Looking for Netflix deal to replace Hulu

  • 500 Club

    We currently have Hulu, but the price has risen to $7.65, and I only use it occasionally. My husband wants to try Netflix instead, so I would cancel Hulu and subscribe to Netflix if I can find a deal to cut the cost on either of the better viewing options (choices 2 and 3).

  • 500 Club

    Well, since this has been moved to this category, I do not expect it to be seen, read, or receive any attention. 😞

  • 500 Club

    There are 63 views. Where was it before?

  • 500 Club

    I had put it in Hot Deals (and yes I know there are dedicated purists there) which I justified by figuring it would be a Hot Deal that would help others if I could get some useful tips and advice, and I figured the post would have the best chance of getting responses in that category. Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. 😛

  • @dionaea When I signed up for Netflix last summer, I couldn’t find any deals either. Since then I would occasionally find Netflix GC deals, which helps reduce the cost. For example, my grocery store (Lucky California) occasionally offers a deal where you get $10 in Lucky rewards for each $50 of Netflix GCs purchased (max $300).

    I figure the 20% discount is better than nothing and Netflix isn’t going away so I’m not taking a risk stocking up on GCs.

  • 500 Club

    That’s discouraging, kimi. Netflix used to offer some good deals, but that was two or three years ago, or more, if my memory isn’t too faulty.

  • As far as Hulu goes, the thing to do is sign up for the annual Black Friday timeframe promo. If you already have a Hulu account, just sign up with a different email. Hulu has been doing this recurring deal for the last, I dunno, five years or so? It has ranged from being $0.99 - $1.99 per month for one year. I realize that this doesn’t do you any good now, you’ll have to wait until next BF for (presumably) the next offer. But there is no reason to not do this deal for the basic Hulu package.

    Netflix has never had promo offers, at least not for some time, outside of an occasional first month free trial. Besides looking for discounted gift cards as someone already noted, try searching over at the other famous deal site, you know, the “slippery” one. There has been an off-and-on deal to buy a Google Chromecast that comes bundled with six months of Netflix for more-or-less free.

    And yes, as you realize, a Hot Deal is all about a verifiable deal on specific good or services. looking for “useful tips and advice” is Deal Discussion.

  • 500 Club

    Thanks for the advice. I just got a deal on Starz, $20 for 6 months, and will cancel that at the end of the 5th month. I used PayPal. Has anyone ever had a problem cancelling a Starz subscription? Or cancelling a subscription that’s being paid for through PayPal? I’m also going to cancel Hulu and will put an alert on my calendar to watch for their deal next BF. We don’t need a Google Chromecast, but I appreciate your mentioning it as an option.


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