FREE SmartZoneTM G5 PDU Sample

  • SmartZone™ G5 PDUs safely and efficiently manage and distribute power to multiple devices through a single input power connector while protecting data center equipment for increased reliability by interrupting potentially hazardous circuit over-current conditions. They also provide reliable and cost effective power distribution in a variety of inputs and outlet configurations.

    Built with an efficiency concept and a unique design in mind, SmartZone™ G5 PDUs can make your data center more reliable, technologically advanced, and environmentally conscious.

    SmartZone™ G5 PDUs offer:

    High outlet density
    Small optimal form factor
    60 °C ambient at full load
    Cable tie accepting outlets for secure cord retention
    Zero rack units required when mounted vertically
    The ability to meet NEC requirements for IT equipment

  • 4K Club

    thanks @ctgolfer


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