Staples Rebate- Possible No Show
I’m guessing someone here has had a Staples Rebate not show up at their door. Were you able to get it resolved easily.
I think I didn’t receive one of mine. I’ve been keeping pretty good record on excel, but when multiple rebates w/same value are sent, and with the different tracking number on rebate and card, its possible that I mistracked. I was supposed to receive two rebates of same value, about a week apart, but think I only received one.
Can I contact staples, and will they be able to track the card if it has been used?
Call the Office of Pres customer service number and ask at 1-800-338-0252. M-F,9-5 EST.
There is no need to contact Staples. This is something that can be easily checked with the rebate center. If a rebate card has not been used/activated 30 days after the actual shipping date (not the date for the “Your Easy Rebate is in the mail!”), that can be cancelled and resent.
Use the tracking number on the rebate card at to find out the rebate submission date, and then use that date for reconciliation. For this system to work properly, don’t submit more than one rebate per day, especially for the same rebate amount.
@c3 agree. Call Parago/ Staples not SOP. I thought I hadn’t received a rebate card. Called them and they were able to tell me where it had been used. My bad.
Thanks all (and sorry for delay, I only got to contacting parago/staples today). I’ll give details of my experience for future reference.
I online chatted with Parago, and after a bit of time all they could confirm is that the rebates shipped. CSR gave me the following number: 866-923-0052,(not the 2 for Spanish) press 2, press 2, which I think is Staples Rebates. There the rep confirmed that one had been used entirely on October XX in Staples City/State; and the other hadn’t been used, (the latter is the one I had in hand.) She was able to cross-reference the Rebate Tracking number (when rebates are submitted) with the Reward Tracking number (which is on back of Visa cared, and on paper sent with Visa).
After that I was actually able to find the receipt on October XX, and sure enough it had a payment line with $16.99, the amount/card I was ‘missing’.
Thanks again.
It would be so much easier if the tracking number didn’t change after you submit the rebate