Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning System with 6 refills $4.39 @Amazon

  • administrators

    Steps to get it for $4.39

    1. Place an order through Alexa by saying “Alexa order Clorox ToiletWand” to Amazon Echo, or Fire TV with Alexa, or Fire table with Alexa, etc.
    2. Cancel the alexa order through my orders page.
    3. Subscribe and Save from the item page

    Subscription summary
    Items: $7.98
    Shipping & handling: $0.00
    Alexa: -$2.39
    Subscribe & Save: -$1.20
    Total before tax: $4.39
    Estimated tax to be collected: $0.30
    Order total: $4.69


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