11 + free pc games $0.01with BigFish
Big Fish wanted to help people during the Covid 19 Pandemic. So they are giving away 7 full version games for free with code “together”.
Here is what you must do. Go to https://www.bigfishgames.com/us/en.html. Create an account and start a free trial with the game club. You will not be charged for anything we are doing, and you can cancel the membership when you are done downloading the games or keep It the full 30 days or join the club for after trial. I am a paying club member, one of the few things I pay for online. Now find the following 7 games and put them in your cart.- Mystery Case Files: The Black Veil
- Curse of Bluebird
- Grim tales Greywitch
- Vacation adventures: Park Rangers
- League of Light: the Gatherer
- Bridge to Another Land: Alice in Shadowland
- Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director
Once they are in cart, go to checkout, use promo code “together” and all 7 games will be free. But wait there is more. YOU ARE A GAME CLUB MEMBER, all of those games you just bought will add punches to your punch card. (1 game- 1 punch, collector edition 3 punches- 6 punches you get a free game. You will get at least 2 more free games for the 7 you just got free. … and yes there is more! Here are 4 mores games and promo codes to make a total of 11 games for free! - Coupon code: MOBFREERAVEN
Free Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst ® when you use the coupon code MOBFREERAVEN at checkout - Coupon code: BIGFISHCASINO
Free PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville when you use the coupon code BIGFISHCASINO at checkout - Coupon code: MOBFREEAWAKENING
Free Awakening: The Dreamless Castle
use the coupon code MOBFREEAWAKENING at checkout - Any game (get a collector’s edition!) with code FREEGAME475868.
Hopefully all codes are still working when you try. Has of August 1st, 2020 all codes are working. In fact I bought a game with code “FREEGAME475868” while writing this. If all works out you should have the 11 games I listed for free and at least 3 more free game codes in your email from game punches. Do not forget to either cancel your trial or mark your calendar for 25 or so days from now to remind yourself to cancel if you don’t want the 5.99 game club charge!