San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
Cathy Somers from San Marcos
Text: Hair
100.7 Kathy Summers of San Marcos
Text hair
KYXY: Sally Lapetski from SD
KYXY SALLY LUPETSKI—Whats with the POP-UP!! Blocking Everything???
94.9 SeaWorld
Hair kfmbfm
KYXY: George Griffin from SD
(Must be the third time today The Christmas Song is playing before the name)
I don’t post KYXY or 100.7 anymore
text : It’s not a race …takes the FUN out of it!getting ruined over a pop-up is ridiculous!
91x now
@ronzilla I only access the forum from mobile, so I get those so-and-so upvoted, etc popups. Is that what it is? Speaking of popups, just got two Flash Flood warnings. Everyone drive safe!
I-HEART****ALTER-EGO Concert//VACATION--------PARTY 200200
@aztec4life …No, not those in the lower right corner–I’m on a P C …but it’s a blank white window that blocks an area----may have nothing to do with the Wallet. It’s a blank white window that is about 2/3 the size of Phat Wallet’s page. It pops up–I Click the heck out of it, but it disappears after 3 or 4 seconds. I Have excellent Security Software–ran a scan—
Nothing there! All Clean!
61749 PINK
New Fox5 Contest starting Monday 12/10
Win tickets to see Paul McCartney at Petco Park!
4 Days//Nights in CABO!!
Win Tickets to Up and Coming Indie Rocker Jenny Lewis @ H O B >>>
WIN Tickets to Funny Man AZIZ ANSARI>>>>
94.9 eyes
Impossible Question?? Purchases of This increase by about 80% during the Holidays–JJ Really messed with this one!! Changed the question several times ----several different answers from Gift Cards, Underwear and Cinnamon Rolls!! Who Knows Could be PJ’s or underwaer//Boxers --Answer-----Lingerie This was a Long One—went until 7:43…usually done around 7:30ish
91X-----Band----THE LUMINEERS
98.1–TaD—will be at----12:40
949----->>TOP<<…oh, yeah-----txt 61749 even though all 16, I got using the Form. 80% texting, 20% (maybe) using the form. I was told they take winners from BOTH…I go with the smaller pool//competition!! Seems to Work!! NOT telling anyone What to do…just what has worked for me. All I can go by. Results!..they sent me 2 more…I’m Not Printing them!!
94.9 TOP
94.9 Will just won the VIP pack
Big prize
KFMBFM Ruth Del Gado I FB messaged her. 1K prize. She missed call in and FB message. So next name called gets $1250.
96.5 KyXy - Laticia Roberts of SD
Totally missed both 9am due to phone conference
I didn’t get KYXY either.
Just saw your post @dstall63 , thanks!
I just hit the Private 94.9 Studio Sound Stage featuring ROBERT DeLONG of Blink 182 @ 2pm Monday 12/10 Caller#14 !! PERFECT, Since I will Already Be There for the WAFIA Studio Sound Stage this Monday @ 12pm –Both with FOOD!! I’ll be there Half the Afternoon, Eating, Meeting and Live and UP CLOSE!
@aztec4life I only post those on their FB pages…leaving it open for others +++…no pressure!
91X…should be SOON!! If Not blocking 949 @ 2:10 pm 9:35-:40am seems to be about the Time! If Not Listening–Tune In!!
Right on Schedule–91X
91-XXX DONE!! ----WHY have that 1 to 3 Ring , then “I’m Sorry, but all lines are Busy Now” I don’t need the Busy Signal to be explained and the Rings are such the False Positive!! Can’t wait for Disney to be OVER and WREX the HALLS tickets, instead!!
KYXY: Donald Straub from El Cajon
Party 94.9
@ronzilla I can usually get it on here right as it’s said, because I listen on mobile and post on mobile! Thankful that my Galaxy has an FM transceiver
@aztec4life the only thing lacking on my iphone
i have to stream everything, which makes it impossible for me to participate in the quick call-ins (caller 9… never gonna happen unless listening live)
105.3 —Listen to win a VIP trip to our iHeartRadio ALTer EGO!—> Enter FLY
KYXY Person (D. STRAUB//STRAWB) --called in and WON!! I don’t even know him…and I like It!!
Last day to enter… If you hear of other JT ticket giveaways, please let me know… I’d love to get some for my wife for Christmas… But the prices are too much for this poor guy.
Jenna Dorsa from Escondido
Text: Skate
Jena Dorsa Escondido
KYXY: Roxana Mejia from San Diego
KyXy Roxanna Mehia of San Diego
98.1 FB friend------CINDY ALVARADO Chula Vista
I don’t think KSON did a FB friend Today—they have a “TELETHON” going on!! Listening from 11:30 …tuning out!
KYXY - Melody Gabriel of El Cajon