Straight Talk Rewards - FREE $10 gift

  • Straight Talk Rewards has a hidden $10 gift as an alternative to the free magazine offer.

    Login at

    Click on “Get my Gift”.

    Click on the free magazine offer: READ UP ON THIS FRESH PERK

    Scroll to the T&C at the bottom of the page to get your gift code, then go to , paste the Gift Code, and click the “No thanks, Take me to the Forms” link under the blue “Get My Gift” button on the next page.

    Straight Talk Rewards has a hidden $10 gift as an alternative to the free magazine offer.

    Login at

    Click on “Get my Gift”.

    Click on the free magazine offer: READ UP ON THIS FRESH PERK

    Scroll to the T&C at the bottom of the page to get your gift code, then go to , paste the Gift Code, and click the “No thanks, Take me to the Forms” link under the blue “Get My Gift” button on the next page.

  • Interesting… works on my Tracfone account too. Printed page needs to be mailed in, so if I can remember to do this, I will send it in and see if it comes…

    Interesting… works on my Tracfone account too. Printed page needs to be mailed in, so if I can remember to do this, I will send it in and see if it comes…


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