Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel

  • Country Music Trivia: Maren Morris ( for both )
    Classic Rock Challenge: Kids Are People Too

    Country Music Trivia: Maren Morris ( for both )
    Classic Rock Challenge: Kids Are People Too

  • 500 Club

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Puppy
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: Dice

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: APPLE CINNAMON

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 11 7/8 AM
    First Codeword: HOLIDAYS
    Second Codeword: PARADE

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Puppy
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: Dice

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: APPLE CINNAMON

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 11 7/8 AM
    First Codeword: HOLIDAYS
    Second Codeword: PARADE

  • 500 Club

    Monday November 8th
    It’s Cappuccino Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: The Daevabad Trilogy
    Get Your Game On: 6
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: Melissa McCarthy
    Music Challenge: CBGB
    Music Pop Quiz: Black Mirror
    Sports Trivia: 2010 NBA Draft
    TV Trivia: Money Laundering

    Monday November 8th
    It’s Cappuccino Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: The Daevabad Trilogy
    Get Your Game On: 6
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: Melissa McCarthy
    Music Challenge: CBGB
    Music Pop Quiz: Black Mirror
    Sports Trivia: 2010 NBA Draft
    TV Trivia: Money Laundering

  • Classic Rock Challenge: Lyin’ Eyes
    Country Music Trivia: Midland

    Classic Rock Challenge: Lyin’ Eyes
    Country Music Trivia: Midland

  • KOLA 99.9
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: DI

    KOLA 99.9
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: DI

  • 10K Club Banned

    642>>KFRG>>CASANDRA ANDRE of Fontana>>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    642>>KFRG>>CASANDRA ANDRE of Fontana>>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 10K Club Banned

    7:45>>KFRG>> LINDSEY MEHAFFEYof ONTARIO >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    7:45>>KFRG>> LINDSEY MEHAFFEYof ONTARIO >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 10K Club Banned

    1:45>>KFRG>> JOE RAZZO of Pamona >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    1:45>>KFRG>> JOE RAZZO of Pamona >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 1000 Club

    ❣iHeart Tuesday 11/09 http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe online or text ͢» to 200200 & view history/template

    03 BILLS 4a
    12 WIN 5a
    04 CASH 6a
    05 DEPOSIT 7a
    06 DOLLAR 8a
    08 GRAND 9a
    01 BAG 10a
    02 BANK 11a
    13 WORK 12p
    10 MONEY 1p
    07 EASY 2p
    09 GREEN 3p
    11 PAY 4p
    03 BILLS 5p
    12 WIN 6p
    04 CASH 7p

    ❣iHeart Tuesday 11/09 http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe online or text ͢» to 200200 & view history/template

    03 BILLS 4a
    12 WIN 5a
    04 CASH 6a
    05 DEPOSIT 7a
    06 DOLLAR 8a
    08 GRAND 9a
    01 BAG 10a
    02 BANK 11a
    13 WORK 12p
    10 MONEY 1p
    07 EASY 2p
    09 GREEN 3p
    11 PAY 4p
    03 BILLS 5p
    12 WIN 6p
    04 CASH 7p

  • 10K Club Banned

    4:46>>KFRG>> DIANNE TABALDO of ANAHEIM >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    4:46>>KFRG>> DIANNE TABALDO of ANAHEIM >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • Go Country 105 Secret Password: gravy

    Go Country 105 Secret Password: gravy

  • https://swee.ps/SSlRB_XlAFvtX
    Code word Touchdown

    Code word Touchdown

  • 500 Club

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 12 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: JOLLY
    Second Codeword: TOYS

    KCAL 96.7
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus 11/9: Bruins

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Forget
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: Sparkle
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus 11/10: VEGAS

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 13 5/6 AM
    First Codeword: CANDLE
    Second Codeword: ADVENTURE

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: EGGNOG LATTE

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 12 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: JOLLY
    Second Codeword: TOYS

    KCAL 96.7
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus 11/9: Bruins

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Forget
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: Sparkle
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus 11/10: VEGAS

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 13 5/6 AM
    First Codeword: CANDLE
    Second Codeword: ADVENTURE

