Botanical Bliss Free 5ml Sample of Wild Hip Face Cream
Wild Hip Face Cream is our International Award-Winning Face Cream, this moisturizer made with wild rose hips and five herbs grown on-site in our gardens. Rose hips are recognized as one of the richest plant sources of Vitamin C, which is anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and collagen-building on the skin. Rose hips also contain other nutrients including bioflavonoids, vitamin E, minerals and B complex vitamins.
Here’s how to get your free sample!
All we need from you is your name, mailing address and your preferred scent. Then we’ll send you a free 5ml sample of our Wild Hip Face Cream. This cream is truly amazing and we know you’re going to love it!
We have temporarily SOLD OUT of our free samples but are busily making more @ctgolfer