San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 500 Club

  • 500 Club

  • 10K Club Banned

    I-HEART>WIN 6:00

    I-HEART>WIN 6:00

  • 500 Club

    win 200-200 6

    pirate 94.9 6

    win 200-200 6

    pirate 94.9 6

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 500 Club

    brian 103.7-kson 6

    brian 103.7-kson 6

  • 10K Club Banned





  • 10K Club Banned

    949>>PIRATE 6p


    949>>PIRATE 6p


  • 500 Club

    😆 Sometimes its obvious when someone is compensating for something.

    <<<<<< NO IM NOT!!! >>>>>>

    /thakz fur sending me dis lol, hav guud weeknd

    😆 Sometimes its obvious when someone is compensating for something.

    <<<<<< NO IM NOT!!! >>>>>>

    /thakz fur sending me dis lol, hav guud weeknd

  • 10K Club Banned

    best thing ever!! thank GOD--------------------lololololololol ha ha freaking HA!

    HappyWife 500 CLUB 3 minutes ago
    This message is hidden because its author is in your ignored list.

    best thing ever!! thank GOD--------------------lololololololol ha ha freaking HA!

    HappyWife 500 CLUB 3 minutes ago
    This message is hidden because its author is in your ignored list.

  • 10K Club Banned

    the Final KFRG>DESERT---------------enter up to 11P

    the Final KFRG>DESERT---------------enter up to 11P

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 10K Club Banned

    enter >>DISCOVER

    KCAL9 Disneyland Resort “Magic is Here” Giveaway!

    enter >>DISCOVER

    KCAL9 Disneyland Resort “Magic is Here” Giveaway!

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 500 Club

  • @HappyWife good to see you posting on a weekend. How goes it here?

    @HappyWife good to see you posting on a weekend. How goes it here?

  • 500 Club

    @chumle Fab, got a lil time to mess wit teenie. he faild tryin to leave an did the walk of shame back 2 here, like watch a lil kid. squad sez he makin 1 post into 20 to git better post count an now failin 2 sell that postin hiz unreliable an dupz 24 hours a day iz a good thing lol.

    @chumle Fab, got a lil time to mess wit teenie. he faild tryin to leave an did the walk of shame back 2 here, like watch a lil kid. squad sez he makin 1 post into 20 to git better post count an now failin 2 sell that postin hiz unreliable an dupz 24 hours a day iz a good thing lol.

  • 500 Club

  • @happywife I see why he struggles to get any support and everyone runs away. We all read the comments about him from genuine people on Facebook and what happens when it comes to in person interactions. Not a people person and social media is the only option left for interaction that comes with a captive audience 24 hours a day. Deep inside it has got to hurt knowing that his issues have lost the respect of everyone and all that is left is terrorist posting any crap we already see on industry websites as often as possible at all hours and calling that amazing. It’s the only way to “like/upvote” himself and scream for attention while sadly avoiding the learning and growing opportunity. New people are getting attacked quicker but I will repost the challenge and see if that helps.

    @happywife I see why he struggles to get any support and everyone runs away. We all read the comments about him from genuine people on Facebook and what happens when it comes to in person interactions. Not a people person and social media is the only option left for interaction that comes with a captive audience 24 hours a day. Deep inside it has got to hurt knowing that his issues have lost the respect of everyone and all that is left is terrorist posting any crap we already see on industry websites as often as possible at all hours and calling that amazing. It’s the only way to “like/upvote” himself and scream for attention while sadly avoiding the learning and growing opportunity. New people are getting attacked quicker but I will repost the challenge and see if that helps.

