Towns Ciderhouse Hard Cider Class Action

  • 5K Club

    Eligible class members include anyone who purchased select Ciderhouse Hard Cider products between March 12, 2016 - October 11, 2020
    6 Pack Cans: Brightcider, Ginja Ninja, Made Marion, Outcider, Pacific Pineapple, Cherried Away, Cot in the Act, Sun’s Out Saison, Rhubarbarian, or Prickly Pearadise.
    500 mL Bottle: Brightcider, Ginja Ninja, Made Marion, Outcider, Pacific Pineapple, Cherried Away, Cot in the Act, Sun’s Out Saison, Rhubarbarian, Prickly Pearadise, Serious Scrumo, Imperial Hop Stalk, Bad Apple, Nice & Naughty, or Pearadise.

    Claim to receive a portion of the $1 million or so settlement without proof of purchase and likely more with proof
    Deadline to file is 1/9/2021

  • 5K Club



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