Regular Restaurant Discounts

  • 5K Club

    Deals may vary at participating locations and can change without notice.
    McDonald’s: discounts on coffee and beverages (55+)
    Wendy’s: get free coffee or other discounts depending on location
    IHOP: 10% discount (55+) and a menu for people aged 55 and over at participating locations
    Golden Corral: Senior discount varies by location (Inquire)
    Denny’s: Offers a 55+ menu with smaller portions, and better prices. (We like this a lot!)
    Perkins: Restaurants: Fifty-Five Plus menu Offers special deals (55+)
    Subway: 10% off (60+) varies by location
    Old Country Buffet: Daily discounts for seniors (55+)
    Burger King: 10% discount on purchase depending on location (60+)
    Long John Silver’s: 10% discount or discounted beverage (55+)


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