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: EGGNOG LATTE

  • 500 Club

    Tuesday November 9th
    It’s Scrapple Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: Haimey
    Get Your Game On: 9
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: Dick Cheney
    Music Challenge: Bass
    Music Pop Quiz: Nine Inch Nails
    Sports Trivia: Larry Bird
    TV Trivia: 80s

    Tuesday November 9th
    It’s Scrapple Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: Haimey
    Get Your Game On: 9
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: Dick Cheney
    Music Challenge: Bass
    Music Pop Quiz: Nine Inch Nails
    Sports Trivia: Larry Bird
    TV Trivia: 80s

  • Classic Rock Challenge: No Education
    Country Music Trivia: Miranda Lambert

    Classic Rock Challenge: No Education
    Country Music Trivia: Miranda Lambert

  • 10K Club Banned

    6:46>>KFRG>> NORMA BORDELUCCI >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    6:46>>KFRG>> NORMA BORDELUCCI >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 10K Club Banned

    7:46>>KFRG>> CHRISTINE DISMANE >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    7:46>>KFRG>> CHRISTINE DISMANE >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 1000 Club

    STING & SONGS to 515151

    • random pick until 23:59 11/14 wins two tickets to see Sting: My Songs live in concert at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on June 10, 2020 and on-night stay at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino on June10, 2022 and $100 American Express gift card (value $350)

    STING & SONGS to 515151

    • random pick until 23:59 11/14 wins two tickets to see Sting: My Songs live in concert at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on June 10, 2020 and on-night stay at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino on June10, 2022 and $100 American Express gift card (value $350)

  • 1000 Club

  • 1000 Club


    • are both magic key words needed at http://ktla.com/party announced for round#13 Mon. at 7&8a.m on KTLAnews@7am for 5 winners each win 5 tix to Dec.8 5pm mix-in KOST 103.5 Holiday Kick-Off Party at Disney California Adventure Park. http://ktla.com/party before 1pm
      Listen for round#14 Mon.10&11pm & enter before 03:30 Wed.



    • are both magic key words needed at http://ktla.com/party announced for round#13 Mon. at 7&8a.m on KTLAnews@7am for 5 winners each win 5 tix to Dec.8 5pm mix-in KOST 103.5 Holiday Kick-Off Party at Disney California Adventure Park. http://ktla.com/party before 1pm
      Listen for round#14 Mon.10&11pm & enter before 03:30 Wed.


  • KCAL 96.7
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus – 11/9: BRUINS

    KOLA 99.9
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus – 11/10: VEGAS

    To KCAL 96.7:
    Any idea if the Daily Bonus Code Word is coming back if at all?
    Thank you for reaching out! Yes, that is one of my projects at the moment so keep an eye out for that on our site 😄
    Cristina H
    Promotions Coordinator

    KCAL 96.7
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus – 11/9: BRUINS

    KOLA 99.9
    Weekly Newsletter Bonus – 11/10: VEGAS

    To KCAL 96.7:
    Any idea if the Daily Bonus Code Word is coming back if at all?
    Thank you for reaching out! Yes, that is one of my projects at the moment so keep an eye out for that on our site 😄
    Cristina H
    Promotions Coordinator

  • 10K Club Banned

    4:46>>KFRG>> STEPHANIE ORNELLIS of orange? >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    4:46>>KFRG>> STEPHANIE ORNELLIS of orange? >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • Go Country 105 Secret Password : ham

    Go Country 105 Secret Password : ham

  • 10K Club Banned

    I-HEART 200200 or http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe WED 11//10
    4a DEPOSIT
    5a DOLLAR
    6a GRAND
    7a BAG
    8a BANK
    9a WORK
    10 MONEY
    11 EASY
    12 GREEN
    1p PAY
    2p BILLS
    3p WIN
    4p CASH
    5p DEPOSIT
    6p DOLLAR
    7p GRAND

    I-HEART 200200 or http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe WED 11//10
    4a DEPOSIT
    5a DOLLAR
    6a GRAND
    7a BAG
    8a BANK
    9a WORK
    10 MONEY
    11 EASY
    12 GREEN
    1p PAY
    2p BILLS
    3p WIN
    4p CASH
    5p DEPOSIT
    6p DOLLAR
    7p GRAND

  • 500 Club

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 14 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: HOLIDAY
    Second Codeword: SANTA

