EXPIRED-Free Pc Game "Normality" (Steam key) @ Indiegala
Normality @ Indiegala
Scroll down to mass giveaway banner & click “x” in upper right corner of banner. Must be logged into Indiegala with linked Steam account.You must get out of your home and explore the vast city of Neutropolis and solve the riddle of a nation’s apathy. Point and click with the unique voodoo doll interface and be rewarded by motion capture sequences as you gather clues and solve puzzles. Chuckle at the bizarre plot and chew carpet while your brain wraps itself around puzzles that are greater than the sum of their parts. If you manage to understand the mystery that shrouds Neutropolis, you’re only halfway there…
1996 point-&-click adventure game classic. Graphics are dated but if you’re into retro/pixel games…it’s free. Regularly $7.99