Free Associates Degree (Union Members and their Families)

  • This is being posted here because of the value of the Associate’s Degree.

    Eastern Gateway Community College ( ) is offering Last Dollar Scholarships for all Union families. A last-dollar scholarship means you need to apply for and accept any grants or reimbursements an employer has but you do not take any loans.

    The degree programs offered online are

    Associate of Arts
    Business Management — with optional concentrations in: Advertising; Cyber Security; Data Science; Digital and Social Media; Entrepreneurship; Environmental and Conservation Studies; Finance; Hospitality: Food and Beverage Management or Hotel and Event Management; Human Resources; Information Systems/IT Help Desk; Labor Studies; Marketing; Programming and Development
    Criminal Justice
    Teacher Education (Associate of Arts)
    Healthcare Administration
    Individualized Study
    Professional Office Management
    Social Work

    The following people are eligible for this program

    The following are eligible:
    Dues-paying labor union members of participating unions
    Unemployed, furloughed, laid-off union members
    Retired union members
    Widows/widowers of union members
    Spouses and domestic partners of union members
    Children of union members, including stepchildren and children-in-law (no age limits)
    Grandchildren of union members
    Financial dependents of union members
    Siblings of union members
    Parents of union members

    I am a member of CWA and just completed my Associate’s Degree in Information Technology.

    For more information visit


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