San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 1000 Club

    ALT949: Coco

    ALT949: Coco

  • 10K Club Banned

    949–XXXXXXXXXX CXXX XXXXXXX MISSING 91X FOR WHAT??? Whoopie COCO --Trying to dial and POST??

    949–XXXXXXXXXX CXXX XXXXXXX MISSING 91X FOR WHAT??? Whoopie COCO --Trying to dial and POST??

  • 10K Club Banned

    WANT TO post!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    WANT TO post!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • If you hear your name called (same first and last name) but different city, I would recommend that you still call in and verify it is not you. My name was called for something but the city did not match. I called the radio station anyways. They were able to verify it was me by my DOB and declared me the winner…so don’t miss out like I almost did!

    If you hear your name called (same first and last name) but different city, I would recommend that you still call in and verify it is not you. My name was called for something but the city did not match. I called the radio station anyways. They were able to verify it was me by my DOB and declared me the winner…so don’t miss out like I almost did!

  • 10K Club Banned

    @cmariyaa AGREED!! People make Too Big a Deal if the Town is Missing!! NAME is 10000 times more important!! Town//City a “Nice Extra” but not much importance—I Wouldn’t let the Town stop me–ANYTHING Close…I’m Dialing…They Mispronounce ALL THE TIME-------Dorothy Tran gave 2 Different Names TWICE in 2 Days!! I had to call her and she did them Over!! I won on DoNNIE Silver …Misread—.Not ME but it WAS!! Can’t tell one letter from another??–I’m not losing because people Can’t Read!! Won an I-Pad

    @cmariyaa AGREED!! People make Too Big a Deal if the Town is Missing!! NAME is 10000 times more important!! Town//City a “Nice Extra” but not much importance—I Wouldn’t let the Town stop me–ANYTHING Close…I’m Dialing…They Mispronounce ALL THE TIME-------Dorothy Tran gave 2 Different Names TWICE in 2 Days!! I had to call her and she did them Over!! I won on DoNNIE Silver …Misread—.Not ME but it WAS!! Can’t tell one letter from another??–I’m not losing because people Can’t Read!! Won an I-Pad

  • 10K Club Banned

    @dstall63 …I get It!! >>SOUR TONE WAS Because It was NOT A MATCH!! But HE STILL Should have Described it COMPLETELY! "Las Vegas Driveaway …is the Same as This??>>>16. Our Kind of Vegas package that includes two tickets to see Lady Antebellum<<THAT IS NO DUD>> Described as “the Las Vegas Driveaway” THAT is what I have in Square 11 NOW HAS LADY “A” <<A Name they go by

    @dstall63 …I get It!! >>SOUR TONE WAS Because It was NOT A MATCH!! But HE STILL Should have Described it COMPLETELY! "Las Vegas Driveaway …is the Same as This??>>>16. Our Kind of Vegas package that includes two tickets to see Lady Antebellum<<THAT IS NO DUD>> Described as “the Las Vegas Driveaway” THAT is what I have in Square 11 NOW HAS LADY “A” <<A Name they go by

  • 1000 Club

    Did KSON go early? I’ve been listening since 7:37 and still nothing, now they’re playing a song.

    Did KSON go early? I’ve been listening since 7:37 and still nothing, now they’re playing a song.

  • 500 Club

    @aztec4life same… i turned it on at 7:35 and nothing… they played a ‘promo’ but not the actual cue to call…

    @aztec4life same… i turned it on at 7:35 and nothing… they played a ‘promo’ but not the actual cue to call…

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON------#13 California Adventure #29 Carrie Underwood<<<<YES!! this was a Mismatch and the Wah-Wah Tone Played!

    KSON------#13 California Adventure #29 Carrie Underwood<<<<YES!! this was a Mismatch and the Wah-Wah Tone Played!

  • 500 Club


    They called it at 7:30


    They called it at 7:30

  • 500 Club

    @ecbud well that’s rude 😜

    @ecbud well that’s rude 😜

  • 10K Club Banned

    91X ----Band----DCFC Death Cab

    91X ----Band----DCFC Death Cab

  • 10K Club Banned

    @ecbud They gave the Call Early and Played it Late------I tuned in early, luckily or I would have thought they Forgot

    @ecbud They gave the Call Early and Played it Late------I tuned in early, luckily or I would have thought they Forgot

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    That was Exiting!! Hard enough even getting IN 0n KYXY…I had both lines ringing!! After about a minute on each…they Clicked and stopped. Not too long ago, just about Every Station would inform you what caller you are, even the first three----and you’d have a chance at getting back in. NOW the average station Does Not do this! I think they are trying to discourage “Regular Winners” That “Win too Much” from knowing where they are in the sequence and getting back in!! I call Back in, until I Ringout Twice or am Told the Winner is IN!! over the past few years, I’ve been told by certain DJs, "Oh, you’re one of “THEM” OR “You win Way too much” Like I’m Cheating, or Something!! GENE NIGHT Is one of the Rarities—He tells All the Callers Number!! Most people think the dead line means it’s Over—NO Keep on Dialing. 105.3//94.1//Z-90 does that all the Time!! I have clicked out 2 or 3 times, only to hit #9 or #15 for the WIN. My 3rd time in (today), I got, "Thanks for listening, we just got our Winner!! CLOSE!!

