2 FREE Crest Toothpastes at Walgreens B&M w/Account & Ibotta Rebate

  • 5K Club

    Load one Walgreens digital coupon for $5.00/2 Crest or Oral-B products
    Buy 2 Crest Pro-Health Advanced Toothpastes on sale for $2.99 each.
    Buy 2 and receive 4,000 Balance Rewards Points worth $4.00, paying only $1.98.
    Redeem your coupon to get your toothpaste free and $3.02 profit!
    OR buy 2 Crest Pro-Active Defense Toothpastes on sale for $5.99 each and receive 4,000 Balance Rewards Points worth $4.00, and redeem the $5.00/2 Coupon to pay only $2.98.
    Keep your receipt and submit to Ibotta for two $2.00/1 Crest Pro-Active Defense cashbacks, making your toothpaste free and $1.02 profit!


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