  • 500 Club

    @chumle lololol the teenie terrorist

    @chumle lololol the teenie terrorist

  • 500 Club

    build 94.9 12

    build 94.9 12

  • @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @julytulip you started KSON posting?? First Means very Little --Only to one mental case–I Post in 3 Places, sometimes >>4<<AS I am Working…So I Get them All Done ASAP—NOT a Race!!-I have posted KSON Both in here for over 3 Years Ronzilla 10K CLUB 2 years ago KSON—DAVID GORDA ,& On their F B pg for over 8++ Years along with KR Urbina, Amber, & Others—949, Many people Won Coachella passes from my posts there, over the years. —KYXY Ronzilla 10K CLUB 3 years ago KYXY ----5:10 Trip Name>>>Carlos Canejo—and Sunny 98.1, BOB RADIO & GLOW You are more than Welcome to Join in Posting–I Welcome ALL Posters --Have You seen Me flip Out & Bury Posts because someone Else did before me?? I Will bring Mine Forward when someone Clowns Me & show IT I Already had posted their “First Post” or use those Ridiculous EYES To demonstrate the Silliness of it All -But the First??? You would have had to begin in 2012//13-----KSON Posts have Always Been Posted in This Forum------Post or Don"t Post—All up to >>VOLUNTARY Posting by any Person>>>casas 500 CLUB about a month ago KSON - magic…Ronzilla 10K CLUB about a month ago KSON All WEEKEND.GTFO: Win up front tickets to see Florida Georgia Line plus an autographed guitar

    This is how a member gets treated when asking an innocent question. @Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.

    @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @julytulip you started KSON posting?? First Means very Little --Only to one mental case–I Post in 3 Places, sometimes >>4<<AS I am Working…So I Get them All Done ASAP—NOT a Race!!-I have posted KSON Both in here for over 3 Years Ronzilla 10K CLUB 2 years ago KSON—DAVID GORDA ,& On their F B pg for over 8++ Years along with KR Urbina, Amber, & Others—949, Many people Won Coachella passes from my posts there, over the years. —KYXY Ronzilla 10K CLUB 3 years ago KYXY ----5:10 Trip Name>>>Carlos Canejo—and Sunny 98.1, BOB RADIO & GLOW You are more than Welcome to Join in Posting–I Welcome ALL Posters --Have You seen Me flip Out & Bury Posts because someone Else did before me?? I Will bring Mine Forward when someone Clowns Me & show IT I Already had posted their “First Post” or use those Ridiculous EYES To demonstrate the Silliness of it All -But the First??? You would have had to begin in 2012//13-----KSON Posts have Always Been Posted in This Forum------Post or Don"t Post—All up to >>VOLUNTARY Posting by any Person>>>casas 500 CLUB about a month ago KSON - magic…Ronzilla 10K CLUB about a month ago KSON All WEEKEND.GTFO: Win up front tickets to see Florida Georgia Line plus an autographed guitar

    This is how a member gets treated when asking an innocent question. @Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.

  • 500 Club

    lego 94.9 1

    lego 94.9 1

  • 500 Club

    weekend 103.7-kson 1

    weekend 103.7-kson 1

  • @chumle don’t know why or how all this drama started and it’s such a shame so much back and forth junk. I tried to skip over it but so overwhelmed by it all this, should be a forum of entering and winning contest but sadly it’s changed and turned into a place of whining and fighting 🙁

    @chumle don’t know why or how all this drama started and it’s such a shame so much back and forth junk. I tried to skip over it but so overwhelmed by it all this, should be a forum of entering and winning contest but sadly it’s changed and turned into a place of whining and fighting 🙁

  • 500 Club

    @stormie123 hello. juzz swipe past or ignore button but plz keep postin. can you plz post 5:30pm 103.7-kson code? thankz an good vibz

    @stormie123 hello. juzz swipe past or ignore button but plz keep postin. can you plz post 5:30pm 103.7-kson code? thankz an good vibz