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: ** Little**
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: ** Funny**

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: HOLIDAY MAGIC

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 15 9/10 AM
    First Codeword: COLOR
    Second Codeword: TREE

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 14 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: HOLIDAY
    Second Codeword: SANTA

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: ** Little**
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: ** Funny**

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: HOLIDAY MAGIC

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 15 9/10 AM
    First Codeword: COLOR
    Second Codeword: TREE

  • 1000 Club

    HOLIDAY #1 & SANTA #2

    • are both magic key words needed at http://ktla.com/party announced for round#14 Tue.at 10&11 p.m on KTLAnews@10pm for 5 winners each win 5 tix to Dec.8 5pm mix-in KOST 103.5 Holiday Kick-Off Party at Disney California Adventure Park. enter http://ktla.com/party before 4a
      Listen tomorrow for round#15 Wed.9&10am & enter before 1pm.

    ❣iHeart Listen to Win $1,000
    ❣iHeart Wednesday 11/10
    http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe online or text ͢» to 200200 & view history/template

    DEPOSIT & ? 04:00
    DOLLAR & DOLAR 05:00
    GRAND & GRANDE 06:00
    BAG & ? 07:00
    BANK & BANCO 08:00
    WORK & TRABAJO 09:00
    MONEY & DINERO 10:00
    EASY &*** FACIL*** 11:00
    GREEN & VERDE 12:00
    PAY & PAGAR 13:00
    BILLS & FACTURAS 14:00
    WIN & GANAR 15:00
    CASH & EFECTIVO 16:00
    DEPOSIT & ? 17:00
    DOLLAR & DOLAR 18:00
    GRAND & GRANDE 19:00

    HOLIDAY #1 & SANTA #2

    • are both magic key words needed at http://ktla.com/party announced for round#14 Tue.at 10&11 p.m on KTLAnews@10pm for 5 winners each win 5 tix to Dec.8 5pm mix-in KOST 103.5 Holiday Kick-Off Party at Disney California Adventure Park. enter http://ktla.com/party before 4a
      Listen tomorrow for round#15 Wed.9&10am & enter before 1pm.

    ❣iHeart Listen to Win $1,000
    ❣iHeart Wednesday 11/10
    http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe online or text ͢» to 200200 & view history/template

    DEPOSIT & ? 04:00
    DOLLAR & DOLAR 05:00
    GRAND & GRANDE 06:00
    BAG & ? 07:00
    BANK & BANCO 08:00
    WORK & TRABAJO 09:00
    MONEY & DINERO 10:00
    EASY &*** FACIL*** 11:00
    GREEN & VERDE 12:00
    PAY & PAGAR 13:00
    BILLS & FACTURAS 14:00
    WIN & GANAR 15:00
    CASH & EFECTIVO 16:00
    DEPOSIT & ? 17:00
    DOLLAR & DOLAR 18:00
    GRAND & GRANDE 19:00

  • 500 Club

    Wednesday November 10th
    It’s Vanilla Cupcake Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: The Winter Of The Witch
    Get Your Game On: 14
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: The Favourite
    Music Challenge: Best Rock Vocal Group
    Music Pop Quiz: She Is Coming
    Sports Trivia: Los Angeles Lakers
    TV Trivia: The Afterlife

    Wednesday November 10th
    It’s Vanilla Cupcake Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: The Winter Of The Witch
    Get Your Game On: 14
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: The Favourite
    Music Challenge: Best Rock Vocal Group
    Music Pop Quiz: She Is Coming
    Sports Trivia: Los Angeles Lakers
    TV Trivia: The Afterlife

  • Classic Rock Challenge: Tom Petty
    Country Music Trivia: Mitchell Tenpenny

    Classic Rock Challenge: Tom Petty
    Country Music Trivia: Mitchell Tenpenny

  • 10K Club Banned

    6:46>>KFRG>> LAURA DOOLEY of YUCAIPA >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    6:46>>KFRG>> LAURA DOOLEY of YUCAIPA >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 10K Club Banned

    7:46>>KFRG>> BRIANNE SPURIOR >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    7:46>>KFRG>> BRIANNE SPURIOR >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 10K Club Banned

