San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes
96.5 nane: Jason Seville of Clairemont
Kyxy Disneyland Jason Seville Clairemont
Win a “Gaslamp Gives” prize package:
@aztec4life said in San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes:
Wooo Sea World tix right here!
Thanks @seenya619 for posting the list!
Nice!!! its on for the $1000 Amazon card, good luck to us!!! LOL
So funny cause Dave Mason picked up my line and said are you the one on hold… I said what!! he said ok your not, we already found our winner… lol
981 FB Friend - Tammy Rand of Santee
96.5 name: Sean/Shawn Mereles of Mission Valley
@amberlynn I hit the 949 Disney 2 days in a Row, Alyssa was going nuts for me–LOL! …added to all the others
To the Group, I know that I Crossed so many lines That I can’t even Count them, because I took a comment the Wrong Way and went off on an undeserving member, That, in truth, I Think is a Great Addition to PhatWallet and I have had a couple people Message me to return. I have seen some “Gaps” on some occasions, when checking in. I was too embarrassed to fill them in. I Know this is not a Competition and Sharing Information is the Real Goal…nothing else but Helping others and Expose them to more winning opportunities and having “FUN” with it. I Really Like Seeing you guys Post that You WON!! It’s very Cool!! I May have Been Trying too hard to Cover Everything, which is Difficult to do–Especially During “Sweeps Week” with all the Stations Timing stuff at the Same Times, to Retain Listeners! . I have Seen that you guys do FINE Without me, But I Have had info to add that was missing, and it May have Helped. I OWE a GIANT apology to AztecforLife… But I have witnessed a Couple of her Wins and it made me Smile.I still enjoy seeing Others win, Like KR Urbina (A Posting friend) $1250 100.7 win was better than winning myself, she has been Posting//Helping for years on 3 FB pages. I Think Aztec was the Other Person on the 98.1 Seaworld Tickets–I got in 5 or 50% of the times, Aztec Must have taken the Other 50% it went So Slow, like 2 or 3 people at most. I Would like to return Posting and Assisting. I Will Give a FULL MINUTE Before I Post. I Will do the FB ones First, and IF I Notice the Info is not up yet—Then I will Post it. IF I have a Name//Word that I caught Live & on Stream that Helps the Info be Clear, I will add it. AGAIN, I cannot Apologize enough. I Had a Bad Evening//Morning (Break-in//Theft)…but Still No Excuse.!! I Feel So Uncomfortable Just Being here knowing how Much I publicly exposed so much Wrong—I Want Nothing But Good Luck & Many Wins for Aztec and All the Rest of You. Monkeydoung, I Admire how you Stood Up for the Group, and it was a thrill hearing you say your name that morning on 105.7 when you used my answer to Win!! I won’t be here as often as before…But i still Start Early and Stop Late, which is Good for the 6:10//7:10 am & pm words, and Call-ins. I can fill those times… I have seen a couple, “Anybody get the…?” but just couldn’t answer, a couple I tried but “SUBMIT” was like a WALL I couldn’t Clear. Happy Thanksgiving…Even when I was Angry, I remember one of my last things said was --JUST WIN!!..100.7, and KYXY is coming up…I post on their FB pages…Hmmm, 98.1 and 100.7 playing the same song, that’s rare.
@ronzilla I greatly appreciate this Ron… I don’t and can’t speak for everyone here, but I accept your apology and welcome you back to fill in the gaps and keep the focus on the contests… we all have hard things to deal with in life that get us in bad moods… this is a place to escape and have fun, not vent those frustrations or take them out on others… i implore you to follow the guidelines that myself and @HappyWife have put forth and don’t try to dominate this forum… we don’t want drama or competition or other commentary other than the codewords/names/etc… we just want to help each other in a positive way. let’s keep it that way and you are welcome to participate!
and Happy Thanksgiving to all!
remember this is going on… daily entries allowed:
96.5 Fernanda Rickets of Del Mar
@ronzilla Thanks for your apology to the group, especially to @aztec4life. I have faith that the future here with everyone will continue to be successful, supportive, and smooth with everyone winning as long as we all follow the recently posted rules. It’s good to have you back and hope you and everyone here have a Happy Thanksgiving as well, and yes, let’s win big!
I wholeheartedly accept your apology @Ronzilla. Yes, it was hurtful, but it was an opportunity for all us of here to learn a few things. We shouldn’t rely on one person to post everything, and we shouldn’t rush to post something immediately without checking to see if it was already posted. And most importantly, this is not a race nor a competition. Yes, the stations give us 10 minutes to call, but a few seconds delay here and there won’t hurt. I think if we all wait about 10-15 seconds, check, and then post, we could also avoid the double/triple posts. Respectfullness is key! We are a group of fellow San Diegans trying to have some fun and win a few prizes! I love to see somebody from our small group winning, it’s as if it were my own win (well, almost
). And by the way, @ronzilla and others, I am a guy; text doesn’t always make that clear!
Happy Thanksgiving-eve to everyone!
100.7 name: Shelley Cameron of Oceanside
Codeword: cake
On another note: has anyone won the Z90 “Know the phrase” cash? Or know anyone who has? I’m a little suspicious since I don’t usually hear the winner announcement on air. I check the word of the day anyway, just in case.
Kyxy Disneyland: Sue Wagner Carlsbad
96.5 name: Sue Wagner of Carlsbad
@ronzilla thank you and happy Thanksgiving!