  • 500 Club

    brick (again) 94.9 3

    brick (again) 94.9 3

  • 500 Club

    poker 103.7-kson 3

    poker 103.7-kson 3

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON 11:30>VEGAS

    😀 😀 😀 one word per hour, up until 11:50pm

    KSON 11:30>VEGAS

    😀 😀 😀 one word per hour, up until 11:50pm

  • 10K Club Banned

    @stormie123 I know this is why you are no longer using phat wallet–and it is SAD They chased you out…But Better that you Have followed me to the MUCH BETTER Zero drama F B Page-and are ONLY Here To check if I posted things HERE & not FB—SEE YOU THERE!!–Don’t worry, too much about Me–I started using the “Ignor” function --the little “EYE” in the Name–I see None of it & AM so much better for it__Thanks for alerting me, to all that you are seeing the past 3-4 days!! it helps!! I Wish it//they would Just Stop ruining this Forum with all that Useless GARBAGE–Then saying>>I AM THE PROBLEM–displaying AN Old post–YET Not the posts that show that “JULY TULIP” & I Made amends & were Cooprating GREAT Until “Chumlie//Happywife” Harassment CIRCUS Began & I took a 10 Day Break —But None of that is under anyone"s Control–But the OBSESSED People doing it!-----I would not doubt JULY got weary of it too–she was a such nice person
    Voices that were silent before–ones that would rather i not post their names are in XXXXs…Stormie123 5 days ago…That’s too bad… and thank you again for posting with all the problems 😂…Stormie123 I see all your
    F B posts all the time. In fact they’re duplicated usually…not hidden. I usually “like” them.… but they’re posting ok …XXXX …“And That Facebook ban, That wasn’t a Ban, they just lied about it-- just a password reset, would’ve been crazy as I never saw anything that would warrant that. Just more garbage from the squad” …Stormie123 10 days ago “I’m hardly in this site anymore”…Stormie123 11days ago…Thank you just realized u posted the 3pm word for Kyxy they didn’t announce it 👍🏼…Stormie & Others (that Mssg but won"t post it—their freedom of choice) hates this mess and the Circus as much as I do–WHY on her 3rd Day—Stormie Said,
    “I Want to Go with you to the F B page”…XXX “I can’t believe you put up with that,.She’s just so annoying” A response to My suggestion. If they’d like to come to the F B Pg., to another …that eventually left for F B …“Might try that. Hopefully the crazies won’t follow” >>XXXX “Weird - my downvote button is completely gone now ?? I was going to downvote chumle’s last garbage attack!”…XXXX"-- But now the ‘downvote’ appears to be gone which is probably a good thing. That leaves them to have to openly attack you instead of just downvote-Taking any points from you is wrong. I only hoped by the downvote being gone that those numbers would be corrected as well but apparently it isn’t & I’m sorry about that, I figure I’ll just keep doing my thing. Hope that ‘downvote’ button is gone for good" …XXXX “The hours they must be wasting to go back & downvote everything. Can’t believe they have that much spare time…so Crazy!”>>there"s more…But WHY??—Point made–Thruth SHOWN–now would you please put your Egos away, and consider others, for a change!!