    That was Exiting!! Hard enough even getting IN 0n KYXY…I had both lines ringing!! After about a minute on each…they Clicked and stopped. Not too long ago, just about Every Station would inform you what caller you are, even the first three----and you’d have a chance at getting back in. NOW the average station Does Not do this! I think they are trying to discourage “Regular Winners” That “Win too Much” from knowing where they are in the sequence and getting back in!! I call Back in, until I Ringout Twice or am Told the Winner is IN!! over the past few years, I’ve been told by certain DJs, "Oh, you’re one of “THEM” OR “You win Way too much” Like I’m Cheating, or Something!! GENE NIGHT Is one of the Rarities—He tells All the Callers Number!! Most people think the dead line means it’s Over—NO Keep on Dialing. 105.3//94.1//Z-90 does that all the Time!! I have clicked out 2 or 3 times, only to hit #9 or #15 for the WIN. My 3rd time in (today), I got, "Thanks for listening, we just got our Winner!! CLOSE!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    I have the Radio Schedules in my head–BUT>>>>I’m having this Feeling I’m forgetting something–Thank God KSON went back to their Old 40 after…their switching temporarily to 10 after just Blocked too much…mostly their own “Sister Stations”!! (I figured out what I’m missing!—94.1)–OOOPS! Sounds like KSON the Other Day, when their Contest took the Day Off!! RADIOTHON for Charity They are almost NEVER THIS LATE!! No Call-In!! I forget who it was, but anothet station was the Same on Monday—We May lose some Contest Days to seasonal Radiothons!

    I have the Radio Schedules in my head–BUT>>>>I’m having this Feeling I’m forgetting something–Thank God KSON went back to their Old 40 after…their switching temporarily to 10 after just Blocked too much…mostly their own “Sister Stations”!! (I figured out what I’m missing!—94.1)–OOOPS! Sounds like KSON the Other Day, when their Contest took the Day Off!! RADIOTHON for Charity They are almost NEVER THIS LATE!! No Call-In!! I forget who it was, but anothet station was the Same on Monday—We May lose some Contest Days to seasonal Radiothons!

  • 10K Club Banned

    getting Later and Later-----KSON #24 STAGECOACH GUITAR #33 LADY A----#11 and 33 are no “DUD” as they made it sound!! I’d take it!!

    getting Later and Later-----KSON #24 STAGECOACH GUITAR #33 LADY A----#11 and 33 are no “DUD” as they made it sound!! I’d take it!!

  • 500 Club

    I believe 33 & 11 are a match

    I believe 33 & 11 are a match

  • 10K Club Banned

    @ecbud YES!! I was busy editing!! LOL must suick when the 1st one has no match already up!! BUT that is how it is played, at this point—go for the top 10 and hope you hit one on the 1st pick!

    @ecbud YES!! I was busy editing!! LOL must suick when the 1st one has no match already up!! BUT that is how it is played, at this point—go for the top 10 and hope you hit one on the 1st pick!

  • 10K Club Banned

    100.7—MELODY BUSCA//BUSKA C V oops! forgot to copy for FB pg!! LOL Also forgot the Txt word!!

    100.7—MELODY BUSCA//BUSKA C V oops! forgot to copy for FB pg!! LOL Also forgot the Txt word!!

  • 1000 Club

    KFM-BFM Cash
    Melody Buska from CV
    Text: Tape

    KFM-BFM Cash
    Melody Buska from CV
    Text: Tape

  • 10K Club Banned

    @aztec4life I used your Post for the 100.7FB one in all 3 places----since it was complete and mine has “holes” in it!! I had forgot everything when I got to their FB pg.!! PLUS–I just Noticed…My MELODY was Misspelled!! (Melady–WHAT!!) “A” --not even close to the “O”!!

    @aztec4life I used your Post for the 100.7FB one in all 3 places----since it was complete and mine has “holes” in it!! I had forgot everything when I got to their FB pg.!! PLUS–I just Noticed…My MELODY was Misspelled!! (Melady–WHAT!!) “A” --not even close to the “O”!!

