Amazon Fire HD 10 32 GB tablet 99.99 today only

  • matches black friday deal. This is my first posting on PW:

    (With Special offers Ad screen)

    matches black friday deal. This is my first posting on PW:

    (With Special offers Ad screen)


  • administrators

    @booksleuth Thank you and welcome to PW.

    I bought this exact item for $89.99 after the Amex deal back in March and I love it. We download shows on it (like from Netflix) and watch on the bus. Can also read the WSJ and books. You may need to sideload the play store (no need to root) and get the netflix from the play store, as I believe the one from Amazon doesn’t allow for downloads.

    The only thing is mine seems to want me to press the power button about 3 times before it turns off. I may want to follow up with Amazon about this, but overall a pretty nice tablet.

    @booksleuth Thank you and welcome to PW.

    I bought this exact item for $89.99 after the Amex deal back in March and I love it. We download shows on it (like from Netflix) and watch on the bus. Can also read the WSJ and books. You may need to sideload the play store (no need to root) and get the netflix from the play store, as I believe the one from Amazon doesn’t allow for downloads.

    The only thing is mine seems to want me to press the power button about 3 times before it turns off. I may want to follow up with Amazon about this, but overall a pretty nice tablet.


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