    —***especially hearing from one, of a 3 or 4, YOU chased out of here!!!..And YOUR BIG psychotic LIE about how people in the F B page “blocked me” and Can’t see My Posts—"the Voice if IGNORANCE//LIES >> How that works is—People Click ON THE PERSON’S NAME–then You See>> EVERY POST THEY HAVE MADE<< Some click on Ruth’s Page, Some Mine, & Others click on Rosabel’s—WE Are the TOP THREE POSTERS THERE!! Rosa holds A “Visual Storyteller” badge Visual Storyteller is: Rosabel and Ronzilla earned this badge in San Diego Contest Winners by consistently sharing images or videos that people value. Ruth holds a “Conversation Starter” Badge is: Conversation Starter Ruth and Ronzilla earned this badge by consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts in San Diego Contest Winners. I HOLD >>BOTH BADGES<< Being THE TOP Poster in F B --But AS I DO in Here WITH Over 25,116 compared to 2nd place (that has been here 1 yr. longer) with 13,613 —IF I Wasn"t ROBBED of over 11,500 Upvotes thru that “TEMPORARY” BS downvote made just to steal those upvotes then Removed the Day CT Golfer Past ME…While having the “Squad” go back & UPVOTE Hundreds of his Old Posts a DAY…up to 500 A DAY…GEE over 4 Years for him to reach 22, 250–Now in LESS than 3 Months has 32,237–OH “Nothing to SEE Here–please Move right Along!!” right about The SAME Number I Had 3 Months ago–Before that SCAM started --to Move Him UP & replace me—Because it drove H W & her “SQWAD” CRAZY that I held BOTH Reputation & # of Posts BY Such WIDE Margins—I should be @ about 38,000++ TODAY Not>>28,177…Because I Used to LEGITIMATELY get Between 70 & 100+ a day–when this forum had more participants!! before those >>INSANELY JEALOUS<< Bunch went into action…causing several to stop…gotnopoints, casas (cut about 70%) Palacio (still here–mssg her all the time!!)–just Rarely posts!! Stormie 123 Left 100% and commented WHY…July tulip–used To post 4 Times a day–all the KSON ones–Now??..nothing to do with me–Go back & see We Worked it out & were Cooperating like a TEAM—Until CHUMLIES TWO BIG RANTS in a Row & I took a 10 Day break—even chased ME OUT, Temporarily!—Until I Saw this forum was MISSING MORE Than HW & July were Getting—JUST 9-12 a Day!! when it should have been 25++ and I Was Missing ZERO in my FB Posts! So I returned EARLIER THAN PROMISED to make Sure the 200+ people a DAY that View here weren"t Missing everything over HW’s! INABILITY to get them