CBS is owned by KFMB too so enter wisely
Kyxy Disneyland: Elise Broder El Cajon. ???
KYXY - Elias Broder of El Cajon
I just missed 949—you have KYXY …I have 98.1 for TAD working …Will post on 98.1 First!–WAIT 2:10 was COLORS!!
@ronzilla sounds good. I’ll have the 4p 100.7 ready.
Sunny 98.1 TAD winner: Ron Galvez
@amberlynn 100% Ditto El Cajon don’t matter much, but there it is! --YES the RON part had me Going!!
TAD winner is from El Cajon, if it helps!
@aztec4life I think it was You and Me on that 98.1–for SeaWorld I got in 5 Times, LOL it went So Slow!!
@aztec4life That will Work…Then I just do their FB page!
Just in Case—I’ve been out a Lot running around and wasn’t able to see IF Dave Mason gave a Time for Michael Buble’ But 3:30 to 4:45 is a Usual time for them on 98.1
Same, been doing Thanksgiving prep stuff, so the radio has been playing through my phone most of the time. I didn’t hear Dave mention it, but he might have. You’re probably right about the Sea World. I got #10 almost as the song was ending.
@monkeydoug Best to you, as well! I agree, I should Not have Been Here that day. Like most Anything else, If it gets to be pressure>>Take a Break. I am reversing the posts that I do in 2 places–THERE First, then come here. That will give time for it to be Posted and More time for everyone to pay attention for whatever is Coming up!! I Have Been winning 1 and 2 times a Day…But it all was LESS after how I acted…a few minutes of Anger, Destroyed Over a Week of Peace of Mind!! NOT WORTH IT!!
@monkeydoug I have these on my FB page…and More. I enter them all in a Row…plus a Bunch of I-Heart ones!
@amberlynn Best to You on these Holidays and Everyday!! God Bless!
@aztec4life I only know of One Person that hit it 2 Years ago. I gave up on that one!
@aztec4life Thank You and, Yes making a Rush out of Things Does Not Help a Thing. A Double Post is no Big Deal, one may contain something the Other Doesn’t…such as the Town or perhaps am error in one of the Names. I Know that has happened to me…I hear something again on the Stream and it may Change What I Was or Did Post!
MAGIC 92.5 // Win DISNEYLAND passes! Listen 4-5PM for “Snoop Dogg - Whats My Name?”. Caller 9 to (619) 570-1925 wins!
@aztec4life IMy Last 2 Were 6 & 8 then, “we just got our winner”
100.7 KFM-BFM:
Listen on Thanksgiving day until Sunday, November 25 for the text to win code word at 9AM, 11AM, 2PM and 4PM. When you hear the code word text it to (888) 570-1007for your chance to win a family four pack of one-day one-park tickets to the Disneyland® Resort.
KFM-BFM Cash $500
Charlene/Sharlene Donlan from R Penasquitos
Text: Press
KYXY: Kelley Urbina from Escondido
Alt949 WORD for NSSN Tickets is >>>>Sleep
@aztec4life I don’t know if Korlina (KR Urbina) Uses 2 names OR if Kelly’s 's Related. Esc. Fits too. I messaged KR, just in case!–she responded>>KR Urbina Ronxx Xxxxxx she’s not related 😢
Yayayyy! My persistence paid off! I won Michael Bublé tickets from Sunny 98.1! I was frantically calling and had been listening for the chance all day! Woop Woop! Thanks to all for providing info on when and where to listen!
@amberlynn congrats!!
@amberlynn Meant to be!! I heard it, but didn’t even try–I’ve had a great run and I’m so Glad Amber took it. She wanted them More than Anyone!! yes, it was Meant to Be!! Happy the info was useful!
KYXY - Rod Chaney of Vista
@amberlynn I thought it might have been you… I was caller #3, and then it rang again and he picked up and said the winner was Amber from Mission Valley … congrats!!!
61749 TIGER
the Roll continues>>2 days in a row Disney 4pk from 949–Alyssa was Ecstatic–We were Cracking up!! She was looking at my file, "Didn’t you just win, Twice Friday, for Billie Eilish Studio & sold out Soma show, then Monday SeaWorld, then Yesterday from me and just Now for Disney?? I told her, "There was another SeaWorld 4-PK, KSON (Sunday…last one 5:20pm) and and another Pair of Not So Silent Night from Alexia --She’s practically screaming into the phone>>“Man, That’s like Everyday!!” …I said, “Yes, including the Mike Pinto//Belly UP from Carlos Culture (Bob Radio-949HD-2) it’s 8 in six days!” …Alyssa, " Dude, you’re a ******* Winning Machine!! She Cracks me Up!!..Just now, another SeaWorld 4-Pk from Alexia (949) @ 9:20pm …9 in 6 …that string of 8s & 7s are now hitting the mark! -----Still, the BEST WINS in that time—KR Urbina $1250 (100.7) , Aztec’s last 2 Wins and that “Meant to Be” Michael Buble’ for AmberLynn<< DESTINY…I Put both arms in the Air And CHEERED!! Not trying on that, was the right thing to do–“Just leave it alone” was my thought when it went off…a Natural Win that was simply Destined to be!! Quite a few times, I have missed, then hear the Winner & their story, and Realize–it went to the right person <<<<I’ve called back in, just to tell them that!! A Great win that was simply meant to be! Winning is great!! But, sometimes missing can be just as Great!