

    Anywhoo… here’s a DIY source, that is Finance Forum worthy, from NOLO, no lawyer needed. Good info as far as what you need to know, and the cost involved. More stuff from BING on obtaining patents.


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