    @stormie123 I know this is why you are no longer using phat wallet–and it is SAD They chased you out…But Better that you Have followed me to the MUCH BETTER Zero drama F B Page-and are ONLY Here To check if I posted things HERE & not FB—SEE YOU THERE!!–Don’t worry, too much about Me–I started using the “Ignor” function --the little “EYE” in the Name–I see None of it & AM so much better for it__Thanks for alerting me, to all that you are seeing the past 3-4 days!! it helps!! I Wish it//they would Just Stop ruining this Forum with all that Useless GARBAGE–Then saying>>I AM THE PROBLEM–displaying AN Old post–YET Not the posts that show that “JULY TULIP” & I Made amends & were Cooprating GREAT Until “Chumlie//Happywife” Harassment CIRCUS Began & I took a 10 Day Break —But None of that is under anyone"s Control–But the OBSESSED People doing it!-----I would not doubt JULY got weary of it too–she was a such nice person
    Voices that were silent before–ones that would rather i not post their names are in XXXXs…Stormie123 5 days ago…That’s too bad… and thank you again for posting with all the problems 😂…Stormie123 I see all your
    F B posts all the time. In fact they’re duplicated usually…not hidden. I usually “like” them.… but they’re posting ok …XXXX …“And That Facebook ban, That wasn’t a Ban, they just lied about it-- just a password reset, would’ve been crazy as I never saw anything that would warrant that. Just more garbage from the squad” …Stormie123 10 days ago “I’m hardly in this site anymore”…Stormie123 11days ago…Thank you just realized u posted the 3pm word for Kyxy they didn’t announce it 👍🏼…Stormie & Others (that Mssg but won"t post it—their freedom of choice) hates this mess and the Circus as much as I do–WHY on her 3rd Day—Stormie Said,
    “I Want to Go with you to the F B page”…XXX “I can’t believe you put up with that,.She’s just so annoying” A response to My suggestion. If they’d like to come to the F B Pg., to another …that eventually left for F B …“Might try that. Hopefully the crazies won’t follow” >>XXXX “Weird - my downvote button is completely gone now ?? I was going to downvote chumle’s last garbage attack!”…XXXX"-- But now the ‘downvote’ appears to be gone which is probably a good thing. That leaves them to have to openly attack you instead of just downvote-Taking any points from you is wrong. I only hoped by the downvote being gone that those numbers would be corrected as well but apparently it isn’t & I’m sorry about that, I figure I’ll just keep doing my thing. Hope that ‘downvote’ button is gone for good" …XXXX “The hours they must be wasting to go back & downvote everything. Can’t believe they have that much spare time…so Crazy!”>>there"s more…But WHY??—Point made–Thruth SHOWN–now would you please put your Egos away, and consider others, for a change!!
    —***especially hearing from one, of a 3 or 4, YOU chased out of here!!!..And YOUR BIG psychotic LIE about how people in the F B page “blocked me” and Can’t see My Posts—"the Voice if IGNORANCE//LIES >> How that works is—People Click ON THE PERSON’S NAME–then You See>> EVERY POST THEY HAVE MADE<< Some click on Ruth’s Page, Some Mine, & Others click on Rosabel’s—WE Are the TOP THREE POSTERS THERE!! Rosa holds A “Visual Storyteller” badge Visual Storyteller is: Rosabel and Ronzilla earned this badge in San Diego Contest Winners by consistently sharing images or videos that people value. Ruth holds a “Conversation Starter” Badge is: Conversation Starter Ruth and Ronzilla earned this badge by consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts in San Diego Contest Winners. I HOLD >>BOTH BADGES<< Being THE TOP Poster in F B --But AS I DO in Here WITH Over 25,116 compared to 2nd place (that has been here 1 yr. longer) with 13,613 —IF I Wasn"t ROBBED of over 11,500 Upvotes thru that “TEMPORARY” BS downvote made just to steal those upvotes then Removed the Day CT Golfer Past ME…While having the “Squad” go back & UPVOTE Hundreds of his Old Posts a DAY…up to 500 A DAY…GEE over 4 Years for him to reach 22, 250–Now in LESS than 3 Months has 32,237–OH “Nothing to SEE Here–please Move right Along!!” right about The SAME Number I Had 3 Months ago–Before that SCAM started --to Move Him UP & replace me—Because it drove H W & her “SQWAD” CRAZY that I held BOTH Reputation & # of Posts BY Such WIDE Margins—I should be @ about 38,000++ TODAY Not>>28,177…Because I Used to LEGITIMATELY get Between 70 & 100+ a day–when this forum had more participants!! before those >>INSANELY JEALOUS<< Bunch went into action…causing several to stop…gotnopoints, casas (cut about 70%) Palacio (still here–mssg her all the time!!)–just Rarely posts!! Stormie 123 Left 100% and commented WHY…July tulip–used To post 4 Times a day–all the KSON ones–Now??..nothing to do with me–Go back & see We Worked it out & were Cooperating like a TEAM—Until CHUMLIES TWO BIG RANTS in a Row & I took a 10 Day break—even chased ME OUT, Temporarily!—Until I Saw this forum was MISSING MORE Than HW & July were Getting—JUST 9-12 a Day!! when it should have been 25++ and I Was Missing ZERO in my FB Posts! So I returned EARLIER THAN PROMISED to make Sure the 200+ people a DAY that View here weren"t Missing everything over HW’s! INABILITY to get them