    1:46>>KFRG>> DESTINY ROUDEN of WESTIMINSTER >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    1:46>>KFRG>> DESTINY ROUDEN of WESTIMINSTER >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • Go Country 105
    Weekly Email Bonus: KEYBOARD

    Go Country 105
    Weekly Email Bonus: KEYBOARD

  • 10K Club Banned

    4:42>>KFRG>> ALYSSA LOGAN of HIGHLAND >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    4:42>>KFRG>> ALYSSA LOGAN of HIGHLAND >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • Go Country 105 Secret Password: leaves

    Go Country 105 Secret Password: leaves

  • 500 Club

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 16 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: LOVE
    Second Codeword: SNOW

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Remember
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: Lucky

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 17 7/8 AM
    First Codeword: NOG
    Second Codeword: STAR

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: MICKEY GINGERBREAD

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 16 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: LOVE
    Second Codeword: SNOW

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Remember
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: Lucky

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 17 7/8 AM
    First Codeword: NOG
    Second Codeword: STAR

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: MICKEY GINGERBREAD

  • 1000 Club

    LOVE #1 & SNOW #2

    • are both magic key words needed at http://ktla.com/party announced for round#16 Wed.at 10&11 p.m on KTLAnews@10pm for 5 winners each win 5 tix to Dec.8 5pm mix-in KOST 103.5 Holiday Kick-Off Party at Disney California Adventure Park. enter http://ktla.com/party before 4a
      Listen tomorrow for round#17 Thu.7&8am & enter before 1pm.

    ❣iHeart Listen to Win $1,000
    ❣iHeart Thursday 11/11
    http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe online or text ͢» to 200200 & view history/template

    BAG & ? 04:00
    BANK & BANCO 05:00
    WORK & TRABAJO 06:00
    MONEY & DINERO 07:00
    EASY & FACIL 08:00
    GREEN & VERDE 09:00
    PAY & PAGAR 10:00
    BILLS & FACTURAS 11:00
    WIN & GANAR 12:00
    CASH & EFECTIVO 13:00
    DEPOSIT & ? 14:00
    DOLLAR & DOLAR 15:00
    GRAND & GRANDE 16:00
    BAG & ? 17:00
    BANK & BANCO 18:00
    WORK & TRABAJO 19:00

    LOVE #1 & SNOW #2

    • are both magic key words needed at http://ktla.com/party announced for round#16 Wed.at 10&11 p.m on KTLAnews@10pm for 5 winners each win 5 tix to Dec.8 5pm mix-in KOST 103.5 Holiday Kick-Off Party at Disney California Adventure Park. enter http://ktla.com/party before 4a
      Listen tomorrow for round#17 Thu.7&8am & enter before 1pm.

    ❣iHeart Listen to Win $1,000
    ❣iHeart Thursday 11/11
    http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe online or text ͢» to 200200 & view history/template

    BAG & ? 04:00
    BANK & BANCO 05:00
    WORK & TRABAJO 06:00
    MONEY & DINERO 07:00
    EASY & FACIL 08:00
    GREEN & VERDE 09:00
    PAY & PAGAR 10:00
    BILLS & FACTURAS 11:00
    WIN & GANAR 12:00
    CASH & EFECTIVO 13:00
    DEPOSIT & ? 14:00
    DOLLAR & DOLAR 15:00
    GRAND & GRANDE 16:00
    BAG & ? 17:00
    BANK & BANCO 18:00
    WORK & TRABAJO 19:00

  • 500 Club

    Thursday November 11th (It’s Veteran’s Day Thanks Vets!!
    It’s National Sundae Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: Roger And Dodger
    Get Your Game On: 19
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: Tag
    Music Challenge: Call Me
    Music Pop Quiz: Andrew Wyatt
    Sports Trivia: 28 Years Old
    TV Trivia: Stranger Things

    Thursday November 11th (It’s Veteran’s Day Thanks Vets!!
    It’s National Sundae Day!!
    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Bookworm Trivia: Roger And Dodger
    Get Your Game On: 19
    Healthy Knowledge:
    Movie Trivia: Tag
    Music Challenge: Call Me
    Music Pop Quiz: Andrew Wyatt
    Sports Trivia: 28 Years Old
    TV Trivia: Stranger Things

