I’m getting a TBA (To Be Announced) tab on Steam…no install or play…no key link. Apparently this game has been in development since 2015 & still not complete…and may never be if it’s still in Alpha. Here’s a link to the developer’s site to get the game: http://landfall.se/totally-accurate-battle-simulator/
Can someone second this? I don’t have an account and don’t want to prematurely expire the thread without confirmation.
Lately there’s been a push to limit free keys after some issues with Steam. Most of the new posts on the free key sites expire within 1-2 hours.
Thanks for the info. I had found it odd that your last free key thread expired so quickly too!
Speaking of that post, as soon as I completed that post I went to get the game for myself, went thru the “claim” process, & I got the “sorry” screen. Will try to verify first next time but doesn’t always work, especially when you already own the game.