  • 10K Club Banned





  • 10K Club Banned

    949>LEGO --5p–again

    949>LEGO --5p–again

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

  • 1000 Club

    BUNNY to 515151 for 2 Section A tix for Caroline APolacek w/ Alex G and Molly Lewis Thu,Aug5 19:30 w/VIP lot G Parking
    random pick until 7/26 04:00 (value $149)

    BUNNY to 515151 for 2 Section A tix for Caroline APolacek w/ Alex G and Molly Lewis Thu,Aug5 19:30 w/VIP lot G Parking
    random pick until 7/26 04:00 (value $149)

  • 10K Club Banned

  • 10K Club Banned

    949>BRICK 11a

    949>BRICK 11a

  • 10K Club Banned

    949>BUILD 12p

    949>BUILD 12p

  • 10K Club Banned

    949> LEGO1p

    949> LEGO1p

  • 10K Club Banned

    949> STUD 2p

    949> STUD 2p

  • @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @julytulip JulyTulip about 23 hours ago
    …I didn’t Notice but “GotNo” Did stand up &? Say something gotnopoints 500 CLUB 29 days ago
    Ronzilla is right. I am guilty of being a bystander hoping things would just get better but it never does. So now I am speaking up. This pettiness over the years needs to stop. Everyone has their little oddities but this is not the place for cyber bullying. I for one appreciate a majority of Ronzilla’s posts but I also know his rants can be annoying to some…ok all. Ronzilla is not the most eloquent poster and has initiated some of this backlash onto himself but that does not give you the right to keep pushing his buttons, so why do you think it is ok here? If you can’t say or do something nice for those that post just keep it to yourself. We are all here with the purpose of helping each other win free prizes, some more than others, so why not be more appreciative or understanding? Hopefully you will keep this in mind if Ronzilla continues to participate or when the next Ronzilla joins this forum. For those that frequently post, I don’t say it as much as I should but thank you for your service.
    -IF you are Not familiar with “GOTNO” -----He has Posted here for YEARS from near the Beginning, longer Than I have And MANY Times has “SAVED the DAY” with Many Well Timed posts that Could have Been Missed----I Appreciate “GOTNO” enough that I went Back & UPVOTED JUST ABOUT every post ever made ----JUST IN CASE THOSE fools Tried Taking Any away from Him-----I did Hundreds at a Time HIS STATUS IN “REPUTATION” MOVED up ABOUT 15- 20 OR MORE POSITIONS---- I know he will be there At the Right times again & Have Posted 2nd to His Just to help it be more visible to assist people going thru post rather quickly --Due to time restrictions!!—>>DOUBLE POSTING IS GOOD!! don’t be afraid to Post if One Just DID—Not an Insult to Post 2nd & help VERIFY the Content OF THE ORIGINAL POST As Well as Making it Easier TO SEE//FIND!

    ONE More thing—IF You want to SEE how I post without all the ODD Comments & Double posting//Burying of Any Post I Make Before HappyWife—PLEASE Got to RE: Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion and YOU Will see WEEKS of nothing BUT POSTING THE CORRECT INFORMATION–>>ZERO DRAMA<<

    Unbelievable, there is a second strike. This is how a member gets treated when asking an innocent question. @Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.

    @ronzilla said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:

    @julytulip JulyTulip about 23 hours ago
    …I didn’t Notice but “GotNo” Did stand up &? Say something gotnopoints 500 CLUB 29 days ago
    Ronzilla is right. I am guilty of being a bystander hoping things would just get better but it never does. So now I am speaking up. This pettiness over the years needs to stop. Everyone has their little oddities but this is not the place for cyber bullying. I for one appreciate a majority of Ronzilla’s posts but I also know his rants can be annoying to some…ok all. Ronzilla is not the most eloquent poster and has initiated some of this backlash onto himself but that does not give you the right to keep pushing his buttons, so why do you think it is ok here? If you can’t say or do something nice for those that post just keep it to yourself. We are all here with the purpose of helping each other win free prizes, some more than others, so why not be more appreciative or understanding? Hopefully you will keep this in mind if Ronzilla continues to participate or when the next Ronzilla joins this forum. For those that frequently post, I don’t say it as much as I should but thank you for your service.
    -IF you are Not familiar with “GOTNO” -----He has Posted here for YEARS from near the Beginning, longer Than I have And MANY Times has “SAVED the DAY” with Many Well Timed posts that Could have Been Missed----I Appreciate “GOTNO” enough that I went Back & UPVOTED JUST ABOUT every post ever made ----JUST IN CASE THOSE fools Tried Taking Any away from Him-----I did Hundreds at a Time HIS STATUS IN “REPUTATION” MOVED up ABOUT 15- 20 OR MORE POSITIONS---- I know he will be there At the Right times again & Have Posted 2nd to His Just to help it be more visible to assist people going thru post rather quickly --Due to time restrictions!!—>>DOUBLE POSTING IS GOOD!! don’t be afraid to Post if One Just DID—Not an Insult to Post 2nd & help VERIFY the Content OF THE ORIGINAL POST As Well as Making it Easier TO SEE//FIND!

    ONE More thing—IF You want to SEE how I post without all the ODD Comments & Double posting//Burying of Any Post I Make Before HappyWife—PLEASE Got to RE: Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion and YOU Will see WEEKS of nothing BUT POSTING THE CORRECT INFORMATION–>>ZERO DRAMA<<

    Unbelievable, there is a second strike. This is how a member gets treated when asking an innocent question. @Ronzilla you can’t change what happened every week, just don’t pretend it didn’t. You should be embarrassed. You’ve really learned nothing John Snow.

