FREE Nuria Beauty Skincare Mask – Instagram thru 4/27
Share their Instagram post in your feed or on your story and tag us by 12pm Monday April 27th! (If you are a private account, you can send a picture of your post via dm with your IG handle visible in the picture). Eligibility: Anyone on IG with at least 50 followers.
Go Here to enter your shipping information.
That’s it. We’ll send a free mask to you and donate one to a healthcare worker to help their skin, which often gets irritated by the PPE masks they have to wear.
To be eligible for a free skincare mask, you must have at least 50 followers on Instagram and share Nuria’s April 24th Instagram feed post by 12pm Monday April 27, 2020. You must tag @nuriabeauty in your story/feed post.