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 1000 Club

    KYXY: Jasmine Morris from Mira Mesa

    KYXY: Jasmine Morris from Mira Mesa

  • 500 Club

    No winner! I think it’s $1250 @11

    No winner! I think it’s $1250 @11

  • 10K Club Banned

    91X NOW …Missing Dialing JUST TO POST!! I Hate 9 O’Clock Hour!! I Missing 949 …don’t even remember the word anymore…glad I posted it! <<ALL it does is Make Me Miss!!! I AM SKIPPING KSON!! Impossible to get in ON a Regular Day!! I’m doing ENTRIES<<Isn’t that the point of posting the Word??

    91X NOW …Missing Dialing JUST TO POST!! I Hate 9 O’Clock Hour!! I Missing 949 …don’t even remember the word anymore…glad I posted it! <<ALL it does is Make Me Miss!!! I AM SKIPPING KSON!! Impossible to get in ON a Regular Day!! I’m doing ENTRIES<<Isn’t that the point of posting the Word??

  • 500 Club

    Kson 8 & 9 Disneyland

    Kson 8 & 9 Disneyland

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON Disney 4 Pack was Right Next DOOR!! in #8 she picked #9 1st–back to entries!!

    KSON Disney 4 Pack was Right Next DOOR!! in #8 she picked #9 1st–back to entries!!

  • 1000 Club

    I’m wondering why they have a separate Disney CA adventure tickets, they’re literally the same when you buy them at the gates!

    I’m wondering why they have a separate Disney CA adventure tickets, they’re literally the same when you buy them at the gates!

  • KSON #8 & #9 Disneyland Tickets

    KSON #8 & #9 Disneyland Tickets

  • 10K Club Banned

    @aztec4life Exactly…Like having Separate ZOO or Wild Animal Park…they are Good For BOTH!! BUT it Does FILL SQUARES!! Probably Why---- Those may Not go right away…but Still a $500+ Prize–Better than Some!!

    @aztec4life Exactly…Like having Separate ZOO or Wild Animal Park…they are Good For BOTH!! BUT it Does FILL SQUARES!! Probably Why---- Those may Not go right away…but Still a $500+ Prize–Better than Some!!

  • @aztec4life It’s because they are not park-hopper tickets…the tickets are only good for the designated park. The park-hopper tickets are more expensive and would be valued more since you get the best of both parks.

    @aztec4life It’s because they are not park-hopper tickets…the tickets are only good for the designated park. The park-hopper tickets are more expensive and would be valued more since you get the best of both parks.

  • 10K Club Banned

    @cmariyaa YES, Agreed!! But we Meant–When you pick them up, they have Good for Either Park on the Back–SAME TICKET works for Both Parks…but Ya Gotta Pick one to go to!!

    @cmariyaa YES, Agreed!! But we Meant–When you pick them up, they have Good for Either Park on the Back–SAME TICKET works for Both Parks…but Ya Gotta Pick one to go to!!

  • 10K Club Banned



  • 10K Club Banned

    Anyone get 949—I forgot to have it Streaming While having KYXY Live!! Not a Big Deal—ONE Person per day is Not as Good as 96.5’s NINE times a Day, anyway!!

    Anyone get 949—I forgot to have it Streaming While having KYXY Live!! Not a Big Deal—ONE Person per day is Not as Good as 96.5’s NINE times a Day, anyway!!

  • 1000 Club

    @ronzilla I barely missed 949 on the stream 😬 🆘

    @ronzilla I barely missed 949 on the stream 😬 🆘

  • 10K Club Banned

    @aztec4life …Me Too I got it on the end —Stream was SLOW initializing ! Not a Big Deal—ONE Person per day is Not as Good as 96.5’s NINE times a Day, anyway!! I was Surprised to see No Kyxy up—But That is How I am doing it, now-----FB pg in 3 spots then just Check here—IF empty, I’ll post it I Could always call Alyssa …but NO

    @aztec4life …Me Too I got it on the end —Stream was SLOW initializing ! Not a Big Deal—ONE Person per day is Not as Good as 96.5’s NINE times a Day, anyway!! I was Surprised to see No Kyxy up—But That is How I am doing it, now-----FB pg in 3 spots then just Check here—IF empty, I’ll post it I Could always call Alyssa …but NO

  • 500 Club

    61749 text Ride

    61749 text Ride

  • 1000 Club

    KFM-BFM Cash $1,250
    Ed Aguirre from Ramona
    Text: Water

    Getting two bounce backs, one for the cash and one for Disney

    KFM-BFM Cash $1,250
    Ed Aguirre from Ramona
    Text: Water

    Getting two bounce backs, one for the cash and one for Disney

  • 500 Club

    So did I. I have had multiples before.