  • 10K Club Banned

    949>BRICK, again 3p

    Chumle about an hour ago
    This message is hidden because its author is in your ignored list. << A great tool that phatwallet has so not to endure negative//harassing comments & deranged members S O S I assume-Just advanced to this pg.-not worth Anybody’s Time…Find something better to do besides stalking me 100% of the time…your Entire profile pg. is just pages and pages of endless ridiculous Rants with ZERO true contributions–OBSESSED MUCH??–All these rants over & over again, with the same Zero results only helps Ruin//Degrade this Once Good Forum

    Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results—you’ve just been diagnosed–Understand now??.
    ONE LAST & Final “Clearing things up” The “Back & Forth” mentioned yesterday " Stormie 123 >23 minutes ago. Dang he sounds crazy. I posted to him. that Him and Happy Wife are Always Back n Forth, not You, so that’s why I posted to his and hers conversation they’re very annoying that’s why I don t come to this side anymore"<< By another one that the Sqwad chased out & she happily came with me to the FB pg> and now is a Great productive Contributor there–You cost US a great could have been PhatWallet contributor!!-I believe will be earning a “Top Contributor” Badge --in a few weeks!!>>>Stormie123…she spent 3 Days HERE–Before asking me to “SAVE ME” I want to go to FB with you, Please give me the Invite!!"------No Matter how many times it gets said or by who–This Forum IS FOR POSTING Radio & TV Contest Related stuff >>ONLY<< NOW ARE WE DONE & Can get PASSED ALL THIS>>PLEASE!!! BTW—This how We Converse between each other in the FB page, Try picking something up from this example>> Thank you Stormie 123, and, once again, You are doing Great as a New Contributing Poster in our Great >>goon free< F B Contest Pg. I am “SUGGESTING” You receive a “Top Contributor” Badge ASAP …keep up the excellent work
    "Dang he sounds crazy"–Yes, you, Albert Einstein & myself–All agree

    949>BRICK, again 3p

    Chumle about an hour ago
    This message is hidden because its author is in your ignored list. << A great tool that phatwallet has so not to endure negative//harassing comments & deranged members S O S I assume-Just advanced to this pg.-not worth Anybody’s Time…Find something better to do besides stalking me 100% of the time…your Entire profile pg. is just pages and pages of endless ridiculous Rants with ZERO true contributions–OBSESSED MUCH??–All these rants over & over again, with the same Zero results only helps Ruin//Degrade this Once Good Forum

    Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results—you’ve just been diagnosed–Understand now??.
    ONE LAST & Final “Clearing things up” The “Back & Forth” mentioned yesterday " Stormie 123 >23 minutes ago. Dang he sounds crazy. I posted to him. that Him and Happy Wife are Always Back n Forth, not You, so that’s why I posted to his and hers conversation they’re very annoying that’s why I don t come to this side anymore"<< By another one that the Sqwad chased out & she happily came with me to the FB pg> and now is a Great productive Contributor there–You cost US a great could have been PhatWallet contributor!!-I believe will be earning a “Top Contributor” Badge --in a few weeks!!>>>Stormie123…she spent 3 Days HERE–Before asking me to “SAVE ME” I want to go to FB with you, Please give me the Invite!!"------No Matter how many times it gets said or by who–This Forum IS FOR POSTING Radio & TV Contest Related stuff >>ONLY<< NOW ARE WE DONE & Can get PASSED ALL THIS>>PLEASE!!! BTW—This how We Converse between each other in the FB page, Try picking something up from this example>> Thank you Stormie 123, and, once again, You are doing Great as a New Contributing Poster in our Great >>goon free< F B Contest Pg. I am “SUGGESTING” You receive a “Top Contributor” Badge ASAP …keep up the excellent work
    "Dang he sounds crazy"–Yes, you, Albert Einstein & myself–All agree

  • 500 Club

    Thank you to everyone who posts code words and contests giveaways and names of winners for contests in here! It would be nice if we didn’t have to see/read these long messages attacking people for posting or some individual beefs.

