Free Water Watcher Tag from Greenway-Properties

  • 4K Club

    Our Water Watcher Tags are bright yellow and on a lanyard so they can be worn. The concept is simple. If you are wearing the water watcher tag it is your responsibility to be watching the kids in or near the pool for the next 15 minutes. That’s a small commitment out of any one social event to keep the kids safe. When your shift is up, you pass the tag on to another adult and you can head over and grab another hot dog off the grill and get back to chatting. This way there is always at least one adult whose sole attention is focused on the pool at all times but no one person is burdened throughout the event. The tags have instructions to call 911 in the case of an emergency. In the event that CPR is needed the 911 operator can walk you through how to perform CPR even if no one present is trained.


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