    So did I. I have had multiples before.

  • 10K Club Banned

    @ecbud Thanks, but I was out in the Yard, taking a Break with the Dogs!! I’m sure Others took note and Used it!! I’m sure it won’t get Missed again, this Hour!!

    @ecbud Thanks, but I was out in the Yard, taking a Break with the Dogs!! I’m sure Others took note and Used it!! I’m sure it won’t get Missed again, this Hour!!

  • 10K Club Banned

    @ronzilla I gotta get over to KYXY FB and then Back for that “Slippery” 949—Not getting away from us again LOL --LIVE and STREAMING

    @ronzilla I gotta get over to KYXY FB and then Back for that “Slippery” 949—Not getting away from us again LOL --LIVE and STREAMING

  • 10K Club Banned

    949—US NO IT’S frontier!! Why did Alyssa say. I want you to Text US …threw me Off! FRONTIER not US

    949—US NO IT’S frontier!! Why did Alyssa say. I want you to Text US …threw me Off! FRONTIER not US

  • 500 Club

    61749 text frontier

    61749 text frontier

  • 500 Club



  • 10K Club Banned

    KYXY was KIMBERLY KUNKEL E CSORRY Seenya It was Not there And I posted it 3 minutes ago on KYXY FB Pg. BEFORE the 949 Word! *****Good Coverage—not missed is the Main Thing Didn’t notice the ??—100% correct KUNKLE >>>OR we Both heard it wrong–HaHaHa!

    KYXY was KIMBERLY KUNKEL E CSORRY Seenya It was Not there And I posted it 3 minutes ago on KYXY FB Pg. BEFORE the 949 Word! *****Good Coverage—not missed is the Main Thing Didn’t notice the ??—100% correct KUNKLE >>>OR we Both heard it wrong–HaHaHa!

  • 10K Club Banned

    Just in Case----a Gap in Entries!! >>>>105.7>>Holiday Hangover tickets pt.1! The first night begins Friday December 21st at the House of Blues. On that first night we’ve got a Depache Mode tribute by StrangeLove, and we encourage everyone to wear their ugliest sweaters! Listen in at 8:40 am, 11:40 am, and 4:40pm

    Just in Case----a Gap in Entries!! >>>>105.7>>Holiday Hangover tickets pt.1! The first night begins Friday December 21st at the House of Blues. On that first night we’ve got a Depache Mode tribute by StrangeLove, and we encourage everyone to wear their ugliest sweaters! Listen in at 8:40 am, 11:40 am, and 4:40pm

  • 10K Club Banned

    KSON FB >>>ANGEL CASH First it was ANGEL then ANGELA!! Calling Them!! SHE SAID BOTH—she told me My Bad!! Probably Redo it if there’s time!! IT’s ANGEL She didn’t realize it until I told her & She looked at it Again CLOSE Enough Angel might Call in Anyway!! IT was SAID!! I Told Amber, "What’s the Worst that can Happen, Angel calls & Wins or Angela Calls in and says she thought she heard her name----Just like a Normal Day!! NEITHER CALLED!! She’s one of the DJs that still .likes me…recognizes me Cheerfully! She likes it when I tell her “I Still listen Everyday!” I just leave out the 4-5 minutes at a Time!

    KSON FB >>>ANGEL CASH First it was ANGEL then ANGELA!! Calling Them!! SHE SAID BOTH—she told me My Bad!! Probably Redo it if there’s time!! IT’s ANGEL She didn’t realize it until I told her & She looked at it Again CLOSE Enough Angel might Call in Anyway!! IT was SAID!! I Told Amber, "What’s the Worst that can Happen, Angel calls & Wins or Angela Calls in and says she thought she heard her name----Just like a Normal Day!! NEITHER CALLED!! She’s one of the DJs that still .likes me…recognizes me Cheerfully! She likes it when I tell her “I Still listen Everyday!” I just leave out the 4-5 minutes at a Time!

  • 10K Club Banned

    98.1—FB PEGGY WHITE I think I gotta Log-out & back in–Refresh is not giving me the “Welcome Back”, just bounces the Pg. in case I’m posting a bunch of stuff already posted! There it IS!! WELCOME sans le Bounce

    98.1—FB PEGGY WHITE I think I gotta Log-out & back in–Refresh is not giving me the “Welcome Back”, just bounces the Pg. in case I’m posting a bunch of stuff already posted! There it IS!! WELCOME sans le Bounce


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