    Thank you to everyone who posts code words and contests giveaways and names of winners for contests in here! It would be nice if we didn’t have to see/read these long messages attacking people for posting or some individual beefs.

  • 10K Club Banned

    949>STUD 4p

    949>STUD 4p

  • 10K Club Banned

    949>LEGO 5p

    949>LEGO 5p

  • 10K Club Banned

    0949>STUD 6p–Final

    0949>STUD 6p–Final

  • A positive challenge from a fellow member:

    I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.

    The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.

    With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.

    A positive challenge from a fellow member:

    I have poked around Phatwallet for years, I quickly read my content and move on. That ended when @Ronzilla started drama on my favorite pages so I created a login to report the abuse as my way to contribute. I encourage others to have the courage to do the same. The threads should not have to put up with the drama of one when everyone else just sticks to the topic without drama.

    The challenge! All the viewers of this page scared away, I challenge you to login, start posting and take back your forum. Speak up, don’t just sit on the sidelines. You are out there, the view counts don’t lie. Yes, they might be on best behavior now but the drama is cyclical so DON’T ENGAGE and just “quote” the posts and tag Global-Moderators which we know gets action. Don’t just give up on posting, the moderators are here to help and will take care of things behind the scenes but remember they don’t monitor the thread so it takes you to report.

    With hopes that you will accept the challenge, I am going back to my old routine but I will be reporting the abuse right along with you.

  • 10K Club Banned

    @palacios1980 WOW–I know you are Such the Neutral Party & just want to save whatever “scraps” of the original Phatwallet that we still have… and Yes! I agree–even HW can contribute Very Useful Content!! It is just all “CIRCUS TRIMMINGS” And “Special bad treatment” I get, by simply attempting to make posts & evade all the Garbage Stuff—So Much better activating the “Ignore feature”—as you see—95% less interactions–except when I got notified I was being CRUCIFIED here and the Continuing Lies about the FB pg. by HW & “Da CHUMS” in Both Phat Wallet forums I post in & Having H W Stalk me to a place she never posted in --just to give me 3X the Hell she could ever get away with in here—Was Not a big Surprise, either!!–But, Once again----Just you Breaking your very Neutral Stance and actually getting verbal about it>>SPEAKS VOLUMES<< And I Appreciate All your “Coaching” on “Just Ignore Them just post and do my thing”…I Tried!! and did at times!! But it is not all that easy, when it is Constant & Relentless! --Thank You for Supporting, not just me, But this Entire Forum, in General–in that way–You Tower over Me…and are a GIANT Compared to Me!!–Mods should give Bonus Upvotes for such Behavior in recognition!! --I M O – Everyone in here Should Thank You!!*👍

    @palacios1980 WOW–I know you are Such the Neutral Party & just want to save whatever “scraps” of the original Phatwallet that we still have… and Yes! I agree–even HW can contribute Very Useful Content!! It is just all “CIRCUS TRIMMINGS” And “Special bad treatment” I get, by simply attempting to make posts & evade all the Garbage Stuff—So Much better activating the “Ignore feature”—as you see—95% less interactions–except when I got notified I was being CRUCIFIED here and the Continuing Lies about the FB pg. by HW & “Da CHUMS” in Both Phat Wallet forums I post in & Having H W Stalk me to a place she never posted in --just to give me 3X the Hell she could ever get away with in here—Was Not a big Surprise, either!!–But, Once again----Just you Breaking your very Neutral Stance and actually getting verbal about it>>SPEAKS VOLUMES<< And I Appreciate All your “Coaching” on “Just Ignore Them just post and do my thing”…I Tried!! and did at times!! But it is not all that easy, when it is Constant & Relentless! --Thank You for Supporting, not just me, But this Entire Forum, in General–in that way–You Tower over Me…and are a GIANT Compared to Me!!–Mods should give Bonus Upvotes for such Behavior in recognition!! --I M O – Everyone in here Should Thank You!!*👍


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