  • Classic Rock Challenge: Bill Wyman
    Country Music Trivia: Morgan Wallen

    Classic Rock Challenge: Bill Wyman
    Country Music Trivia: Morgan Wallen

  • 0_1636642025023_free.jpg


  • 10K Club Banned

    I-HEART 200200 or http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe THUR 11//11
    1p CASH
    2p DEPOSIT
    3p DOLLAR
    4p GRAND
    5p BAG
    6p BANK
    7p WORK

    REMAINDER of the DAY

    I-HEART 200200 or http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe THUR 11//11
    1p CASH
    2p DEPOSIT
    3p DOLLAR
    4p GRAND
    5p BAG
    6p BANK
    7p WORK

    REMAINDER of the DAY

  • 10K Club Banned

    1:46>>KFRG>> ZACH GOLLUM of HUNTINGTON BEACH >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    1:46>>KFRG>> ZACH GOLLUM of HUNTINGTON BEACH >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • Go Country 105 Secret Password: meal

    Go Country 105 Secret Password: meal

  • 10K Club Banned

    4:50>>KFRG>> NO Name given beteween 4:32 & 4:53 >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

    4:50>>KFRG>> NO Name given beteween 4:32 & 4:53 >>Has10 minutes to Call 1-888-431-3764 for PAIR of 3-Day weekend Passess to Stagecoach in the Coachella Valley

  • 500 Club

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 18 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: MERRY
    Second Codeword: JOY

    KTLA 5 Gas Fill Up
    $100 Gas Card Text TANK to 515151

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Young
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: SM
    Dollar Bill Game: Vive

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 19 5/6 AM
    First Codeword: WONDERLAND
    Second Codeword: DREAM

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: CHAMPURRADO

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 18 10/11/PM
    First Codeword: MERRY
    Second Codeword: JOY

    KTLA 5 Gas Fill Up
    $100 Gas Card Text TANK to 515151

    KOLA 99.9
    Nearly Impossible Question: Young
    KOLA Getaway Friday! | LAS VEGAS: SM
    Dollar Bill Game: Vive

    KTLA 5/KOST 103.5 Holiday Party
    Round 19 5/6 AM
    First Codeword: WONDERLAND
    Second Codeword: DREAM

    Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: CHAMPURRADO

  • https://swee.ps/SSlRB_XlAFvtX
    Code Word Football

    Code Word Football

  • Bookworm Trivia: Smoke And Summons
    Classic Rock Challenge: Elton John Album
    Country Music Trivia: Old Dominion
    Get Your Game On: 40
    Movie Trivia: Singapore
    Music Challenge: Simon Wright
    Music Pop Quiz: Mother’s Daughter
    Sports Trivia: Andre Iguodala
    TV Trivia: The Crown

    Bookworm Trivia: Smoke And Summons
    Classic Rock Challenge: Elton John Album
    Country Music Trivia: Old Dominion
    Get Your Game On: 40
    Movie Trivia: Singapore
    Music Challenge: Simon Wright
    Music Pop Quiz: Mother’s Daughter
    Sports Trivia: Andre Iguodala
    TV Trivia: The Crown

  • 10K Club Banned

    I-HEART $1000 200200 or http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe FRI 11//12
    4a MONEY
    5a EASY
    6a GREEN
    7a PAY
    8a BILLS
    9a WIN
    10 CASH
    11 DEPOSIT
    12 DOLLAR
    1p GRAND
    2p BAG
    3p BANK
    4p WORK
    5p MONEY
    6p EASY
    7p GREEN

    I-HEART $1000 200200 or http://iheartmedia.g.aug.me/amoe FRI 11//12
    4a MONEY
    5a EASY
    6a GREEN
    7a PAY
    8a BILLS
    9a WIN
    10 CASH
    11 DEPOSIT
    12 DOLLAR
    1p GRAND
    2p BAG
    3p BANK
    4p WORK
    5p MONEY
    6p EASY
    7p GREEN

  • 500 Club

    Friday November 12th
    It’s National French Dip Day, National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day and National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day!!

    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!

    Friday November 12th
    It’s National French Dip Day, National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day and National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day!!

    ✔😎 👍👌

    Be Well and Stay Safe
    We’re in This Together!


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