Atkins Net Carbs Class Action Claim **EXPIRED**

  • 5K Club

    Eligible class members include anyone who purchased Atkins products that contained any sugar alcohol (example: maltitol) or polyol (example: glycerin) from January 1, 2013 to the present day for purchases in New York, Missouri or California. And from January 1, 2014 to the present day for purchases in any other state.
    Claim to receive up to $100 (10% of purchase price) without proof of purchase and more with proof, you can apply below. Deadline to file is 4/27/2020.

  • Thank you! Your claim has been submitted. Your confirmation number is XXXXXXXX

    Please keep this number in your records as confirmation of your claim form submission.

    A confirmation email and verification link will be sent to your email account shortly. Click on the link to verify your email address.

  • Got check for $3.92 today.


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