**Resolved** Why Didn’t I Get a Little Bell Telling Me Someone Responded to My Post?

  • Global Moderator

    @my4mainecoons said in Staples Rewards are posted and ready for September:

    I wonder why I didn’t get a little bell telling me you’d responded to my post?

    @juicer didn’t tag you in his reply using “@my4mainecoons.” That will send you the “little bell” alert whether or not you are not subscribed to a thread (e.g., you can use the @ function to alert a member that they are being talked about in a thread they never replied to, subscribed to, or never even opened/saw).

    If your “watching/not watching bell” black rectangle inside a thread is toggled to watch that thread, you’ll get an email alert AND the “little bell” alert anytime someone posts any reply to this thread. You can automate that a bit under the “Watch” section in your account settings, if you select “Watch topics you create” and “Watch topics that you reply to.”

    If none of these things are done, you’ll only see that there is a new reply to this thread (whether or not it is directed at you) in your unread list.

  • 500 Club

    hmmm. and where would I find my “unread” list?

  • Global Moderator

    The list of unread new threads or threads with new replies is accessible by clicking on the paper tray to the right of the site logo. You can tell when there is anything new to read because there will be a red box with the number of unread posts on top of it (just like with the alert bell).

    0_1508109019416_Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 7.04.51 PM.png

  • 500 Club

    @fivetalents oh, ok. I’ve looked at that but have been ignoring it since it shows 99+ unread threads and I’m not going to open all of those threads just to get the count down.

  • Global Moderator

    @my4mainecoons said in Staples Rewards are posted and ready for September:

    @fivetalents oh, ok. I’ve looked at that but have been ignoring it since it shows 99+ unread threads and I’m not going to open all of those threads just to get the count down.

    LOL, I don’t blame you. However, if you click on it (I promise nothing will explode), you can click “mark as read” to clear out your letter box (you can clear all/everything or just clear the list by the forums and sub-forums you’re not interested in). Then you can start with a clean slate.

    Note that if a little bell alert matches an unread alert (they don’t always), your letter box count will decrease by 1 when you open that little bell alert.

  • Global Moderator

    @fivetalents said in Sort by options:

    @oppidum said in Sort by options:

    > (I saw the earlier suggestion in this “support” thread of looking at the “unread” button that is up at the top of the template, but when I skim the thread titles of Hot Deals, I do not open each and every thread, I only open the ones that I am interested in, so, for me, having a list of “unread” threads is nearly the same as just looking at the jumble of threads in the Hot Deals forum itself, and that is not a workaround to not being able to sort threads by their posting date.)

    The difference with the unread list is that you can click the “All Topics” button at the top, and then select to see only “New Topics.” Once done with the new threads list, you can choose “Watched Topics” only to see what’s going on in threads you chose to follow… and/or go back to seeing all topics and clear the inbox by selecting “All” under the “Mark as Read” button or marking threads read in forums that are of no interest to you.


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